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CTET Social SCIENCE Previous Paper 4 1. He was a non-Mughalruler. Akbar Babar Humayun Shershah(answer) 2. This Sultan was against the superiority of the‘Khalifa’. Mohammed-Bin-Tughlak MubarakKhilji Balban Ala-ud-din-Khilji(answer) 3. The main objective of the political partiesis……. to criticize the rulingparty to create political awareness among the people(answer) to increase the strength of theirparty to mobilize financial resources for theirparty 4. A man on a motor vehicle reached a junction and there are two roads in front of him in a ‘V’ shape. This junction is calleda……. ‘Forearm’junction Trafficisland ‘T’junction ‘Y’ junction(answer) 5. L.I.C was nationalized by this PrimeMinister. RajivGandhi Lal BahadurShastri Jawaharlal Nehru(answer) IndiraGandhi 6. ‘Widow marriages’ are the contribution of thisperson. (a) Kandukuri Veeresalingam(answer) (b) TanguturiPrakasam A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
Vivekananda DayanandaSaraswathi 7. This is not a ‘social welfarescheme’. Apadbandhu Annapurna Food forwork Deepam(answer) 8. The central government is ruled in hisname. Parlilament Judiciary PrimeMinister President(answer) 9. The reason for India being called a federation and unitary stateis….. One single citizenship and supremacy of the Center over thestates A written constitution and establishment of an independent SupremeCourt Distribution of powers between the Center and the State and the establishment of the Supreme Court in theCenter Residuary powers in the Center and a written Constitution(answer) 10. The system proposed by Balwanth Rai Mehta committee wasthe……. fourth tiersystem five tiersystem two tiersystem three tier system(answer) 11. Some kinds of organizations are given in view of “access to finance”. Partnership, companies, single proprietorships and corporations. Identify the first priority amongthem. Corporations Singleproprietorship Companies(answer) Partnerships 12. The formulate to find out the literacy rateis……….. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
100(a) Total no. ofliterates Total population above 7years of age 100(b) Total no. ofliterates Total population below6 years ofage 100(c) Total no. ofilliterates Total population above 7 years of age 100(d) Total no. ofliterates (answer)Total population above 6 years ofage 13. The cutoff level of annual income for poverty line is Rs. 18000 p.a. Rajaya’s income is Rs.21000 p.a. Choose the correct statement ofinterpretation. He has an income of the middleclass. He is just above the poverty line.(answer) Rajayya is the richestperson. He is just a richperson. 14. Goldis……. both a private and freegood both a consumer and publicgood both a capital and economic good(answer) both a capital and perishablegood. 15. A person has two options of reaching a place, by ‘train’ and by ‘air’. He opted to go by air. The ‘want’ as fulfilled by him has this characteristicfeature. Wants arerecurring Wants are competitive (answer) Wants areunlimited (b) Wants aresubstitutive 16. This is not the objective of socialforestry. For scenic beauty(answer) To produce raw material for paper To supply firewood to ruralpeople To supply firewood to urban poor A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
17. Industrial structure in Andhra Pradesh in percentage Sr. No. Nameof the industries group EmploymentFixed capital 1960 1990 19601990 Agrobased industries 84 55 5718 Non agro based industries 16 45 4382 100 100 100100 The structural changes as shown in the tablereveal…….. that economic development took place.(answer) an improvement in the tertiarysector that consumers are less interested in agroproducts. that fertility of land isdecreased. 18. ‘Kamala’ bought one dozen Simla apples last week at a price of Rs. 200/-. She bought two dozen this week for Rs. 550/-. Thistransaction……. follows the law ofsupply is against the law ofsupply follows the law ofdemand is against the law of demand(answer) 19. “Proceeding from simple to complex” is a……. maxim(answer) strategy technique device 20. “Listening to others with due respect and attention” relate to this instructionalobjective. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
Knowledge Skill Attitude(answer) Understanding 21. This is an instruction material for ateacher. Workbooks Supplementary material(answer) Atlas Curriculumguides 22. To increases children’s interest and readability, cartoons are used in thisgraph. Linegraph Bargraph Pictorial graph(answer) Flannelgraph 23. In a group-directed instructional strategy, many speakers present their views and experiences on an important topic. This is calledas…… socializedrecitation debate symposium(answer) paneldiscussion 24. Ability to work with a group and to seek cooperation from other members is related to this type ofskill. Social skill(answer) Intellectualskill Communicativeskill Critical thinkingskill 25. Identify the truestatement. Problem-solving involves a mental activity only.(answer) Problem-solving involves a physical activityonly. Problem-solving involves more mental activity and less physicalactivity. (d) Problem-solving involves less mental activity and more physicalactivity. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
26. “Radio, cartoon, dramatics are non-projected aids”. Identify the pedagogical term that is a substitute for the above mentionedaids. Graphic aid, audio aid, activityaid. Activity, aid, audio aid graphic aid Activity aid, graphic aid, audioaid. Audio aid, graphic aid, activity aid.(answer) 27. “A student predicts the temperature of the forthcoming day based on the past three days’ report”. This competency is based on the realization of thisobjective. Understanding Application(answer) Interest Knowledge 28. Note taking is one the methods of teachings social studies. It is based on thisassumption. They provide a permanent record and afford easyreference. Notes help to score moremarks. Reading material from textbooks is tough and beyond the comprehension of average students. (answer) The syllabus in the subject isoverloaded. 29. Brainstormingmeans……. No more ideas are generated, the brain is in a confusedstate. It is a technique used in clinicalpsychology. It is a technique very widely used in teaching socialstudies. It stimulates us to create ideas but does not bother whether the ideas are purposeful and meaningful.(answer) 30. The steps of the problem method are jumbledhere : A. Drawing preliminaryconclusions Discovering specificproblem. Exploring theproblem Collectinginformation. Considering summarization for furtherstudy. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059
F. Evaluatingfindings. Choose the correct order of thesteps. D,C,B,A,E,F C,B,D,A,F,E(answer) B,D,C,A,F,E C,D,B,F,A,E A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059