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Child Abuse and Neglect: Understanding, Preventing, and Advocating

Learn about various forms of child abuse, effects, and the crucial need for advocacy. Understand causes, effects on development, and how to identify and prevent abuse. Recognize the long-lasting impact on a child's brain development and overall well-being.

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Child Abuse and Neglect: Understanding, Preventing, and Advocating

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  2. PENDERAAN DAN PENGANIAYAAN • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US: Child maltreatment refers to any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child. • Most occurs in a child's home. • Different jurisdictions have different definitions of what constitutes child abuse – for the purpose of removing a child from the abuser and criminal prosecution.

  3. PENGANIAYAAN DAN PENGABAIAN • WHO (1999): All forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or other exploitations resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of realtionship of responsibility, trust or power. • Abuse of power and transgression of trust. • Neglect: the failure of responsible adult to adequately provide for various needs including physical, emotional or educational – Pardeck (1989), Haskett and Kistner (1991).

  4. PENDERAAN FIZIKAL • Kekerasan fizikal yang dilakukan oleh orang dewasa terhadap kanak-kanak. • Contoh: pukul, bakar, cekik, goncang. • The distinction between child discipline and abuse is often poorly defined – cultural factor. • Corporal punishment is illegal in 24 countries around the world.

  5. PENDERAAN SEKSUAL • Penggunaan kanak-kanak oleh orang dewasa atau remaja sebagai tempat pelampias atau rangsangan seksual. • Eg: asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities (regardless of the outcome), indecent exposure of genitals to a child, displaying pornography to a child, actual sexual contact, using a child to produce child pornography. • In the USA, approx. 15%-29% of women and 5%-15% of men were sexually abused when they were children (Whealin, 2007).

  6. Sambungan • Whealin, 2007: Most offenders are acquainted with their victims. Approx. 30% are relatives. Most often fathers, brothers, uncles or cousin. • Around 60% are other acquaintances: friends, babysitters, neighbours. • 10% strangers.

  7. PENDERAAN EMOSIONAL • Hardest to identify. • Eg: name-calling, ridicule, degradation, destruction of personal belongings, torture, destruction of pet, excessive criticism, inappropriate or excessive demands, withholding communication, routine labeling or humiliation.

  8. PUNCA • Memahami punca amat penting (crucial) untuk menangani masalah ini. Punca paling biasa: • Pengalaman didera. • Penyalahgunaan bahan (arak, dadah dll) berlebihan. • Masalah rumahtangga. • Kejatuhan ekonomi: CBS News (2009) melapurkan peningkatan penderaan kanak-kanak di US. • Ciri-ciri anak. • Masalah psikologi ibu, bapa atau penjaga. • Isolasi sosial.

  9. Causes • Family problems • Over expectation from parents • Unintended pregnancies • Substance abuse • Unemployment • Financial difficulties • Anger and frustration • An intolerable sense of physical or emotional inadequacy


  11. KESAN • Pengabaian, penderaan fizikal, psikologikal/emosional dan seksual memberi kesan jangka panjang kepada perkembangan kanak-kanak. • Kesan: peningkatan dalam kecelaruan psikiatrik / disorganized attachment, peningkatan kadar penyalahgunaan bahan dan kesukaran menjalin perhubungan yang serius. • Masalah kesihatan fizikal: sakit di bahagian abdomen, kepala dan pelvis yang kronik, sakit otot tanpa sebab yang boleh dikenalpasti.

  12. Sambungan • Terdapat perkaitan yang jelas di antara penderaan dan pengabaian dengan kecelaruan psikologi, emosi, tingkah laku dan hubungan interpersonal. • Penderaan dan pengabaian mempunyai impak terhadap perkembangan otak. • Daniel Siegel (1999), membuktikan terdapat hubungan di antara pengalaman interpersonal dengan perkembangan neurobiologikal.

  13. Sambungan • Otak kanan dan kiri kanak-kanak yang didera dan diabaikan tidak berintegrasi dengan baik sebagaimana otak kanak-kanak yang tiada pengalaman tersebut. • Kanak-kanak menggunakan keadaan pemikiran ibu bapa (parent’s state of mind) untuk mengawal proses mental mereka. • Ibu bapa yang responsif dan sensitif membantu kanak-kanak membina keupayaan mengawal emosi, membentuk personaliti dan perapatan.

  14. Sambungan • The effects of early maltreatment on a child’s development are profound and long lasting. It is the impact of maltreatment on a child’s developing brain that causes effects seen in a wide variety domains including social psychological and cognitive development. • Early maltreatment causes deficits in the development of specific region of the brain- the toxic effects of stress hormones on the developing brain.

  15. Sambungan • Kajian oleh Adverse Childhood Experiances, US: terdapat perkaitan di antara pendedahan terhadap penderaan atau pengabaian dengan kadar tinggi keadaan kronik semasa adewasa, risiko tinggi kesihatan dan memendekkan jangka hayat. • Kesan penderaan fizikal: retak tulang terutamanya di rusuk, risiko tinggi mendapat kanser.

  16. TREATMENT • Physcial abuse: Abuse-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. Target: externalizing bahaviours and strengthens prososial behaviour. Include offending parents in treatment – to improve parenting skill/practices. • Child-parent psychoteraphy: to improve the child-parent relationship following the experience of domestic violence. Target: trauma-related symptoms in infants, toddlers and preschoolers – posttraumatic stress disorder, aggression, defiance, anxiety.

  17. Sambungan • Others: group therapy, play therapy art therapy. • Kaedah rawatan yang effektif memerlukan pengubahsuaian hubungan emosi (affectively attuned relationship). Kaedah ini boleh dicapai melalui proses advokasi. • Dalam perhubungan teraputik, mangsa akan melakukan refleksi terhadap pengalaman traumatik secara terkawal dan akan membantunya meningkatkan kapasiti toleransi – integrasi antara otak kiri dan otak kanan.

  18. Sambungan • Children who have been sexually abused are at significant risk of developing anxiety disorders (2X the average), major depressive disorders (3.4X average), alcohol abuse (2.5X average, drug abuse (3.8X average) and antisocial behaviour (4.3X average) – MacMillan, H.L., et. al. (2001).

  19. DILEMA ETIKA • Hak keibubapaan ibu bapa atau penjaga yang mendera terhadap anak-anak mereka. Isu legal dan moral dalam kes Andrew Bedner (2008) di New Hampshire, US.

  20. LANGKAH PENTING DALAM ADVOKASI KANAK-KANAK • Percaya • Bertenang dan sabar • Tegas • Membimbing • Sokongan • Laporkan kepada autoriti

  21. Prevention

  22. The Child Witness Act 2007 • As the victim of the abuse may later on required to give evidence in the court of law, being a child, it is expected that a normal proceeding could not be applied to them (There a special way of obtaining and allowing them to give evidence )

  23. In Malaysia, the Evidence of the Child Witness Act was passed in 2007 with the objective to reduce the trauma experienced by child witnesses in court appearances. • The Act provides for a child witness to give evidence in the courtroom but shielded by a screen between him and the accused person or a child charged with the offence or by the live link or by video recording. • Video recording • Live Links or closed-circuit television • Screening • Accompany adult • Formal court attire may be dispensed with

  24. DISADVANTAGES • Parents do not want to report the abuse of their children because they fear of being caught and indicted on negligence (Kecuaian ). * This make the perpetrators continue to reign and child become victims. 2. Lack of monitoring by authorities. *Lack of staff to monitor.


  26. A national 24-hour hotline service for children under 18 years who are in need of protection, support, care and information. • A hotline service that is meant for the public to make a report regarding activities that denies a child’s rights such as abuse, child labor and such.

  27. UNICEF

  28. Yayasan Nur Salam

  29. Malaysian Association of Social Workers

  30. Women’s Centre for Change (Penang)


  32. CASE 1 • Ira beating, kicking, pinching, and throwing objects at the defenseless 8 month old baby.  • The local Malaysian police have taken action against the woman and it is said that the woman was charged and jailed for 18 months.

  33. CASE 2 • A little three year old girl, who died due to abuse by her mother’s boyfriend at home. • The accused brought her to the hospital claiming that child was dead unluckily for being involved in a road accident.

  34. CASE 3 • A man so greedy abused a child by pick up the victim, kicking, beating with spoon and forced the child kneel with his hands up in a house. • The 32-year-old accused was arrested at 8 pm Saturday at his home where the flogging incident happened and he is stepfather to the child. • Detained and investigated under Sec. 31 (1) (a) of the Child Act 2001.

  35. CONCLUSION • Child abuse cause children rights to be taken away, and they also lose the opportunity to live healthy, and happily. • Has serious impact on the child's physical and mental health. • Government agencies, NGOs, and the society should unite to ensure the well-being of our children.

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