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Read about Elizabeth Denham's first speech as Information Commissioner, media coverage reactions, fine issued to TalkTalk, online engagement, social media, and more highlights from the Management Board.
Corporate Affairs report Quarter 2, October 2016 Management Board
Headlines • Elizabeth Denham gives her first speech as Information Commissioner, prompting media coverage and social media interest • Reacting to consumer concerns: media coverage for our responses to Whatsappprivacy policy change and Yahoo ‘data breach’ • More webinars, more people... Facebook ‘sponsored posts’ trial... Search engine optimisation work... Strong social media stats
Stop press: TalkTalk fine Shortly after Q2 ended, the ICO issued a £400,000 civil monetary penalty to TalkTalk. The fine was the ICO’s highest to date.
TalkTalk: Media coverage • Print media coverage for the story included a prominent piece in the Financial Times, a story on the front page of the Telegraph, and a detailed report in the Guardian.
TalkTalk: Media coverage • story was covered as breaking news on BBC News within minutes of the press release being sent out, and featured at the top of business updates for the rest of the day. Other notable broadcast coverage included Elizabeth Denham appearing on 5Live’s Drivetime programme. AVE measures how much it would cost to have bought advertising equivalent to the mediacoverage a story hasearned Reach is a more straightforward measure, adding up the number of people who would have been expected to see each piece of coverage. The reach for the day of the TalkTalk coverage was 67.7 million, vs 2.6 million on a typical day earlier that week ££ The AVE for the day of the TalkTalk coverage was £960,000, vs £96,000 on a typical day earlier that week
TalkTalk: Online The announcement of the CMP on twitter got a lot of attention, and our graphics of quotes from Elizabeth Denham, taken from the press release, were particularly well shared. The tweet from BBC Breaking News went to their 26 million+ followers The TalkTalk press release was viewed4,277 times in the first two days. Around a quarter of visitors went on to view other ico.org.uk pages. We also produced a detailed timeline explaining the ICO investigation. This had almost2,000 views in the first two days.
Info Commissioner speech • Elizabeth made her first speech as Information Commissioner at the Ctrl Shift conference in London on 29 September. As well as those in attendance on the day, a transcript of the speech has since been read by 3,800 people. The speech prompted media coverage, notably in the Evening Standard and on BBC Radio 4’s PM programme. Our six tweets feat quotes from the speech got 122 retweets, and 63 likes.
Media highlights Commissioner speech gets media attention Commissioner sets out FOI vision in BBC interview The ICO response to a reported breach at Yahoo prompted national headlines, with Steve Eckersley appearing on BBC News
Media highlights Enforcement work continues to get strong media coverage. BBC One’s Dom on the Spot includes a detailed look at an ICO nuisance call investigation
Twitter Our17,302 followers see our tweets… An impression is when a tweet is seen by someone, either because they follow us or they’ve seen a retweet. Our tweets got 1.8million impressions in each of the last two quarters. The day with the most impressions was when we confirmed we’d make enquiries into Virgin Trains releasing CCTV footage of Jeremy Corbyn. • (up 7% on last quarter, • on top of the same growth last quarter) We got 4,400 retweetslast quarter, and 2,700 likes
Most retweeted stories 1st Named Person scheme statement: 102 retweets, 51 likes 2. ICO to consider complaints about Momentum on Dispatches show 70 retweets, 36 likes 3. ICO to look into WhatsApp / Facebook changes 44 retweets, 15 likes
Facebook Sponsored posts allow an organisation to push their posts to people who may not otherwise see them. We trialled this in Q2, pushing our dail reach to almost 7,000 people a day. Our Facebook presence continues to be strong. Our average reach has gone up from around 1,000 to 1,555. Referrals from Facebook to our website are up 78% this quarter. Our biggest spike for organic (non paid for) reach was 11 August, when we fined a GP surgery for a data breach. Our most viewed post was the link to August’s newsletter, which included a welcome from the incoming Information Commissioner.
Newsletter Blog Our monthly newsletter has 92,500 subscribers. The most popular stories this quarter were: September’s welcome, inc a link to the self assessment toolkit Steve Wood’s GDPR blog Cybercrime webinar promo Our blog had 37,000 views in the last quarter, slightly down on Q1. The most popular posts were: GDPR still relevant for the UK What, why and how of transferring data to the USA Don’t get caught out by SARs
LinkedIn Consultations We’re working to increase awareness of our consultation responses. We’ve promoted responses on our website, and on social media. We’ve seen a 4% increase in the number of visits this quarter. The ICO LinkedIn page attracted 483 new followers in Q2, a similar rate of growth to Q1. Posts received a similar number of likes: almost 2,000 for the quarter. The most popular posts were Elizabeth’s appointment and Steve Wood’s GDPR blog.
Webinars Webinars allow us to reach a large audience, without staff needing to dedicate large amounts of time to organising events or travelling to London etc. Almost 400 people tuned into our webinar on records management in the public sector, while almost 300 tuned in for a session on data protection for law firms. The two webinars have since had 1,800 YouTube views. The cybersecurity webinar scheduled for October (Q3) attracted more than1,000 registrations. The webinar was promoted in part on the back of the TalkTalk fine.
Events and conferences Corporate affairs supports events the ICO attends. This can include submitting exhibition forms and ordering furniture, through to ensuring there is ICO branding and guidance available for the stallholder on the day. We also look to provide dedicated commssupport around the event. We look to highlight our attendance through social media, and can also produce bespoke leaflets to be handed out on the day. Events we supported this quarter included: 19 September: Citizens Advice Conference 2016 - Customer Contact manned an enquiry desk giving Data Protection advice to over 300 stakeholders. 14 September: CBI hosted its second annual Cyber Security Conference. Garreth Cameron, spoke at the event and manned an information desk
ico.org.uk There’s a new entry in popular pages in our ‘for the public’ section, as the criminal and police records page makes the top three: Find out how to request your personal information61,000page views CCTV 32,000 page views 3. Criminal records, court records and police records 28,000 page views Popular pages for organisations remain consistent, with total visitors slightly down on last quarter Guide to data protection 123,000 page views 2. Key definitions 85,000 page views 3. Registration page 82,000
Search Engine Optimisation Search engine optimisation aimsto ensure ico.org.uk appears ashigh as possible in search engine results, focusing on priority terms like ‘data protection’ or ‘GDPR’. Some of the ways we do this include encouraging links to us from other websites, technical improvements to improve searchability and including keywords on pages. Our website appears in the top four search positions for 38% of the keyword or term searches. In Q2, it moved higher in search result positions on Google, Bing and Yahoo for 29% of priority keywords and terms.
ICON 560,162 pageviews in Q2, 1% on Q1 Tuesdays tend to be the most popular day of the week. This week included Simon’s first blog on the staff survey 18 July: Elizabeth’s first day Mid August dip coincides with school holidays Top news stories: Informer (September) 2. Elizabeth’s first day 3. Informer (July) 4. Invite to all staff meeting with Elizabeth 5. Final details for all staff meeting 1st
Internal communications Work this quarter included blogs responding to the staff survey...organising a second all staff meeting at Wilmslow School... more work amending and rebuilding department pages on ICON... and the first of Elizabeth’s birthday socials... • Olympics and Paralympics charity raffle, Strictly Come Dancing sweepstake and Born Survivor sponsorship brings total raised for ICO charity of the year Dyslexia Action to £2,600.