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States of Matter and Phase Changes

Test your knowledge of properties and changes of matter with this Jeopardy-style game. Explore concepts like solids, liquids, gases, heating curves, phase changes, and more. Engage in a fun and educational challenge!

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States of Matter and Phase Changes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

  2. Solid, Liquid, Gas Properties-100 • The least dense • What is gas?

  3. Solid, Liquid, Gas Properties-200 • Takes the volume of its container. • What is gas?

  4. Solid, Liquid, Gas Properties-300 • Particles are vibrating or oscillating. • What is solid?

  5. Solid, Liquid, Gas Properties-400 • Molecules are fast moving, chaotic. • What is gas?

  6. Solid, Liquid, Gas Properties-500 • These two states take the shape of their container. • What are gas and liquid?

  7. Phase Changes-100 • Changing from a solid to a liquid. • What is melting?

  8. Phase Changes-200 • Changing from a liquid to a gas. • What is evaporating?

  9. Phase Changes-300 • Changing from liquid to solid • What is freezing?

  10. Phase Changes-400 • Changing from solid to gas • What is sublimation?

  11. Phase Changes-500 • Changing from gas to solid • What is deposition?

  12. Heating Curve-100 • The phase or change occurring from B to C. • What is melting?

  13. Heating Curve-200 • The phase or change occurring from E to F. • What is gas?

  14. Heating Curve-300 • The phase or change occurring from C to D. • What is liquid?

  15. Heating Curve-400 • The phase or change occurring from A to B. • What is solid?

  16. Heating Curve-500 • The phase or change occurring from E to D? • What is condensing?

  17. Changes-100 • Chemical or physical-boiling water. • What is physical?

  18. Changes-200 • Chemical or physical-forming a precipitate • What is chemical?

  19. Changes-300 • Chemical or physical: cooking scrambled eggs • What is chemical?

  20. Changes-400 • Chemical or physical: Baking soda dissolving in water • What is physical?

  21. Changes-500 • List two types of observations/evidence of a chemical change. • What is formation of a gas, energy change (heat or light), precipitate, color change?

  22. Miscellaneous-100 • The state of matter has slow moving particles that slide past one another. • What is a liquid?

  23. Miscellaneous-200 • The term for changing from gas to liquid • What is condensation?

  24. Miscellaneous-300 • A substance is placed in a container. Its volume stays the same, but it shape changes. • What is a liquid?

  25. Miscellaneous-400 • This law tells us that the mass before and after a reaction are the same. • What is the Law of Conservation of Mass?

  26. Miscellaneous-500 • How do I know if something is an atom, ion, or isotope? • What is an ion has different number of electrons because it has a charge, isotopes have a different number of neutrons because they have a different mass, atoms have the same as what’s on the periodic table?

  27. Final Jeopardy

  28. Final Jeopardy

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