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Program. The five presentations are dealing with: what are reference data (taxonomy) and what object information models (ontology)? data and documents what are templates, why and how do we use them? more on OIMs (Object Information Models) exchanging information vs handing over data
Program The five presentations are dealing with: • what are reference data (taxonomy) and what object information models (ontology)? • data and documents • what are templates, why and how do we use them? more on OIMs (Object Information Models) • exchanging information vs handing over data • what is the role of the Façades? what is a CPF (Confederation of Participating Façades), and how do we deal with security? • Presentations already given can be downloaded from here
ISO 15926 without templates [1] The data model of ISO 15926-2 has two groups of entity types: nodesandrelationships The nodes do not have attributes, the (binary) relationshipshave twoattributes These twoattributes point at two nodes that are related in a way that is determined by the kind of relationship (e.g. connection, composition, marriage)
ISO 15926 without templates [2] A simple example with 2 nodes and 1 relationship: and instantiated:
ISO 15926 without templates [3] When further detailed it starts looking like this:
ISO 15926 without templates [4] On a small scale that seems fine, but what about a situation where a large data base is filled with a terabyte (1000 Gb) of this stuff? How can we then retrieve our information from this gigantic web? By rigorously bringing order in it! This is done by defining and using standard Templates
Longhand Templates [1] Let's take a Template that is often used:
Longhand Templates [2] This is called a LonghandTemplate, it represents a small chunk of information using the data model of ISO 15926-2 to the full extent. This one tells that: "A given 'PossibleIndividual' is possessor of a given 'IndirectProperty' that is based on a given 'Property' that is quantified with a given value on a given Scale" Instantiation of Longhand Templates, as shown on the previous slide, turns out to be CPU-hungry and takes a lot of storage space and bandwidth Therefore the concept of Shorthand Template has been designed
Shorthand Templates [1] Through some esoteric mapping we can represent the same semantics with ShorthandTemplates, that are less verbose The ShorthandTemplate representation for the same example would look like: Note The five rdf:Properties correspond with the ones marked in red for the Longhand Template
Linking Shorthand to Longhand Template In order to be able to find the exact semantics of a ShorthandTemplate class we link it to its companion LonghandTemplate class by means of owl:equivalentClass
Shorthand vs Longhand Templates The difference between the Longhand and the Shorthand Template class of the connection example is small, but when we compare LT-3401 with ST-3401 we find that: • a LonghandTemplate instance LT-3401 takes 19 triples • a ShorthandTemplate instance ST-3401 takes 6 triples Another advantage of STs is that we can use normal engineering-like terms for the rdf:Properties
Templates provide "handles" In a triple store we have Nodes, Templates and Literals, connected by rdf:Properties The above tells that we have a temporal part of vessel PRS01-347621, and that that temporal part has a design pressure of 100 barg beginning March 24th, 2006 at 10:26 am GMT
Presentation Next to the usual screen layout a screen could also present this information using macros like:
OIMs - Object Information Models [1] We can record a lot of lifetime information about members of any Class: The set of ShorthandTemplate classes that represents the lifetime information of the members of a Class is called the OIM of that Class
OIMs - Object Information Models [2] A ShorthandTemplate can be specialized in order to tell something specifically about a Class For example we can state that all members of the Class 'Vessel' have a 'DesignPressure', or can have one We can do this specialization by "fixing" the value of one or more rdf:Properties of the applicable generic Template (here ST-3401)
OIMs - Object Information Models [3] In triple format: http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#Vesselhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#isPossessorInhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#ST-VESSEL-3401-003
OIMs - Object Information Models [4] By sorting the Classes in the first column of a triple store we can easily create a pick list of all specialized templates for each Class Together these form the OIM of that Class A small example for the Class 'ElectricMotor': http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#ElectricMotorhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#isPossessorInhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#ST-ELECTRIC-MOTOR-3401-025 http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#ElectricMotorhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#isPossessorInhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#ST-ELECTRIC-MOTOR-3401-026 http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#ElectricMotorhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#isPossessorInhttp://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#ST-ELECTRIC-MOTOR-3401-027 where: ST-ELECTRIC-MOTOR-3401-025 tells that an electric motor has an 'allowable starting voltage percentage' ST-ELECTRIC-MOTOR-3401-026 tells that an electric motor has a 'breakdown torque' ST-ELECTRIC-MOTOR-3401-027 tells that an electric motor has a 'cold locked rotor time'
OIMs - Object Information Models [5] On a screen this looks like:
Use of OIMs OIMs are used for the definition of Document Types, as discussed last time:
Questions? When you need some further clarification tell us now or contact us
ADI Project-related Web Resources • ADI Project website http://www.fiatech.org/projects/idim/iso15926.html • ISO 15926 KnowledgeBase http://www.15926.org Implementers' reference source • Documentation • Sample code • FAQ • ISO 15926 Part 7 Explanation http://www.infowebml.ws • ISO 15926 Part 4 Reference Data