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Louis Vuitton. Birth/Death Place/Date. Birth Date: le 4 août , 1821. Death Date: le 27 février , 1892. Place of Birth: Anchay , France. Place of Death: France. Best Known For.
Birth/Death Place/Date • Birth Date: le 4 août, 1821. • Death Date: le 27 février, 1892. • Place of Birth: Anchay, France. • Place of Death: France.
Best Known For • Louis Vuitton was a French designer whose name is ionic in the fashion world. He designed sacs à main, et unechaussure.
Early Life • He comes from a hard-working famille. Vuitton’s ancestors were carpenters, farmers and milliners. His mother passed away when he was 10. He ran away to the capital of Paris at age 13.
Early Life • He traveled for Paris for more than two years, working jobs along the way just to feed himself and to have shelter. After years of traveling, Louis Vuitton arrived in the capital of Paris at the age of 16.
Rise to Prominence • The teenage Vuitton got a job at a workshop with a successful boîte-maker et emballeur named Monsieur Marechal. After a few years, Louis Vuitton was earning a good reputation in the fashion world.
Rise to Prominence The Empress of France hired Louis Vuitton to be her personal boîte-maker et emballeur. “She provided a gateway for Vuitton to a class of elite and royal clientele who would seek his services for the duration of his life.”
Rise to Prominence • In 1858, four years after opening his own shop, Vuittondebuted an entirely new tronc. Instead of making it dome-shaped, he made it rectangular. This made them stackable and more convenient for shipping.
Rise to Prominence • After Vuitton’s bags took off, business started booming. He started getting orders not only from French royalty, but also from Isma’ilPasha, And the Khedive of Egypt.
Outfit Il estvêtud’une chemise grise Sous uneveste noire et un jean Foncé avec des chaussures Noires.
Outfit Elle estvêtue d’un haut bleu avec Unejupe rouge et talons rouges, Et elleporte des lunettes de soleil.
Corrigez, s’ilvousplaît: Slide 2 -- Dates in proper French way Slide 3 -- He designed “unechaussure”? Laquelle? Slide 6 – What does a coutourier’semballeur do, i.e., what does he pack? Slide 8 – Please correct: Vuitton deputed an entirely new tronc. (When you’re writing primarily in English, foreign words should always be in italic style. Slide 9 – Why is this important? “also from Isma’il Pasha, And the Khedive of Egypt.” Who are these people? Slide 11 -- haut bleu : “haut” means “top” as a height, that is, the top of a mountain. You need to use the correct clothing word for her blouse. Also, talons are nails when not used with the word for shoes. You need to add a list of works cited for this report, especially when it’s clear that you have quoted the source, as on slide 7: “She provided a gateway for Vuitton to a class of elite and royal clientele who would seek his services for the duration of his life.”