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Ctet child development and pedagogy previous paper 1

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Ctet child development and pedagogy previous paper 1

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  1. Ctet Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Paper1 Q1: When a child ‘fails’, itmeans the child has not memorized the answersproperly the child should have taken private tuition the system hasfailed the child is not fit forstudies Q2: Navodaya Schools have been established to increase number of school in ruralareas provide good education in ruralareas complete ‘Sarva ShikshaAbhiyan’ check wastage of education in ruralareas Q3: The emphasis from teaching to learning can be shiftedby adopting child-centredpedagogy encouraging rotelearning adopting frontalteaching focusing on examinationresults Q4: InclusiveEducation celebrates diversity in theclassroom encourages strict admissionprocedures includes indoctrination offacts includes teachers from marginalizedgroups Q5: Which of the following is an objective question? Short answerquestion Open endedquestion True orFalse Essay typequestion Q6: Which of the following is a feature of progressive education? Instruction based solely on prescribedtext-books Emphasis on scoring good marks inexaminations Frequent tests andexaminations Flexible time-table and seatingarrangement A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  2. Q7: A child has been admitted to your school who belongs to a back ward family/background from the cultural viewpoint. Youwill Keep him in a class in which, there are many more students of backward background from the culturalviewpoint Send a teacher to know more about the backward cultural background of thechild Keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs inview Advise him to take up vocationaleducation Q8: Critical pedagogy firmly believes that the learners need not reasonindependently what children learn out of school isirrelevant the experiences and perceptions of learners areimportant the teacher should always lead the classroominstruction Q9: A teacher, after preparing a question paper, checks whether the questions test specific testing objectives. He is concerned primarily about the questionpaper’s contentcoverage typology ofquestions (c )reliability (d)validity Q10: School-based assessment is primarily based on the principlethat teachers know their learners’ capabilities better than externalexaminers students should at all costs get highgrades schools are more efficient than external bodies ofexamination assessment should be veryeconomical Q11: Learners display individual differences. So a teachershould provide a variety of learningexperiences enforce strictdiscipline increase number oftests insist on uniform pace oflearning Q12: Which of the following is a principle ofdevelopment? It does not proceed at the same pace for all Development is alwayslinear A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  3. It is a discontinuousprocess All processes of development are notinter-connected Q13: Human development is divided into domains suchas physical, cognitive, emotional and social emotional, cognitive, spiritual andsocial-psychological psychological, cognitive, emotional andphysical physical, spiritual, cognitive andsocial Q14: A teacher uses a text and some pictures of fruits and vegetables and holds adiscussion Classical conditioning oflearning Theory ofreinforcement Operant conditioning oflearning Construction ofknowledge Q15: A child starts to cry when his grandmother takes him from his mother’s lap. Thechild Socialanxiety Emotionalanxiety Strangeranxiety Separationanxiety Answerkey 1: (c) the system hasfailed 2: (b) provide good education in rural areas 3: (a) adopting child-centredpedagogy 4: (a) celebrates diversity in theclassroom [Note: Inclusive education brings all students together in one classroom, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area. Its objective is to maximize the potential of allstudents.] 5: (c) True orFalse [Note: Objective questions are to the point questions with clarity] 6: (c) Frequent tests andexaminations [Note: Progressive Learning put emphasis on learning by doing, problem solving and critical thinking] 7: (c) Keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs inview 8: (c) the experiences and perceptions of learners areimportant [Note: Critical pedagogy is a teaching approach which attempts to help students questionand A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  4. challenge domination, and the beliefs and practices that dominate them. Loosely based on Marxist theory.] 9: (a) contentcoverage 10: (a) teachers know their learners’ capabilities better than external examiners 11: (a) provide a variety of learningexperiences 12: (a) It does not proceed at the same pace forall 13: (c) psychological, cognitive, emotional and physical 14: (d) Construction ofknowledge 15: (d) Separationanxiety A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

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