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Middle East Trivia: Geography, Islam, Culture, History

Test your knowledge of the Middle East with questions on geography, Islam, culture, and history. Learn interesting facts about the birthplace of mankind, ancient civilizations, important figures, and more!

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Middle East Trivia: Geography, Islam, Culture, History

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  1. Jeopardy Middle East Culture Middle East Geography Islam Middle East History I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Final Jeopardy

  2. $200 Question from Middle East Geography… Mesopotamia, what is today modern day Iraq, is considered to be the birthplace of mankind. It sits between these two rivers.

  3. $200 Answer from Middle East Geography… Tigris and Euphrates

  4. $400 Question from Middle East Geography… This is the common thread that holds the Middle East together.

  5. $400 Answer from Middle East Geography… Islam


  7. DAI LY DOUBLE!!!$600 Question from Middle East Geography… This canal is set up in Egypt and is one of the most used canals in the world.

  8. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$600 Answer from Middle East Geography… Suez Canal

  9. $800 Question from Middle East Geography… This sea’s oversaturation of salt water allows no sea creature to live there. This phenomenon inspired its name.

  10. $800 Answer from Middle East Geography… The Dead Sea

  11. $1000 Question from Middle East Geography… This country has been at the top of the news cycle recently after the latest discovery that the government has been using chemical weapons on its own people.

  12. $1000 Answer from Middle East Geography… Syria

  13. $200 Question from Islam… Both Jews and Muslims can trace their lineage back to this man. He was the father of two sons.

  14. $200 Answer from Islam… Abraham

  15. $400 Question from Islam… Name Abraham’s two sons and the people that belongs to each.

  16. $400 Answer from Islam… Issac: Jews Ishmael: Muslims

  17. $600 Question from Islam… This the practice and example of the Prophet Muhammad.

  18. $600 Answer from Islam… Sunnah

  19. $800 Question from Islam… In order to become a Muslim, one must declare a belief in this. It includes the belief in one God and the Quran as his Holy Word.

  20. $800 Answer from I Have Rights… The Articles of Faith


  22. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$1000 Question from Islam… There are Five Pillars of the Islamic faith. All are obligatory, except this fifth and final pillar. Name it.

  23. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$1000 Answer from Islam… The Pilgrimage (Hajj)

  24. $200 Question from Middle East Culture… This trait is vital in Middle Eastern Culture. It shows equal treatment and respect to all vistors in a Middle Eastern Home.

  25. $200 Answer from Middle East Culture… Hospitality

  26. $400 Question from Middle East Culture… The public display of affection in Middle Eastern countries is considered what.

  27. $400 Answer from Middle East Culture... It is considered Offensive

  28. $600 Question from Middle East Culture... Women in this North African country are granted not only the freedom to gain higher education, but are given leadership roles. I wonder if any work at the pyramids.

  29. $600 Answer from Middle East Culture... Egypt

  30. $800 Question from Middle East Culture... The tenet of prayer is evident in Middle Eastern countries, at times it brings all traffic and way of life to a halt. How many times do devout Muslim followers pray every day?

  31. $800 Answer from Middle East Culture... 5

  32. $1000 Question from Middle East Culture... Other than Mecca, what is the name of the other Holy City the all Middle Eastern countries acknowledge.

  33. $1000 Answer from Middle East Culture... Jerusalem

  34. $200 Question from Middle East History He commissioned the Crusades to gain back Jerusalem from the Muslims

  35. $200 Answer from Middle East History The Pope

  36. $400 Question from Middle East History The crusaders fought and defended a small strip of land, which later became known as Israel, that followed along this sea.

  37. $400 Answer from Middle East History The Mediterranean.

  38. $600 Question from Middle East History How many years did the Prophet Muhammad receive revelations from God?

  39. $600 Answer from Middle East History 23 years

  40. $800 Question from Middle East History He was the Archangel that revealed God’s word to Muhammad.

  41. $800 Answer from Middle East History Gabriel

  42. $1000 Question from Middle East History Devout Muslim followers believe that the Quran can only be written in this language.

  43. $1000 Answer from Middle East History Arabic

  44. $200 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That... Name the Middle Eastern Country that holds the biggest oil reserve in the world. It is a very closed off country.

  45. $200 Answer from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That... Saudi Arabia

  46. $400 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That... This river, found in Egypt, is the biggest river in the world. 96% of the Egyptian population lives alongside it.

  47. $400 Answer from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That... The Nile River

  48. $600 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That... This country, which used to be led by Sadaam Hussein, got an unfair wrap after 9/11. Though they had nothing to do with the attack, by the end of 2005 over 50% of Americans believed that they were directly involved in attacking the World Trade Centers.

  49. $600 Answer from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That... Iraq

  50. $800 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That... What country in the Middle East is considered to be the birthplace of Islam. It contains the holy city of Mecca.

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