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An application for a job is accompanied with a resume. This is a document that presents all the information about your qualifications, abilities, skills and personal traits in a proper format, such that the reader gets all the required information about you. The main purpose of your curriculum vitae (CV) is to answer the employer's queries related to the vacant job position. It is thus used for a formal and professional communication. This makes it very important that you have a professional resume. Your CV or resume is your first impression on the prospective employer. It will represent your professional attitude, and not make you look very casual.
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES ENERGIZE JOB SEARCH WITH PROFESSIONAL RESUME WRITING https://goo.gl/zxiPWP 1. HOW TO CREATE A PROFESSIONAL RESUME An application for a job is accompanied with a resume. This is a document that presents all the information about your qualifications, abilities, skills and personal traits in a proper format, such that the reader gets all the required information about you. The main purpose of your curriculum vitae (CV) is to answer the employer's queries related to the vacant job position. It is thus used for a formal and professional communication. This makes it very important that you have a professional resume. Your CV or resume is your first impression on the prospective employer. It will represent your professional attitude, and not make you look very casual. Some resumes do not have a standard format throughout. The fonts, spacing, tabs, bullets, etc. keep varying throughout the resume. The quality of paper on which the resume is printed also matters a lot, when it comes to giving a professional look to your resume. The page borders, page background, etc. need to be thought over well before drafting a resume on it. It is very important to give your resume a professional look. Your resume should present you in such a way that you stand out among others, and make the reader believe that it is beneficial for him/her to choose you over others. The instructions given below will help you draft a professional resume. Page 1
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES 2.HOW TO DRAFT A PROFESSIONAL RESUME? Resume Basics: The resume should be divided in various sections to present all the information systematically. Before choosing the style of a resume, and writing a resume, one must know some basics that are a must for a professional look of the resume. The resume should never be handwritten. Use Times New Roman, Verdana, or Arial font, and the font size should be 12. Do not vary the font size and font in your resume. Instead of changing the size of the font for headings, it is advisable to mention the headings in 'bold'. This will maintain the standard font size throughout. Never use, Italics, fancy fonts and fancy page borders in your resume. Never use any color, watermark or background color for your resume. It should be on a plain white background, and the font color should be black. While taking a hardcopy of your resume, always take a print on a good quality paper. Never take photocopies of your resume, which gives it a very blurred and dull look. The above mentioned points are basics for any resume. These should never be overlooked or else a 'professional looking resume' will be a myth. After this, comes resume writing. The style of the resume depends completely upon the candidate's information to be included in it. A fresher and a candidate with work experience will definitely have different styles of resumes. There are basically three styles of resumes. Chronological Resume: This is a resume, which lists all the qualification and professional details in a chronological order. It is more like a list of all that one has done and achieved in life. This style of resume has very less scope for the reader to interpret and understand the applicant, because it is merely a list of information. Page 2
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES Functional Resume: This kind of resume gives the applicant a chance to be descriptive, and speak about his/her qualifications, achievements, experience, etc. The drawback of this style is that it becomes too descriptive, and might make your resume look like a thesis. Hybrid Resume: This style of resume is the most preferred. It takes the strong points from chronological as well as the functional resume. It presents all the information in chronological order, and also provides scope to be descriptive, where necessary. This makes it very impressive as the reader gets all the information in a proper order, and also gets a chance to judge you. Content of the resume: After choosing the resume style, the next step is presenting all the necessary content in your resume. Heading: The heading of the resume should include your name and contact details. You can keep it aligned to the left or center of the page. Objective: The resume objective should be written carefully, and should be such that it clearly presents your career goals. Academic Details in chronological order beginning with the recent. Details of Professional experience. Achievements: Academic as well as professional Personal Details Declaration and Sign These contents presented using the 'resume basics' tips given above, in the right style, will help you prepare a professional resume. You can take reference from many professional resume templates and resume samples, to get a clearer idea on this. Page 3
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES REGISTER NOW TO CREATE HIGH QUALITY RESUMES FOR FREE USING EXISTING RESUME TEMPLATES. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW 3. 7 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER RESUME TIPS THAT COULD SHORTEN YOUR JOB SEARCH There are tons of resumes for computer programmers. Questions about the computer programmer resume are some of the most frequent that I receive. We all know that top programmers are in high demand. But the competition can be fierce and each posted position receives hundreds of resumes. Most resumes received are quickly discarded. I know. I do it every day. However, a great programming resume will yield unending calls from both employers and recruiters. Is yours generating these types of calls? Follow these proven tips to help get your resume in shape. 1. Show a Skills Summary Any IT type of resume needs to focus on specific technology experience. Why? Because recruiters, employers, resume reviewers, and application tracking systems all search resumes for keywords relevant to specific job postings. As you a programmer, I am sure you can imagine an algorithm designed to score your resume against the job posting based on similarity with keywords/skills in the posting. The reason you need a skills summary on your resume is to ensure you get all of those technologies and key words listed so you can score higher on these reviews. You must make it easy for a resume reviewer to find your experience with specific skills on your resume. To do this, always include a Technical Skills section. You can take several approaches for your technical skills summary. The most common is to show a bulleted list, a short table, or even a short paragraph listing your technology skill set. Some list skills on their resume organized by technical area, such as database, programming languages, networking tools, etc. Keep the list of Page 4
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES skills brief and high level as an overview of your skills. You don't typically need to specify versions in the skill listing. Remember, the primary purpose of the technical skills list is to make your skills easy to find. You give the resume reviewer a way to quickly see an overview of skills listed on your computer programmer resume, such as programming languages, databases, testing tools, etc. Let me share with you a tip related to your technical skills summary based on my review of resumes over the years. After I check the list of skills, my next step is to look further in the resume to identify the specific jobs where that skill was used and determine how much experience a candidate has with the skill. The point is that listing the skill is simply not enough. Truthfully, I've found that most candidates never mention the technical skill anywhere else other than in the skill listing. In these cases, I will assume they really don't have experience with that skill and are just listing it to catch my eye. Therefore, follow through and ensure that the skills you list are also spelled out in your job experience write-ups. Never assume that a resume reviewer will know that you did x, y, or z. More often than not, they do not make those assumptions or they could even be non-technical staff who are just following a checklist to screen the resumes. So, remember, that if an employer lists a technical skill on the IT job posting or ad, make sure it is on your resume in both your technical skills list and experience write-up. 2. Use Key Words Computer programmers understand logic and algorithms. Use this to your advantage by applying this approach to your resume. The prescreening process is very methodical. In many cases, these screens are done using logic in software applications especially if you apply online. Additional screenings may be completed by human resources or other non-technical personnel who do not always understand the technologies required for the position for which you are applying but are merely using a checklist for resume screening. Hopefully you are beginning to see why it is so important to use key words on your resume. Let me clarify that, it is so important to use the RIGHT key words on your resume. Nearly all initial resume screenings are done using a checklist of items that must appear in order to advance to the next level, regardless of whether it is screened by computer or staff. If you don't have the correct ratio of keywords on your resume for the position, you don't make the cut. So why do so many experienced candidates for computer programmer jobs not make sure that the correct Page 5
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES keywords are on their resume for each individual position for which they apply? It's usually a combination of attention to detail and desire to respond quickly. As I mentioned earlier, do not assume that a resume reviewer will be familiar with various terms and concepts that could substitute for the ones in the position announcement. That may or may not be true. Best advice is to use the potential employer's terminology from the job posting since that is most likely what reviewers will be looking for. Again, do not assume that the initial reviewers are familiar with the technology involved with the position. They may not be. Be very clear that you meet all of their requirements by ensuring that your technical skills summary, experience summary, and experience details all generously use the correct keywords for the position you are seeking. 3. Provide an Experience Summary If the reviewer of your resume determines you have experience with the required technologies, the next thing they will attempt to do if to figure out how much experience you have with the specific required technical skills. Your job is to make this process easy for the reviewer, which will then improve your odds for passing the complete resume screening and get an interview. Remember that, in general, resume reviewers do not dedicate much time to each individual resume. If it is too much work for a reviewer to verify your experience against the job requirements, they will most likely move on to the next candidate. Do not put an Objective section on your resume. Why would you? What value does it add? Space on your resume is limited and is better used to provide a one paragraph (2-3 sentences) summary of your qualifications for the specific position. This summary should include years of experience, types of experience, and highlight the most important technologies related to the position. This section is used to make the resume reviewer's screening process easier and improve your chances of passing the initial screening. Use it wisely and tailor it for each position. Finally, make sure each job history write-up in your experience history (your job summaries) includes these details as well. When I get into a detailed resume review, one of the first things I do is map the summary to the details. I try to determine where and when you had the required experience for the computer programmer job. If I can't find it called out in the details, I will assume you don't Page 6
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES have that experience, regardless of what your summary says. It is very important that you to pay attention to these details because, as a reviewer, I most certainly do. The job summaries are the key to getting past the initial resume screening. Take time to make sure the details line up with what you said in your experience summary and technical skills list. 4. List any Professional Certifications Different employers place different emphasis on professional certifications. Many employers find these certifications very important, often even requiring them for certain positions. But there are also other employers who might prefer candidates with certifications, but do not require them. Still others do not pay attention to certifications at all. Since you have no idea what the company or reviewer believes about certifications, you should always list them if you have them. Professional certifications from major vendors and professional associations typically carry the most weight and are well worth the investment of time and cost. They are definitely good things to have and can often give you an edge over other similar candidates being considered. In the computer programming area, certifications from Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and the like are definitely in demand. Highly sought after certifications from professional associations include A+, Network+, and Security + from Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA); Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) from International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)²; and Project Management Professional (PMP) from Project Management Institute. If you don't have certifications, why not begin training for the one most applicable to you? These can ease a career transition proving your knowledge in new areas where you may not have as much work experience. There are many great online or in-person training programs to prepare you for the certification exams. 5. Show any Training and Education List any degrees you hold since most employers want to see these. If you have work towards a degree, but are still pursuing or have never finished but you may someday, list it as in progress. You also want to provide a short listing of relevant technology training courses you have taken. Many candidates forget to list these items out. They can help Page 7
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES further demonstrate your expertise and exposure to different technologies, especially for a less experienced candidate. I suggest putting Training last on your resume, just below Education. As an added bonus, listing these technology skill trainings helps add more key words to your resume and improve your results on resume screenings. 6. Use Action Verbs Choose your verbs carefully. So many resumes are uninteresting due to poor verb choices. There are definitely skills to great writing, and using the right words to convey action and engage the resume reviewer is one of those skills. Ensure that your sentences are worded to show that you actually did something. It sounds silly, but consider the following two sentences: This approach was an improvement over the previous standard operating procedures. This approach improved the standard operating procedures. Note that both sentences convey the same meaning. However, the second sentence is more active. That is, the subject of the second sentence (this approach) actually did the action (performed). In the first sentence, the subject is the same (this approach), however the verb (was) does not convey direct action. Try your best to make your sentence convey action by using action verbs. If you are struggling in this area, you may wish to consider working with a professional resume writer for help. 7. Write About Your Results, Not Responsibilities Don't let your resume make the mistake of focusing on your previous jobs' responsibilities. Your resume should focus on the computer programming work that you did and what you achieved. As a hint, avoid using the word responsibility or responsibilities on your resume so you don't fall into this trap. In writing about each of your previous jobs, discuss your results. Tell about what results were realized because of the work you performed. Be quantitative. Reviewers love to see numbers and results. Tell about how many desktops or users you supported, recount how many databases you administered, show a percentage of application or network uptime you maintained, provide a percent Page 8
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES reduction of security incidents you achieved, etc. Get the idea? This is where you impress your reviewer. One of the current trends in job candidate evaluation is behavioral with the idea being that your past performance is the best indicator of your future performance. So, toot your horn a little and make your accomplishments known. Quantifying your experience is usually the most difficult part of preparing a resume for any person. So take some time, think it through, and detail the results you achieved in each of your positions relevant to the one for which you are applying. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.HOW TO BUILD A RESUME - THE BIGGEST LIST OF 37 FAQS ABOUT AWARD-WINNING RESUMES 1. What is A Resume? A resume is a presentation of your qualifications for employer. It lets your employer know what type of job you are seeking and highlights your education, experience, skills and other relevant information. A resume (or CV - Curriculum Vitae) only may be the tips to potential employer for determination whether or not you will be interviewed. 2. Does a resume always need to be only one page? Resume (CV) length should not exceed 2 sides of A4. How much of those two sides you fill depends on how much you have done. 3. Should the education section always be near the top? If you have recently completed formal education your academic achievements will form a major part of your qualifications, and it is recommended to place these near the top of your resume. Page 9
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES 4. Is an objective always necessary? No, it is not crucial. But however an employer will be impressed if you have a focused idea of where you want your career to be heading. 5. What if I haven't done very much to fill up my resume? This does not matter. If build a resume is a problem - use sensible formatting and fonts so that you comfortably fill one side of A4. 6. Do hobbies and personal interests need to be shown? It is not imperative but it can provide an employer with an insight into your personality. 7. Must references be included? One note that 'References available on request' will be sufficient. 8. What should be on my resume? Contact details, Date of birth and nationality, an introduction, employment history, academic qualifications, hobbies and interests are enough for resume building. 9. What shouldn't I put on my resume? Religion, references, sexuality, why you left your previous jobs, all your school grades, a photo, lies should not be included into resume. 10. Do I have to include all of my exam results? No, just the most recent. 11. In what order do I list information? Contact details at the top, a brief introduction, employment history, education, interests hobbies. Follow these simple instructions: Page 10
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES The heading is first. The objective is second. All other headings are listed as they relate to your job objective. Build a resume that highlight your objective and enhances you as a candidate for the job you are seeking. 12. What sort of paper should I print it on? The best quality that you can get your hands on, but don't get paper that is too thick ;-). 13. In what text format should I save my resume so that it can be e-mailed? Employer unequivocally can read your resume in *.txt attachment. However this format does not allow you to include attractive formatting. The MS Word document or PDF will probably be suitable. If you want to be certain you could paste a txt version of your resume into the body of the e-mail and attach a Word or PDF version. 14. How can I ensure that my resume will be read? Resumes (CVs) usually aren't read at first. They are scanned (look at the questions #21, #22). So, how to build a resume to be easily scanned: Present information in concise, compact statements. Leave irrelevant, unnecessary or inappropriate information off your resume. Organise your information so that the reader doesn't have to hunt for your skills. 15. Do I need more than one resume? Construct a 'core resume (CV)' using the 'How to build a killer resume' guide then configure that to the recipient each time you send it out. Page 11
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES 16. How far back should I go with the information I put on my resume? Ten years is usually required. However, there are certain situations in which experience from more than ten years ago may be advantageous to show on your resume. 17. What are some common components of a resume? They are: Identification: Your name, address, and home and/or message phone number with area code, and e-mail address should be placed at the top of the resume. Objective: Describe your career or professional objective. Be specific and include what you want to do for the employer - not what you want the employer to do for you. Summary: Used by the candidate with experience; briefly state your achievements, the range of your experience and the environment(s) in which you have worked. Employment: Describe your job history in reverse chronological order - most History recent first. Education: Build your resume with list of educational experience, most recent first. Skills: Include into your resume (Curriculum Vitae, CV) foreign language fluency, knowledge of computers including specific hardware, software, operating systems and anything else that may be relevant. Community: Create a resume with information about any volunteer efforts, including name of organization, dates and a brief description of your activities and experiences. References: List professional references on a separate page. You may want to state that references are "available upon request" (you can see question #7). 18. How long is the standard resume? Page 12
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES See question #2. The general tips of resume building are to use enough space to provide all info and to write only relevant information about yourself. 19. What resume style is preferred by employers? There are three resume building styles: Chronological, Functional, and Combination. Chronological resumes present your work history and experience most recent first. Functional resumes focus on the skills and abilities that have been acquired and can be applied to new career opportunities. Combination resumes combine elements of both the chronological and functional formats. 20. Are All Resumes Alike? I wrote above there are three basic types of resumes. The format you select should be the one you believe will best allow you to target your education, experience, and skills towards your career objectives. 21. What is a Scannable Resume? A scannable resume is one that may be "read" by a computer equipped with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) hardware and software. They scans your resume and puts data into a database. The software then creates a summary of your resume and ranks it among other qualified candidates for the position. This process, sometimes called electronic applicant tracking, is gathering popularity among medium- to large-sized companies as an initial employment screening device. 22. Why are the Employers Using Scannable Resumes? Scannable resumes have advantages for employers: Employers can simply search through their database and identify names with the specific experience, skills, and qualifications. Human Resource departments can be much smaller because this technology speeds up the entire hiring process. 23. What is an Online Resume? Page 13
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES An online resume is a plain text document (*.txt) which can be cut-and-pasted into online forms. It can be used by resume builder because ASCII files are recognized by PC's, Macintoshes, UNIX Workstations, and mainframe terminals. 24. Why do I need an Online Resume? You can build a resume in online version and to send it to companies who are soliciting resumes via e-mail. Frequently the companies who are calling for resumes want them in the form of a plain text document sent in the body of an e- mail message - NOT PDF, NOT MS WORD. 25. Can't I just send my resume as an email attachment? Sending any attachments through email can be tricky, and the last thing you want to do is make a potential employer work to read your resume. There are many types of computer systems, increasing the risk that the program that you create your resume in will not be compatible to the computer of the receiver, making it impossible for them to open up the attachment. The online resume solves that problem as you import it directly into the text body of the email message. Its simple, plain text look is easy for employers to read through email. 26. What is a Functional Resume? The Functional Resume is a resume in which the resume builder organized information by skill sets. These resumes design focus on individuals whose education and experiences do not obviously match their career objective. 27. Who Should Use a Functional Resume? Functional Resumes can be used for people who have a History or Psychology degree. In these cases it may be easier for the student to highlight their Communication, Computer Skills, Leadership, Research, Administration, and Management. A functional resume allows such people to feature their volunteer and other non-paid experiences. It also includes individuals who have multi-track job histories, or work history gaps. 28. What are the Benefits of Using a Functional Resume? Functional Resumes are beneficial in these ways: Page 14
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES Utilizes volunteer, unpaid and non-work experiences. Demonstrates precisely the skills that the employer wants. Eliminates work history that does not support your current objective. Directs the emloyer to what you want them to notice. 29. What is a reference? A reference is someone who knows you well and can builds talk about your job related qualifications with a potential employer. Many employers will want a list of your references, including addresses and phone numbers. 30. How many references do I need? You will need at least three to five references as a recent college graduate. It is also a good idea to tailor your references to the job for which you are applying. 31. Who do I ask to be my reference? Someone who knows you well through a job, class or organization. Find someone who can make a positive statement about your skills, work habits, and other qualifications. There are three main kinds of references: Professional References are the best help, it can provide the potential employer with specific work habits and abilities. Academic References can also assist you in finding a job in your chosen field, for example a professor in your major can attest to your knowledge base and study habits. Personal References are usually not recommended unless the potential employer specifically asks for them. Generally, personal references get the least amount of attention from employers. 32. What Is A Cover Letter? A cover letter is an accompanying letter that serves as the introduction to your resume. No resume should be sent without one. The cover letter is created separately and individually for each position for which you express an interest. 33. What Is The Purpose Of The Cover Letter? Page 15
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself to an organization, demonstrate your interest in the company or a specific vacancy, draw attention to your resume and motivate the reader to interview you. A cover letter tells a potential employer that you are available, qualified, and interested in employment. Cover letters personalize your resume by briefly highlighting your strengths as they relate to the position sought. 34. How Should Cover Letters Be Organized? The cover letter typically consists of three parts: Introduction, Body, and Closing. Within these three parts you must get the following three points across: Why you are specifically interested in the organization? Why they should be particularly interested in you? When and how you will contact them to follow up on your letter and schedule an appointment. 35. Should cover letters be personalized to match each job opportunity? Yes, certainly! The cover letter is your chance to personalize the resume to highlight your strengths as they relate to the needs of an employer. Often this means simply changing the address, salutation and opening paragraph to specify the employer. The manual of resume building recommends to personalize the cover letter in any manner that you can because such cover letters assist in grabbing the attention of an employer. 36. Should a cover letter always be included with a resume or application? YES, Of course! Cover letters clarify what are you seeking and highlight your strengths to an employer's needs. 37. Where Can I Learn More About Resume Writing? Available steps are: Look at the sample resume handouts, and the many resume-related resources in the Career Discovery Center. Request Career Services to present a Resume Writing Workshop to your club or organization. Page 16
ONLINE RESUME BUILDER WITH 118 RESUME TEMPLATES Schedule a Resume Review with a Career Associate. Make an appointment to discuss your resume with a member of the Career Services staff. Look for additional FAQ pages, including Action Verbs to Enhance Your Resume. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED RESOURCES Online Resume Builder With 118 Resume Templates The Diy Guide To Writing A Killer Resume The Concise Resume & Cover Letter Guide Online Resume Builder With 118 Resume Templates New - Amazing Resumes A+ Principals Interview Edge How To Create A Professional Resume 7 Computer Programmer Resume Tips That Could Shorten Your Job Search How To Build A Resume - The Biggest List Of 37 Faqs About Award-Winning Resumes Page 17