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Ctet Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Paper 17

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Ctet Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Paper 17

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  1. Ctet Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Paper17 1. The least justifiable use of the results of a standardized reading test isto Evaluate the reading instructionprogramme Serve as a basis for report card marks(answer) Serve as a basis for parentconference Serve as a basis for making groups in theclass 2. Children from poor homes but small family size still have the chance to get better environment for growth because they are likely to face less than children from poor homes but large familysize. Sanitary conditions(answer) Happyparents Peacefulconditions Impoverishedconditions 3. Dynamic testing isbasedon’s view of the dynamic nature oflearning. Piaget Gardner Sternberg Vygotsky(answer) 4. You don’t have any knowledge of a particular topic asked by a child. How will you react?(1) Satisfy him with a wrongreply Acknowledge my ignorance(answer) Snub the child for asking a wrongquestion Try to put off the child’squestion 5. The evaluation of personality is best made through the use ofa/an Inventorytest Preferencetest Surveytest Projective test(answer) 6. Mental retardation is indicatedby (1) An IQ score of 70 orless (2) A deficiency in age-appropriate adaptive behavior occurring before age18 A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  2. Both a and b(answer) Neither a norb 7. Stranger anxiety develops soonafter: The concept ofconservation Egocentrism A theory ofmind The concept of object permanence(answer) 8. The educator, who promoted the idea of five formal steps in learning,was Rousseau Comenius Pestalozzi Herbart(answer) 9. When previous learning makes no difference at all to the learning in a new situation, it iscalled Positive transfer oflearning Negative transfer oflearning Zero transfer of learning(answer) absolute transfer oflearning 10. AccordingtoPiaget,is how the child handles new information that seemstoconflict with what s/he alreadyknows. Adaptation(answer) Organization Conservation Equilibration 11. Which theorist would suggest that people gradually develop their own moral code as they reach higher levels ofthinking? Piaget Kohlberg Both Piaget and Kohlberg(answer) Neither Piaget andKohlberg 12. At the stage of formal operations, thechild- A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  3. Has learned to symbolize and attach labels to something in hisenvironment Reasons in terms of the dominant per-ceptualexperience Can draw valid conclusions from the experiments in a practical way(answer) Has mastered many of the processes required in solving problems where there are concrete materials 13. The first intelligence test was designed by Binet and Simonto Identify gifted children who might excel given the rightopportunities Identify children who were unable to learn in a traditional classroom setting.(answer) Inhibit teachers’ prejudices against children who were from privilegedbackgrounds. Complete the research for their doctoralthesis. 14. Teachers should study the errors of their students as they often indicatethe extent of theirknowledge remedial strategies needed(answer) pathways for abilitygrouping need for differentiatedcurriculum 15. A lesson, in which examples are given first and then, students are told to delineate a general rule or principle, is known asa/an Deductivelesson Inductive lesson(answer) Knowledgelessons Developinglesson 16. Before Piaget, people were more likely to believethat: The child’s mind is a miniature model of the adult’s(answer) Children think about the world in radically different ways fromadults The child’s mind develops through a series ofstages Children interpret their experiences in terms of their currentunderstandings 17. A characteristic of gifted childrenis Multipleintelligences. Being labeled a“nerd”. Efficiency of cognitive processing.(answer) (4) Lowself-esteem. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  4. 18. What will be your attitude towards the bullies of yourclass? Keep them under check(answer) Ask the principal to expelthem Try to appeasethem Snub them from time totime 19. The psychometric approach tointelligence Focuses on intellectual changes that shape the organization of adolescentintelligence. Ignores individual differences and emphasizes the dynamic nature ofintelligence. Is not concerned with predicting intelligence at a later point in development. Focuses on individual differences and seeks to measure them.(answer) 20. A good textbookavoids gender bias(answer) gendersensitivity genderequality socialresponsibility 21. Giftedindividuals Have above averageintelligence. Have a superiortalent. Have academicaptitude. All of the above are correct.(answer) 22. Which of the following activities do you think is the best for the development of the mind of a child? Debates(answer) Acting indrams Singing Dancing 23. Primary purposes of intelligencetestinginclude. Predicting academicperformance. Predicting performance on thejob. (3) Assessing general adjustment andhealth. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  5. (4) All of the above.(answer) 24. An IQ scoreabovesignalsintellectual giftedness. (1)125 (2) 130(answer) (3)135 (4)140 25. Inclusive education refers to a school education systemthat includes children withdisability includes children regardless of physical, intellectual, social, linguistic or other differently abled conditions(answer) encourages education of children with special needs through exclusiveschools emphasizes the need to promote the education of the girl childonly 26. According to the Dalton Scheme of education; which one of the following isdominant? Theteacher Thecontract The student(answer) Guidance 27. Which is the correct sequence of stages in Piaget’s theory of cognitivedevelopment? Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational(answer) Sensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, concreteoperational Preoperational, sensorimotor, concrete operational, formaloperational Preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational, concreteoperational 28. Who is known as the father of educationalpsychology? Pestology Devy Herbart(answer) Spencer 29. Gifted students will realize their potentialwhen they are segregated from otherstudents they attend private coachingclasses A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  6. they are testedfrequently they learn with other students(answer) 30. A critical factor in reducing the dropout rateinvolves Improving the connection between schooling and home.(answer) A significant increase in the amount of money the government is willing to spend oneducation. Ending racial inequality in theclassroom. Increasing the length of the schoolhours. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

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