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Benefits & Dangers of: Radioisotopes

Benefits & Dangers of: Radioisotopes. Dating (not that kind). C- 14 is used to date Fossil Living organisms incorporate C-14 into their structure, along with C-12 C-14 decays with known half-life 14 C  14 N + 0  comparing amounts of C-14 & C-12 can figure how many

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Benefits & Dangers of: Radioisotopes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Benefits & Dangers of: Radioisotopes

  2. Dating (not that kind) C- 14 is used to date Fossil Living organisms incorporate C-14 into their structure, along with C-12 C-14 decays with known half-life 14C 14N + 0 comparing amounts of C-14 & C-12 can figure how many half-lives have gone by since it died Helps determine age of substance -1 6 7

  3. ROCKS U-238 decays to Pb-206 (many steps) Over time, amount of U  and amount of Pb  Scientists use the ratio of U-238 to Pb-206 to date rocks and figure out the age of EARTH

  4. Kill bacteria and spores in food and mail Co-60: kills bacteria in foods

  5. Medical radioisotopes with short half-lives (quickly eliminated from the body) Tracers in medical diagnosis Treatment of cancer I-131: Diagnosis & treat thyroid disorders Co-60: gamma emitter Used to kill cancerous tumors Tc-99: treatment of brain cancer

  6. Power Plants Used as a fuel source to generate electricity No contributions to greenhouse gases No mercury contamination of atmosphere

  7. Radiation Risks Can damage normal tissue High doses can cause illness & death Can cause mutations in DNA Disposal of waste is difficult (esp. from nuclear power plants) Storage & transportation both problematic

  8. Chernobyl

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