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AP SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014. Tuesday, May 6 2014 8 a.m. SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014. Why take the AP exam?. What is the format of the exam?. Because you are seeking college credit. Most colleges regard a 4 or 5 as acceptable credit.
AP SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 Tuesday, May 6 2014 8 a.m.
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 Why take the AP exam? What is the format of the exam? • Because you are seeking college credit. • Most colleges regard a 4 or 5 as acceptable credit. • A small number of schools will sometimes accept a 3. • This means you are one course closer to graduation before you even begin. • Just the fact you elected to enroll in an AP course tells admissions that you are serious about your education. • In 2012, 72.7% of students taking the Spanish exam scored a 3 or higher. • www.apac.collegeboard.org • The exam is divided into 2 sections: Section I (reading, listening and reading combined, and listening) is multiple choice; Section II (writing and speaking) is free response. • Sections I and II are each worth 50% of the total score. • If you complete Section I before time is called, you may go back and check any part of it you wish. • When time is called, you will turn in the booklet and have a short break. • You will then move on to Section II and will not be able to look at Section I again.
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 How is my multiple choice scored? How is my free-response scored? • This part of the exam is 65 questions and worth 50% of your final score. • Your answer sheet is run through the computer, which adds up your correct responses. • The resulting score is then multiplied by statistically determined factors for the different question types (reading, reading and listening combined, and listening). • The 2 numbers are then added and then rounded to the nearest whole number. • This sum becomes the weighted score for Section I. • Your performance is worth 50% of your final score. • The interpersonal and presentational writing are scored on a scale of 0-5, with 5 being the highest possible score. • The score is multiplied by 3.000. • The 0-5 scale is a rubric. • The interpersonal and interpretational speaking is also scored on a scale 0-5, then that score is multiplied by 2.000. • The 0-5 scale is a rubric.
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 How do I register for the exam? How much is the exam? • You do not have to enroll in the AP course to register for and complete the AP exam, but doing so will best prepare you. • When in doubt, the best source of information is the College Board’s website: www.collegeboard.com • The fee for taking the exam is $87. • Students who demonstrate a financial need may receive a $26 refund. • In addition, for each fee reduced exam, schools forgo their $8 rebate, so the final fee for these students will be $53. • Finally, some states offer exam subsidies to cover all or part of the cost. • For more information, talk to your AP coordinator.
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 SECTION I = MULTIPLE CHOICE PART A INTERPRETIVE COMMUNICATION: Printed Texts. Exercises with one or two printed texts followed by multiple choice questions 30 QUESTIONS 40 MINUTES
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 PART B 1. INTERPRETIVE COMMUNICATION: Print and Audio Texts Combined. Exercises with both a printed passage and an audio selection followed by multiple-choice questions. 2. INTERPRETIVE COMMUNICATION: Audio Texts. One or more audio selections followed by multiple-choice questions. 35 QUESTIONS APPOX. 55 MINUTES
Total Time for Section 1Approx. 95 minutes Bring: Do NOT Bring: • Several pencils • Eraser that doesn’t leave smudges • Erasable blue or black ink pen • Your photo ID/school code: 502 • A watch to manage your time • Tissues • Cell phone • Books/Dictionary • Flashcards • CORRECTOR FLUID/TAPE • Any other office supplies • Portable music of any kind • Clothing with Spanish wording
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 2. PRESENTATIONAL WRITING: Document-based writing, which involves reading two texts, listening to a related passage, and using these 3 sources to respond to a question. You must compare and contrast the different view points and express your own view point and defend it using all sources. ONE PROMPT – APPROX. 55 MINUTES (ABOUT 10 MINUTES READING/LISTENING, ABOUT 5 MINUTES PLANNING, ABOUT 40 MINUTES WRITING YOUR RESPONSE) TOTAL TIME FOR PART A APPROX. 70 MINUTES
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 PART B SPEAKING 1. INTERPERSONAL SPEAKING: Based on a role playing situation, you will read an outline of the simulated conversation and hear some background information before beginning the conversation. 5 PROMPTS – APPROX. 10 MINUTES (WITH 20 SECONDS TO RESPOND TO EACH PROMPT)
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EXAM 2014 2. PRESENTATIONAL SPEAKING: You will make an oral presentation to your class on a specific topic. You will have 4 minutes to read the topic and prepare your 2 minute presentation. Prepare an oral presentation on a cultural topic. APPROX. 6 MINUTES TOTAL TIME FOR PART B APPROX. 20 MINUTES TOTAL TIME FOR SECTION II APPROX. 90 MINUTES
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSE INTERCONNECTED THEMES This curriculum framework will cover the following 6 themes: • Families and Communities/Las familias y lascomunidades • Personal and Public Identities/Las identidadespersonales y públicas • Contemporary Life/La vidacontemporánea • Science and Technology/La ciencia y la tecnología • Global Challenges/Los desafíosmundiales • Beauty and Aesthetics/La belleza y la estética
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSE It is important to know the definition of CULTURE in this course. When communicating, students will demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (Connections), make comparisons between the native language and the target language between cultures (Comparisons), and use the target language in real-life settings (Communities).
SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSE In order to further define the use of Culture, we must also look at the following: • Productsrefers to those products that are tangible (e.g., tools, books) and intangible (e.g., laws, conventions, institutions). • Practices refers to patterns of social interactions within a culture. • Perspectives refers to the values, attitudes, and assumptions that underlie both practices and products. In other words it’s the what, how, and why.
How to help yourself succeed Read newspapers, magazine articles, editorials, maps, charts, graphs, letters, build vocabulary Watch and listen to Spanish podcasts, Telemundo, novelas, Spanish commercials, telenovelas, BBC Mundo, Univisión, Spanish radio, cd’s When writing: read and answer the question, complete the task, underline the question, ask others to read your work Remember when reading/comparing: create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understand, take notes, outline