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Sinkronisasi Kurikulum , Silabus , dan Regulasi Program Darmasiswa RI 2013/2014. Kementerian Pendidikan d an Kebudayaan 26 J u I i 2013. 1. 1. Negara Besar dan Kaya. > 240 juta orang. # 1 Multi religi. >17.000 pulau. #1 biodiversitas. >75 0 budaya. #1 geodiversitas.
Sinkronisasi Kurikulum, Silabus, danRegulasi Program Darmasiswa RI 2013/2014 • Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan • 26 JuIi2013 1
1 Negara BesardanKaya >240 jutaorang # 1 Multi religi >17.000 pulau #1 biodiversitas >750 budaya #1 geodiversitas Alumni Darmasiswa = 5.365 orang dari 108 negara 2
2 UU No. 24 Tahun 2009 …memperkuatpersatuandankesatuan... menjagakehormatan yang menunjukkankedaulatanbangsadan Negara KesatuanRepublikIndonesia ….menciptakanketertiban, kepastian, danstandardisasipenggunaanbahasa.... (pasal 3) • …wajibdigunakandalamkomunikasiresmidilingkungankerjapemerintahdanswasta…Pegawaidilingkungankerjalembagapemerintahdanswasta yang belummampuberbahasa Indonesia wajibmengikutiataudiikutsertakandalampembelajaranuntukmeraihkemampuanberbahasa Indonesia…(pasal 33) • …wajibdigunakanuntuknamabangunanataugedung, jalan, apartemenataupermukiman, perkantoran, kompleksperdagangan, merekdagang, lembagausaha, lembagapendidikan…(pasal 36) • …wajibdigunakandalaminformasitentangprodukbarangataujasaproduksidalamnegeriatauluarnegeri yang beredardiIndonesia… (pasal 37) …PemerintahmeningkatkanfungsiBahasaIndonesia menjadi bahasa internasional secara bertahap, sistematis, danberkelanjutan… (pasal 44) 3
3 PermintaanBahasa Indonesia • The AustralianMarch 04, 2013 9:24PM President SBY bertemu Australia’s PM Julia Gillard di Darwin, Juli 2012 • ...Yudhoyono communicated his concern over the decreasing number of Australian students studying Indonesian — a 40 percent drop over the past 10 years... • ...After Yudhoyono’s visit, the Northern Territory government made Indonesian compulsory at the secondary (High) school level. Victoria, where La Trobe University is located, has one of the highest numbers — about 91,000 Indonesian language students.... “...At the very moment when we, Australia, should be moving closer to Indonesia, our Indonesian 'literacy' has declined. There are fewer university students studying Bahasa Indonesia today than 20 years ago...“ Senator Carr said the government, as part of the Asian Century white paper, was determined to improve the rates of Australians studying Indonesian... 4
4 The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) Australian National University Asia New Zealand Foundation Charles Darwin University Curtin University of Technology Deakin University Flinders University Griffith University La Trobe University Leiden University Murdoch University Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology SOAS (University of London) University of Adelaide University of Melbourne Sejak1 January 2013 ACICIS punyaanggota27 perguruantinggidari 5 negara (Australia, UK, Holland, New Zealand and Canada): University of England University of New South Wales. University of Queensland University of the SunshineCoast University of Sydney University of Tasmania University of Technology Sydney University of Victoria University of Western Australia University of Western Sydney University of Wollongong Victoria University Monash University 5
… The communication standard stresses the use of language for communication in "real life" situations. It emphasizes "what students can do with language" rather than "what they know about language." Students are asked to communicate in oral and written form, interpret oral and written messages, show cultural understanding when they communicate, and present oral and written information to various audiences for a variety of purposes… … Cultural understanding is an important part of world languages education. Experiencing other cultures develops a better understanding and appreciation of the relationship between languages and other cultures, as well as the student's native culture. Students become better able to understand other people's points of view, ways of life, and contributions to the world … … Extending learning experiences from the world language classroom to the home and multilingual and multicultural community emphasizes living in a global society. Activities may include: field trips, use of e-mail and the World Wide Web, clubs, exchange programs and cultural activities, school-to-work opportunities, and opportunities to hear speakers of other languages in the school and classroom… 5C’s …Students are encouraged to compare and contrast languages and cultures. They discover patterns, make predictions, and analyze similarities and differences across languages and cultures. Students often come to understand their native language and culture better through such comparisons.… …World languages instruction must be connected with other subject areas. Content from other subject areas is integrated with world language instruction through lessons that are developed around common themes… Sumber: Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, www.globalteachinglearning.com/standards/5cs.shtml 6
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