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Learn about poetry stanza, meter, and rhyme, including the different types of rhymes, rhyme schemes, and various forms of poetry such as ballads, odes, epics, haikus, limericks, and sonnets.
Stanza • A group of lines whose metrical and rhyming pattern is repeated throughout the poem.
Meter: • a rhythm of accented and unaccented syllables which are organized into patterns, called feet. • meter is a recurring pattern of stressed (accented, or long) and unstressed (unaccented, or short) syllables in lines of a set length.
Meter: • Each pair of unstressed and stressed syllables makes up a unit called a foot. The line contains five feet in all, as shown next: • The unstressed syllables are in blue and the stressed syllables in red. • ShallIcomPAREtheeTOaSUMmer’sDAY?
Rhyme • The use of words whose final vowel syllables make the same sound. By placing these words at the end of each line the poet creates a desired cadence to the poem. • Example: How do you know where an elephant will go?
Types of rhyme: • End rhyme: rhymes at the ends of lines • Internal rhyme: rhymes within the lines • Approximate or slant or near rhyme: rhymes involving sounds that are similar but not exactly the same: sight/dive • Eye or visual rhyme: rhymes involving words that are spelled similarly but pronounced differently: tough/cough
Rhyme Scheme • the pattern in which the rhymed line endings are arranged in a poem or stanza. This may be expressed as a sequence of recurrences in which each line ending on the same rhyme is given the same alphabetic symbol: thus the rhyme scheme of a limerick is given the notation: aabba
Example of Rhyme Scheme • A flea and a fly in a flue- a • Were caught, so what could they do?- a • Said the fly, "Let us flee.“- b • "Let us fly," said the flea.- b • So they flew through a flaw in the flue.- a
Ballad • A song or songlike poem that tells a story. They are usually about tragedy, love or adventure. They usually have a specific regular rhythm and rhyme patterns.
Ode: • usually a lyric poem of moderate length, with a serious subject.
Lyric poems • A poem that expresses the feelings or thoughts of a speaker rather than telling a story. They are short and show strong emotions usually using first-person. • In classical Greece, the lyric was a poem written to be sung, accompanied by a lyre.
Epics • A long and highly stylized narrative poem celebrating the heroic achievements of its hero who represents the values of his community and sometimes takes on super abilities. In many epics, the hero makes a journey to the Underworld. • Example: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey are usually regarded as the first important epic poems and are considered to define the form.
Haiku • a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 syllables in three metrical phrases with the number of syllables of 5 (first line), 7 (second line), and 5 (third or last line), and typically containing or seasonal reference.
Limericks • A limerick must be funny! • A limerick must tell a story (although it will be quite short!) • A limerick must have 5 lines. • A limerick must have a rhyme scheme of aabba.
Limerick: rhyme scheme • A limerick has a specific rhythm. The a-lines should have 5 feet, while the b-lines have only 3 feet. • A flea and a fly in a flue- a • Were caught, so what could they do?- a • Said the fly, "Let us flee.“- b • "Let us fly," said the flea.- b • So they flew through a flaw in the flue.- a
English Sonnet: Shakespeare • A 14-line poem. • English sonnet: has three 4-line units with a couplet (2 consecutive lines of poetry). • The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, in which the last two lines are a rhyming couplet.
Italian Sonnet • Italian sonnet: poses a question in the first 8 lines and responds in the last 6 lines • The first eight lines create an octave, with the rhyme scheme a b b a a b b a. The last six lines make up a sestet and may consist of following rhyme schemes: 1) c d d c d d 2) c d e d c c 3) c d c d c d.