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Seminar on “Ancient Indian Philosophy And its effects on Modern Education. ” Department of Philosophy SUNDARBAN HAZI DESARAT COLLEGE PATHANKHALI Date -08.09.2015.
Seminar on “Ancient Indian Philosophy And its effects on Modern Education.”Department of PhilosophySUNDARBAN HAZI DESARAT COLLEGE PATHANKHALI Date -08.09.2015
Heading -”Ancient Indian philosophy and its effects on Modern Education”INTRODUCTION : The place of the Veda is very important and praiseworthy in introduction of thoughts of India and its gradual development .The veda is the oldest religious literature. And later on its thoughts specially the philosophical idea was largely influenced by the Veda. Basing on the vedas Indian philosophy is mainly devided into two classes-ie orthodox and heterodox .Sankhya, yoga,nyaya,vaisesika,Mimamsa and vedanta- these six schools of philosophy accept the authenticity of the vedox.Charvaka,jaina and Buddha on the other hand, do not believe in the veda.We shall now discuss the role of some orthodox as well as heterodox philosophy in this connection.SANKHYA PHILOSOPHY AND MODERN EDUCATION :1. In Sankhya philosophy the evolution of the world starts through the functions of Prakrti and Purusa. And in modern education this theory is also accepted .It is accepted that the inborn character of learners is developed in connection with environment.2. In Sankhya philosophy it is said that in every cause the possibility of action is present. Nothing is created out of nothing. In modern age the educators have said education means to rise the sleeping possibility in a child.3. Knowledge which is acquired through senses must be justified through analysis and synthesis in Sankhya philosophy .According in modern education ,too the combination of analysis and synthesis of knowledge of sense experience has been given importance.
4.Sankhya philosophy accepts the phurality of purusa.Eachpurusa acquires knowledge independently. In modern education it has been accepted that each leaner has his own individuality and he feels nature and acquires knowledge accordingly.YOGA PHILOSOPHY AND MODERN EDUCATION :Yoga is practical philosophy and the main object is to acquire salvation from misaries of life. Yoga philosophy deals with the works and means of works. So the main perpose of this philosophy is to enhance individual welfare . And the modern education ,too,aims at the same , the individual welfare.In modern principles of education it has been said for well learning readiness of body and mind of a taught is obviously necessary. Exercise and pranayama help physical development of a learner.Dharana and dhan help to control mind of a learner. So in modern carriculum of education exercise,pranayama,dhanect .of learness are included. NYAYA PHILOSOPHY AND MODERN EDUCATION:It has been said in Nyaya philosophy to realiseparamatma is the main way toget salvation .And so the main aim of life is to acquire this.And to acquire moksa or paramatma entirely depends on acquiring real knowledge .Real knowledge is ordinary and extraordinary and all real knowledge leads an individual to acquire moksha. And the aim of modern education is to help a taught to manifest all round development.CHARVAKA PHILOSOPHY AND MODERN EDUCATION:In case of acquiring knowledge in modern education the importance of sensual experience is main factor .Every teaching method in modern education is based on sensual experience .We purceive all objects around us with five external organ ie,eye,ear ,nose,tongue and skin and through these we acquire knowledge about those things.
In modern teaching method every learner and gather experience about things around us. In this philosophy it has been believed man is above all and so everyman should gather experience about things around us necessary for life. In modern education every learner’self satisfaction ,pleasing falling etc are very necessary.JAIN PHILOSOPHY AND MODERN EDUCATION:1. In Jain philosophy it has been believed that every living being is the shelter of endless knowledge and power. But karma covers him completely . As and when each living being can achieve endless knowledge and power when he will free from all shorts of karma . Accordingly in modern sense of education is to bring out the hidden possibilities in a child.2.Jain philosophy does not believe in existence of god. Jins or Thirthonkar are ideal. And common people can achieve salvation following them. Accordingly teacher is a living ideal of a learner. He is friend , philosophy and guide.3. According to Jain philosophy religion is completeness. And in modern age all thinkers are of the same opinion that education is the means of completness. So education and religion are one and same.BUDDHISTPHILOSOPHY AND MODERN EDUCATION:The main idea of Buddhist philosophy is to attain salvation and get universal . Equality of educational opportunity in modern method of education has been expressed in the philosophy of Buddha. And this idea has been accepted in the philosophy of Buddha and this idea has been accepted all over the world . Philosophy of Bddhist religion is real and
Based on reality.In the Buddhist idea institutionalized formal education should be spread widely. Students were kept for long time in the maths to learn and attain knowledge of reality. The seed of knowledge may be achieved through practical experience day to day life . In modern teaching method of education this idea has been accepted widely.END