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CEOS Land Surface Imaging (LSI) Constellation. Thomas M. Holm, Co-Chair, LSI Constellation Study Team, USGS Lyndon R. Oleson, WGISS Lead, USGS Paul Davis, Portal Technical Team Lead, University of Maryland. Land Surface Imaging Constellation. Goals and Objectives
CEOS Land Surface Imaging (LSI) Constellation Thomas M. Holm, Co-Chair, LSI Constellation Study Team, USGS Lyndon R. Oleson, WGISS Lead, USGS Paul Davis, Portal Technical Team Lead, University of Maryland
Land Surface Imaging Constellation Goals and Objectives “…promote the efficient, effective, and comprehensive collection, distribution and application of space-acquired image data of the global land surface, especially to meet societal needs of the global population, such as those addressed by the GEO societal benefit areas” Define the optimal observational capabilities (and policies) to guide planning/development/operation of future LSI systems 2
LSI Constellation Study Team - 2009 CEOS Agency Members • USGS: Co-Chair, Tom Holm (new 2009) • ISRO: Co-Chair, V. Hegde (new 2009) • EC: Herve JeanJean • INPE: João Vianei Soares • ESA: Michael Berger • CSA: Daniel DeLisle • CONAE: Ana Medico • JAXA: Takeo Tadono • NOAA: Kevin Gallo • NASA: Garek Gutman • NRSCC: Yonghong Zhang • CRESDA: Xiaohua Yi • GISTDA: Phuriwaj Ruengnaowaroj • CNES: Aurelie Sand • CDTI: Mónica Lopez • CEOS WG Members • WGCV (NASA): Stephen Ungar • WGCV (USGS): Greg Stensaas • User Community Members • USGS: Brad Reed • JRC: Alan Belward • JPL: Mike Abrams • Nagoya U.: Yasushi Yamaguchi • BGS: Stuart Marsh • U. Maryland: J. Townshend • CSIRO: Alex Held 3
Status of Activities LSI Constellation Portal:“Mid-Resolution Optical Land Surface Imaging Satellite Systems” -- Information and Enhanced Data Access Now online at http://wgiss.ceos.org/lsip 4
Back-up Slides 5 5
LSI Portal IDN Contribution: Satellite & Sensor Descriptions
LSI Portal IDN Contribution
Current Status of LSI Activities • Status • The prototype LSI Constellation Portal was demo’d at the CEOS Plenary in 2008 and at GEO V in Bucharest. • The LSI Constellation Portal became operational in March, 2009 • Since last WGISS, Bryan Bailey, USGS/EROS and co-chair of LSI Constellation Study Team, has retired. • Tom Holm, USGS/EROS, has been named by Bryant Kramer as replacement for Bryan. • Tom Holm attended recent SIT meeting. • No significant additions (e.g. data) have been applied to the LSI Portal since going operational.
Actions • Actions from WGISS #27 • Prepare a description of some potential options for expanding or enhancing the LSI Portal and sending it to the LSI Constellation Study Team for their comments, recommendations and preferences. • In addition to describing some changes to the Portal, we also agreed to characterize for the Study Team what the complexity or level of effort might be to accomplish the enhancements.
LSI – Enhancement Criteria • Questions used to explore and consider the relative merits of enhancements to LSI Portal • Will the enhancement provide access to member agency (LSI Constellation) data not previously available or significantly improve the existing capabilities? • Will the enhancement provide a new capability or service not previously available? • Does the enhancement feature LSI Constellation member agency data and capabilities? • What is the relative complexity and scale of effort associated with the enhancement? • Would the proposed enhancement demonstrate the architectural goals of GEOSS or contribute to a better understanding of the potential benefits of the architecture? • What is the relative feasibility of accomplishing the enhancement within the collegial-best-effort world of CEOS and considering the organizational structure and influence of working teams?
Land Surface Imagery Portal Team - Goals • Phase 1: Tables of LSI attributes online (completed) • Phase 2: Ability to search LSI attributes database online • Phase 3: Ability to search LSI attributes and catalogs online • Phase 4: Ability to search LSI attributes and catalogs in online map tool. • Other goals: • Develop a sample imagery data collection, in a common format • Satisfy goals of GEO, CEOS, LSI Working Groups, GOFC • Gain fast, open access to all land surface imagery for science community.
LSI Portal: Potentialenhancements in cooperation with CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS). Options under consideration: Addition of new data types or descriptive information Expanding the data set, sensor, and platform information as well as links to order/access systems for non-optical land imaging systems such as radar or other optical imaging systems such as MODIS and/or high resolution systems. Expand functionality to include cross-system, granule-level, search and data retrieval Expand the functionality to go beyond directory and metadata about sensors and platforms to being able to initiate a granule-level search across multiple LSI member systems to select and obtain individual data granules directly through a single portal without having to be linked or handed off to other member portals or web sites. Direct link to Forest Carbon Tracking portal Future Plans – Overview from T. Holm 12
Future Plans • Addition of new data types (e.g. radar, other optical) or descriptive information • Will the enhancement provide access to member agency (LSI Constellation) data not previously available or significantly improve data existing access capabilities? • This would enhance the visibility and access to existing land imagery • Will the enhancement provide a new capability or service not previously available? • None beyond the core, current portal functional capability of providing a focal point for land imaging data will be extended to other types and resolutions of remotely sensed data. • Does the enhancement feature LSI Constellation member agency data and capabilities? • Yes, assuming they provided sensor/platform information and offer an online order and access mechanism that is operational and available via a link.
Future Plans • Expand functionality to include cross-system, granule-level, search and data retrieval • Will the enhancement provide access to member agency (LSI Constellation) data not previously available or significantly improve the existing capabilities? • Expanding the functional capabilities to the granule level would significantly improve the existing portal capabilities • The user, directly through the portal, would be able to access and order/download specific data granules • The search and selection would be enabled via geographic, temporal, and other granule specific parameters (e.g. cloud cover, product options) • This capability could also include the ability to view browse images or other sub-sampled visual selection aids • The capability would allow access to multiple LSI member data servers via a single user interface
Future Plans • Expand functionality to include cross-system, granule-level, search and data retrieval (cont.) • What is the relative complexity and scale of effort associated with the enhancement? • This would be a significant, non-trivial design and development effort to accomplish across multiple member systems • The portal interface itself, while needing functional expansion, would not be as complex as the behind-the-scenes interface to multiple data servers • Each of the member agencies would need to agree to a common protocol and functional model and potential add or change their system configurations to provide access directly to their data servers via the common interface protocol
Next Actions: through WGISS 29 • The Attribute query builder establish on-line The attribute query builder allows users to access all attributes taken from the web page tables in a text only query builder. This tool is ready to move online, or we can wait to integrate with a map query tool. Example query: all red bands with spatial resolution GT 50m
Next Actions: through WGISS 29 • Develop a map search capability. • Engage either the Google API (commercial) or MapServer (open source & OGC compliant). • Features could be simple (find a scene) or extensive (building complex attribute + spatial queries). Quick search Home CEOS LSI About LSIC About Portal Search by Attributes Search by Map Guide Contact • Satellites & Sensors • Orbit Information • Band Information • Visible & NIR Bands • SWIR Bands • Thermal Bands • Panchromatic Bands • Hyperspectral Bands • Radio & Geometric Characteristics • Geographic Characteristics 010-536 010-536 010-536 010-536
Next Actions: through WGISS 29 • Develop means of capturing Portal activity metrics. • Volume metrics: download rates, number of products and services • Performance metrics: repeat customers, preferred datasets, accessibility • Impact metrics: examples of how data are used
Future Plans - Recommendations • Next Steps and Recommendations to WGISS • We need to be patient to receive reply from LSI Constellation members regarding potential enhancements and their desires • LSI Constellation is not planning to do any demonstrations of the portal at the upcoming CEOS or GEO Plenary meetings. • LSI could leverage lessons learned from WADC efforts at interoperability.