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Metagenome assembly – part I. C. Titus Brown ctb@msu.edu. About me. Asst Prof at MSU, in CSE and Micro Software: http://github.com/ged-lab/ Blog: http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/ Pubs & grants: http://ged.msu.edu/interests.html. Tomorrow (talk #2). My research!
Metagenome assembly – part I C. Titus Brown ctb@msu.edu
About me • Asst Prof at MSU, in CSE and Micro • Software: http://github.com/ged-lab/ • Blog: http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/ • Pubs & grants: http://ged.msu.edu/interests.html
Tomorrow (talk #2) My research! Soil! Great Prairie Grand Challenge! MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF DATA!!!! My research solves all your problems!! * * Results may vary. Terms and conditions apply.
Some basic assembly references • “Assembly algorithms for next gen sequence data,” Miller et al., pmid20211242 • Metagenome assembly tools: • MetaVelvet, pmid 22821567 • MetaIDBA, pmid 21685107 • SOAPdenovo, pmid 20511140 • My precious! khmer, pmid 22847406.
Illumina + metagenomic assembly • MetaHIT (2010): pmid 20203603 • Rumen (2011): pmid 21273488 • Permafrost (2011): pmid 22056985 • Hydrothermal plumes (2012): pmid 22695863 • HMP (2012): pmid 22699610 Please let me know if I’ve missed any!
Culture independent methods • Observation that 99% of microbes cannot easily be cultured in the lab. (“The great plate count anomaly”) • While this is less true for host-associated microbes, culture independent methods are still important: • Syntrophic relationships • Niche-specificity or unknown physiology • Dormant microbes • Abundance within communities Single-cell sequencing & shotgun metagenomicsare two common ways to investigate microbial communities.
Shotgun metagenomics Wikipedia: Environmental shotgun sequencing.png Collect samples; Extract DNA; Feed into sequencer; Computationally analyze.
Shotgun sequencing & assembly UMD assembly primer (cbcb.umd.edu) Randomly fragment & sequence from DNA; reassemble computationally.
Shotgun sequencing & assembly • Why assembly? • Assumption free (no reference needed) • Necessary for soil and marine; useful for host-associated? • Assembly can serve as reference for metatranscriptomeinterpretation • Fragment, sequence, computationally assemble. • What kind of results do you get? • Almost certainly chimerism between different strains; but still useful for gene content & operon structure. • Specificity seems high, but sensitivity is dependent on sequencing depth. • Because of sampling rate, Illumina is primary choice for complex metagenomes.
Shotgun metagenomics: good news • Cheap and easy to generate vast whole metagenome/metatranscriptome shotgun data sets from essentially any community you can sample. • Such data can be quite interesting! • Low hanging fruit – correlation with diet, etc. • Still early days for observation of “pan genome” and functional content. • Potential to illuminate or inform: • Dynamics and selective pressures of antibiotic resistance, virulence genes, and pathogenicity islands • Phage and viral communities • Community interactions.
Shotgun metagenomics: bad news • Massive data needed for complex populations (tomorrow!) • Computational techniques are still relatively immature • Mapping to known genomes? • Discovery of unknown genomes & strain variants? • Sensitivity and specificity are hard to evaluate. • Computational ecosystem is not that rich… • Interpreting the data is still the bottleneck, of course. • Vast majority of genes not usefully annotated. • Reliance on specific reference databases, annotations. • Tools for (e.g.) inferring community interactions from community dynamics & functional capacity are desperately needed.
Assembly vs mapping • No reference needed, for assembly! • De novo genomes, transcriptomes… • But: • Scales poorly; need a much bigger computer. • Biology gets in the way (repeats!) • Need higher coverage • But but: • Often your reference isn’t that great, so assembly may actually be the best/only way to go.
Assembly It was the best of times, it was the wor , it was the worst of times, it was the isdom, it was the age of foolishness mes, it was the age of wisdom, it was th It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness …but for lots and lots of fragments!
Assemble based on word overlaps: the quick brown fox jumped jumped over the lazy dog the quick brown fox jumpedover the lazy dog Repeats cause problems: my chemical romance: nanana nanana, batman!
Shotgun sequencing & assembly UMD assembly primer (cbcb.umd.edu) Randomly fragment & sequence from DNA; reassemble computationally.
Assembly – no subdivision! Assembly is inherently an all by all process. There is no good way to subdivide the reads without potentially missing a key connection
Short-read assembly • Short-read assembly is problematic • Relies on very deep coverage, ruthless read trimming, paired ends. UMD assembly primer (cbcb.umd.edu)
Short read lengths are hard. Whiteford et al., Nuc. Acid Res, 2005
Short read lengths are hard. Conclusion: even with a read length of 200, the E. coli genome cannot be assembled completely. Why? Whiteford et al., Nuc. Acid Res, 2005
Short read lengths are hard. Conclusion: even with a read length of 200, the E. coli genome cannot be assembled completely. Why? REPEATS. This is why paired-end sequencing is so important for assembly. Whiteford et al., Nuc. Acid Res, 2005
Four main challenges for de novo sequencing. • Repeats. • Low coverage. • Errors These introduce breaks in the construction of contigs. • Variation in coverage – transcriptomes and metagenomes, as well as amplified genomic. This challenges the assembler to distinguish between erroneous connections (e.g. repeats) and real connections.
Repeats • Overlaps don’t place sequences uniquely when there are repeats present. UMD assembly primer (cbcb.umd.edu)
Coverage Easy calculation: (# reads xavg read length) / genome size So, for haploid human genome: 30m reads x 100 bp = 3 bn
Coverage • “1x” doesn’t mean every DNA sequence is read once. • It means that, if sampling were systematic, it would be. • Sampling isn’t systematic, it’s random! (What does ‘coverage’ mean, for metagenomes?)
Two basic assembly approaches • Overlap/layout/consensus • De Bruijnk-mer graphs The former is used for long reads, esp all Sanger-based assemblies. The latter is used because of memory efficiency.
Overlap/layout/consensus Essentially, • Calculate all overlaps • Cluster based on overlap. • Do a multiple sequence alignment UMD assembly primer (cbcb.umd.edu)
K-mers Essentially, break reads (of any length) down into multiple overlapping words of fixed length k. ATGGACCAGATGACAC (k=12) => ATGGACCAGATG TGGACCAGATGA GGACCAGATGAC GACCAGATGACA ACCAGATGACAC
K-mers – what k to use? Butler et al., Genome Res, 2009
K-mers – what k to use? Butler et al., Genome Res, 2009
Big genomes are problematic Butler et al., Genome Res, 2009
K-mer graphs - overlaps J.R. Miller et al. / Genomics (2010)
K-mer graph (k=14) Each node represents a 14-mer; Links between each node are 13-mer overlaps
K-mer graph (k=14) Branches in the graph represent partially overlapping sequences.
K-mer graph (k=14) Single nucleotide variations cause long branches
K-mer graph (k=14) Single nucleotide variations cause long branches; They don’t rejoin quickly.
K-mer graphs - branching For decisions about which paths etc, biology-based heuristics come into play as well.
K-mer graph complexity - spur (Short) dead-end in graph. Can be caused by error at the end of some overlapping reads, or low coverage J.R. Miller et al. / Genomics (2010)
K-mer graph complexity - bubble Multiple parallel paths that diverge and join. Caused by sequencing error and true polymorphism / polyploidy in sample. J.R. Miller et al. / Genomics (2010)
K-mer graph complexity – “frayed rope” Converging, then diverging paths. Caused by repetitive sequences. J.R. Miller et al. / Genomics (2010)
Resolving graph complexity • Primarily heuristic (approximate) approaches. • Detecting complex graph structures can generally not be done efficiently. • Much of the divergence in functionality of new assemblers comes from this. • Three examples:
Read threading Single read spans k-mer graph => extract the single-read path. J.R. Miller et al. / Genomics (2010)
Mate threading Resolve “frayed-rope” pattern caused by repeats, by separating paths based on mate-pair reads. J.R. Miller et al. / Genomics (2010)
Path following Reject inconsistent paths based on mate-pair reads and insert size. J.R. Miller et al. / Genomics (2010)
More assembly issues • Many parameters to optimize! • Metagenomes have variation in copy number; naïve assemblers can treat this as repetitive and eliminate it. • Assembly requires gobs of memory (4 lanes, 60m reads => ~ 150gb RAM) • How do we evaluate assemblies? • What’s the best assembler?
Metagenomics: Mixed community sampling Coverage distribution
Conclusions re mixed community sampling In shotgun metagenomics, you are sampling randomly from the mixed population. Therefore, the lowest abundance member of the population (that you want to observe) drives the required depth of sequencing! 1 in a million => ~50 Tbp sequencing for 10x coverage.
‘k’ parameter sets effective coverage. Simulated data set. coverage
Conclusions re ‘k’ parameter • The previous slide shows you coverage histograms for per-base (mapping) coverage, as well as k-mer distributions. • People will tell you k is about specificity: a longer ‘k’ is more stringent and requires a more specific overlap between reads. • However, the practical effect of increasing k is to lower your effective coverage. • This is one (the?) reason why different ‘k’ parameters can give you different subsets of the metagenomic population.