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Short Course on Meteorological Applications of Aircraft Weather Data Introduction and Brief History. January 14, 2007 David Helms david.helms@noaa.gov NOAA/NWS Office of Science and Technology. Background Data Collection Attributes Future Enhancements.
Short Course on • Meteorological Applications of • Aircraft Weather Data • Introduction and Brief History January 14, 2007 David Helmsdavid.helms@noaa.gov NOAA/NWS Office of Science and Technology
Background • Data Collection Attributes • Future Enhancements
What is AMDAR? • Aircraft Meteorological DAat and Reporting (AMDAR): • An international effort within the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to coordinate the collection o f environmental observations from commercial aircraft • U.S. AMDAR - Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting System (MDCRS): • A private/public partnership facilitating the collection of atmospheric measurements from commercial aircraft to improve aviation safety
CONUS: 150,000 Observations per Day What is U.S. AMDAR? • Participants: • American, Delta, FedEx, Northwest, Southwest, United, UPS • NOAA and FAA U.S. AMDAR Program has been collecting wind and temperature observations from commercial aircraft since the early 1980’s with dramatic increases after 1991.
Balloon Climb Rate: ~1.0kft/min AMDAR Data Collection:Comparison to Radiosonde Avg Wind: 60 Kts +50min 50 Kft Ascent Descent +40min 40 +30min 30 -28min +22min +20min 20 +10min -20min +10min 10 +5min -10min Aircraft Climb Rate: ~1.5kft/min Aircraft Descent Rate: ~1.0kft/min 125 100 75 50 25 50 75 100 125 25 Distance (NM) Distance (NM) Aircraft Speed 600 mph 600 mph 290 mph
Temperature Observation Counts North American Domain (20-70 North, 60-140 West) January 2006 2500 Aircraft Obs vs. 200 Radiosonde Obs per Layer Count by Pressure Layer (mb) Avg # Reports per 6hr Cycle (+/- 3 hr window) per Layer
Wind Observation Counts North American Domain (20-70 North, 60-140 West) January 2006 2500 Aircraft Obs vs. 200 Radiosonde Obs per Layer Count by Pressure Layer (mb) Max Count = VAD Winds Avg # Reports per 6hr Cycle (+/- 3 hr window) per Layer
Relative Humidity Observation Counts North American Domain (20-70 North, 60-140 West) January 2006 300 Aircraft Obs vs. 170 Radiosonde Obs per Layer Count by Pressure Layer (mb) Avg # Reports per 6hr Cycle (+/- 3 hr window) per Layer
AMDAR Data Collection:Spatial Coverage Most Observations Above 25K ft Most Ascents/Descents In the Midwest and East and West Coasts MDCRS Data: Surface to 15K ft MDCRS Data: 15Kft to 40K ft
AMDAR Data Collection:Temporal Coverage Weekly Data Availability Varies by 40% Daily Data Availability Varies by 60%
AMDAR Data Collection: Sometimes too much data?? Average Daily MDCRS Aircraft Soundings(Ascents and Descents) 43 5 7 1 24 1 3 151 5 3 54 SFO: 78OAK: 39SMF: 10MHR: 7SJC: 7FAT: 1142 5 13 9 2 5 1 10 18 131 135 JFK: 64EWR: 39LGA: 32135 13 157 26 15 5 15 13 17 13 20 142 1 53 5 100 17 31 13 9 4 6 8 18 64 2 LAX:120SAN: 24ONT: 23BUR: 3170 9 9 7 2 5 170 208 1 7 3 10 88 22 DAL: 31DFW: 23AFW: 1064 1 2 64 4 1 3 2 8 14 2 7 35 1 6 7 9 7 2 22 96 Numbers indicate average number of ascent/descent soundings per day during the week of April 10, 2005
AMDAR Data Collection: Not Currently Dynamically Scalable Day 1 Outlook: Probability of Damaging Winds
AMDAR Future: Building on our Success Adding Water Vapor to Data Collection: • Water Vapor Sensor System (WVSS II) • 25 sensors installed on UPS B-757 • Assessment commenced March 2005 • TAMDAR: • 60 sensors installed on Mesaba Saab 340 Aircraft • Assessment commenced December 2004
AMDAR Links: AMDAR Flyer http://www.wmo.ch/web/aom/amprog/Publications/Final%20Production%20AMDAR%20Flyer.pdf U.S. AMDAR Page http://amdar.noaa.gov/ Automated Meteorological Reports from Commercial Aircraft by Bill Moninger, Rich Mamrosh, and Pat Pauley (2003). Published in the February, 2003 issue of the Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 84, 203-216.http://amdar.noaa.gov/docs/bams/ Optimization Requirements Document for the Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting System / Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay System, 2006, submitted to NOAA by ARINC. http://amdar.noaa.gov/docs/ARINC_Optimization_%20Req_March2006.pdf
Comments??? David Helms301-713-3557 x193 david.helms@noaa.gov NOAA/NWS Office of Science and Technology
Regional Jet Growth From FAA Registrations, 1995-2004
RJs: An Untapped Resource May 2003 RJ Airframes