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Ctet Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Paper -ctet coaching in delhi, ctetcoachingindelhi.in
Ctet Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Paper12 PRACTICE PAPER -12 1. A teacher notes poor attendance in class on Fridays, the day weekly tests are given. The teachershould Call the parents of theabsentees Schedule tests throughout theweek(answer) Donothing Tell the pupils that missing two tests will result in a failingmark 2. The purpose of new education policyis- to provide equal opportunity of education toall to improve the whole education system(answer) to link the education with employment to delink the degree witheducation 3. When 4-year-old Andy hears a concerto on the radio, he begins to move his hands up and down in a motion that resembles a person playing the piano. Andy’s behaviour exemplifiesPiaget’s Sensorimotorstage. Preoperational stage.(answer) Concrete thinkingstage. Formal operationalstage. 4. Creative writing should be an activity plannedfor Only those children reading on grade level Only those children who can spell and also, can write cohesivesentences Only those children who want to write for the newspaper of theclass All children(answer) 5. When the majority of pupils in a science class is well below grade level in reading, the teacher should Read to the class from the textbook Plan many hands-on activities(answer) Show manyfilmstrips Prepare many dittoed sheets for the pupils touse 6. There is tension among villagers and you are teacher there. What will you do? A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
You will inform “GramPradhan” You will try to pacify them(answer) You will report topolice You will keep distance fromthem 7. Career education shouldbegin In kindergarten(answer) In the third or fourthgrades When the child enters junior high school In high school economicsclasses 8. Concrete operations allow the childto Mentally construct hypotheses andtheories. Imagine the necessary steps in solving aproblem. Coordinate several characteristics rather than focus on a single property of anobject.(answer) Imagine and analyze the thoughts of others compared to the thoughts of him/herself. 9. What will you do in leisure time in school ? Youwill- take rest in teacher’sroom read magazines inlibrary talk to clerks inoffice check home work of students(answer) 10. Of the following, the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to improve class discipline isto Note specific infractions of class rules in the markingbook Evaluate his/her materials, methods and approaches to children(answer) Consult the class and agree upon a graduated series ofpunishments Call a parent – teacher meeting to discuss thesituation 11. To be successful with an overactive child, the teachershould Give the child extra written work so he/she will have a reason for remaining in his/herseat Allow the child to leave his/her seat whenever he/she becomesrestless Provide the child with purposeful activities that legitimize the need formovement(answer) Isolate the child from theclass A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
12. …………………… refers to all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, andcommunicating. Sensation Perception Conception Cognition(answer) 13. The formal operational thinkeris More tied to reality than the preoperational or concrete operational child who uses a sort of pseudo-logic. Exceptionally insightful about the practical aspects oflife. Demanding of a literally true answer to mostproblems. Capable of abstraction.(answer) 14. Piaget’s theory has been criticized on the basisthat The concepts are not veryinteresting. Children do not seem to behave the way he described.(answer) The idea of development following a series of stages has not been well supported by the evidence. Assimilation and accommodation do not work the way hedescribed. 15. The question “Will the shy child who never speaks turn into a quiet, shy adult or will the child become a sociable, talkative person?” is concerned with which developmentalissue? Maturation Continuity anddiscontinuity Cultural universals versus culturalrelativism Nature and nurture(answer) 16. Theapproach deals with how individuals analyze their manysources of information and the numerous steps used to make sense of thisinformation. Criticalthinking Information processing(answer) Cognitivemonitoring Decisional 17. You show a seven-year-old a grocery shopping list of 10 items and ask him to rememberthem A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
when you go to the supermarket. You indicate that he can do this better if he organizes them into categories such as fruits, dairy products, and frozen foods. You are teaching the child to improve his memoryvia Organization.(answer) Attention. Short-term memoryrehearsal. Salience. 18. What is most important for a teacher? to maintain discipline inclass to be punctual inclass to remove difficulties of students (answer) to be goodorator 19. Of the following statements above slow learners and bright children, the correct one isthat Bright children are likely to have a higher incidence of emotionalproblems Slow learners are likely to have greater manualdexterity Slow learners are likely to be physicallystronger Both groups strive for success in school(answer) 20. “I am primarily interested in thinking processes; I amapsychologist.” Cognitive(answer) Learning Perception Personality 21. According to John Watson, introspectionwas A valid method ofresearch. Unscientific.(answer) The cornerstone ofbehaviorism. The study of the mind inuse. 22. In Piaget’s theory, the sensorimotor stage marks the periodfrom- 1 year to 3years 2 years to 4years (3) Birth to 2 years(answer) A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
(4) Birth to 4years 23. The best procedure for a teacher to adopt with a pupil who frequently stammers in class isto (1) Afford the child ample opportunity to recite to the class (2) Ignore thechild Suggest that the parents seek professional help(answer) Suggest that the parents apply of homeinstruction 24. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is represented by which of thefollowing? The Gestalt psychologists.(answer) Thebehaviorists. Thestructuralists. Thefunctionalists. 25. Family is a meansof- Informal education(answer) Formaleducation Non-formaleducation Distanceeducation 26. The teacher introduces a problem-solving lesson with a good motivation and then asks for proposed solutions. No suggestions are forthcoming. The teacher is best advisedto Repeat the motivation until childrenrespond Tell the student to read theirtext Show an interestingfilmstrip Stimulate pupil thought by advancing a few personal proposals(answer) 27. The term cognition refersto Predicting thefuture. Analysis andsynthesis. Thinking or knowing.(answer) Introspection. 28. A child from a disorganized home will experience the greatest difficultywith: Well-structuredlessons Independent study(answer) Programmedinstruction A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
(4)Workbooks 29. Individual differences within a class are best handledby Coaching slow children afterschool Giving the bright students free readingtime Peertutoring Organizing groups for specific purposes(answer) 30. Which of the following best describes Maslow’s concept ofselfactualization? The need to protect one’s self-image throughself-deception The need to feel a part of a higher spiritualorder The need to develop one’s potential fully(answer) Self-actualization A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059