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Dive into the complex Indigenous cultures of Australia, dating back over 50,000 years, through this educational webquest. Explore Aboriginal traditions, art, technology, and the Dreamtime while completing research tasks and creating a brochure or presentation.

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  1. ABORIGINAL HISTORYWEBQUEST Warning. This unit may contain the names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. It may also contain links to sites that may use images of Aboriginal and Islander people now deceased. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are complex and diverse. The Indigenous cultures of Australia go back at least 50,000 years and some argue closer to 65,000 years. One of the reasons Aboriginal cultures have survived for so long is their ability to adapt and change over time. It was this affinity with their surroundings that goes a long way to explaining how Aboriginal people survived for so many millennia. Through this Webquest you will learn about several aspects of Aboriginal History. You must complete each section to your teacher’s satisfaction before collecting your token and moving on to the next section. Sections can be completed in any order.

  2. INTRODUCTION Imagine that the following letter has been received at your school from the Administrators of a new Indigenous Cultural Centre: Dear Principal, We are currently in the process of establishing an Indigenous Cultural Centre. The centre’s purpose is to inform the general public about the traditional lifestyle of indigenous Australians. Before our Cultural Centre is built, we would like people to have a brief understanding of how the Aboriginal people lived, for example, food, shelter, traditions and customs. To assist us in achieving this task, we are asking your students to design and produce an interesting and informative brochure or PowerPoint presentation. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Yours faithfully, The Cultural Centre Administrators

  3. TASK OVERVIEW In response to the letter sent to your principal, you are to choose two of the topics below to research. When you have finished your research, you can use the information found and display it in your brochure. Make sure this information is in paragraph form. Find as much information as you can on both topics. Remember to write your findings down in note form. The internet links provided on the following pages will have all the information you need. On the next page is a list of questions you might consider and use as subheadings. Of course you can always include more information as well.

  4. TASK OVERVIEW cont… • Technology and Activities • Look at what technology was used. • What did some of the technology used by Aboriginal people include (spears etc) • Were the types of implements different in different areas and Aboriginal groups? Why? • Discuss some details of stone technology. • Discuss some details of at least two different implements, tools, weapons or clothing. • Aboriginal Art • Look at Aboriginal art. • What images were depicted? • Where was Aboriginal art found and what implements and materials were used? • What symbols were used and what did some of them represent? • Was Aboriginal art just decorative or did it tell a story? Topics Aboriginal Traditions and Culture Discuss Aboriginal groups and languages. What is a community? What are some of the largest Aboriginal communities in Australia How did Aboriginal people live before European contact? Were there different languages? Why? What are some details about the languages? The Dreamtime Look at the dreamtime and the Aboriginal religion. What is The Dreaming and what does it do? What is the connection between land, animals and people in the dreaming? How do the Dreamtime stories effect social responsibility and expectations? Discuss the different types of Dreamtime stories.

  5. TASK Aboriginal Traditions and Culture The Dreamtime ABORIGINAL HISTORY Aboriginal Technology Research information on each of the following topics. Collect one of each token to complete your quest. The ‘Free Choice’ topics are optional. Two suggestions have been given later in the PowerPoint but you can choose any topic/s that interests you. Free Choice Free Choice Aboriginal Art

  6. Aboriginal Traditions and Culture Use Wikipedia first then find some more information from the other websites below. Here are some links to factsheets and websites you might find useful in your research of Aboriginal history and culture. https://www.google.com.au/ Finished? Collect your token here. FACT SHEETS

  7. Aboriginal Technology FACT SHEETS Use the fact sheet first for this information then look at the other websites below to find more information. Here are some links to fact sheets and websites you might find useful in your research of Aboriginal technology. Finished? Collect your token here.

  8. Reconciliation Use the Australian Government and Reconciliation Australia sites first. Here are some links to fact sheets and websites you might find useful in your research if your free choice is Reconciliation. FACT SHEETS Finished? Collect your token here.

  9. The Dreaming Use the Australian Government website first then look at the websites below for more information. FACT SHEETS Here are some links to fact sheets and websites you might find useful in your research of The Dreaming. Finished? Collect your token here.

  10. Aboriginal Art FACT SHEETS Use the fact sheet first then look at the other websites to find more information. Here are some links to fact sheets and websites you might find useful in your research of Aboriginal Art. Finished? Collect your token here.

  11. Aboriginal Role Models Use Wikipedia first. Hint - Scroll right to the bottom to the subheading: Prominent Indigenous Australians. Here are some links to fact sheets and websites you might find useful in your research if your free choice isAboriginal role models. Finished? Collect your token here. FACT SHEETS

  12. TOKENS The Dreamtime Token Aboriginal History and Culture Token Aboriginal technology Token Free Choice/Aboriginal Role Models Free Choice/Reconciliation Token Aboriginal Art COPY A TOKEN AND PASTE IT ONTO YOUR TOKEN PAGE ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED EACH STAGE OF YOUR QUEST. • GO TO YOUR TOKEN PAGE TO COPY YOUR TOKEN.

  13. TOKEN SHEET The Dreamtime Token Aboriginal History and Culture Token Aboriginal technology Token Free choice/Aboriginal Role Models Aboriginal Art Free choice/Reconciliation Token PASTE A TOKEN IN THE CORRECT SECTION ON THIS TOKEN PAGE ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED EACH STAGE OF YOUR QUEST. • RETURN TO TASK PAGE FOR YOUR NEXT QUEST. • Collected all your tokens? Great Job! Go to Final page!


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