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Semantics of Hoare Logic. Aquinas Hobor and Martin Henz. What does a Hoare tuple mean?. { Á } P { à } Informal meaning (already given): “If the program P is run in a state that satisfies Á and P terminates, then the state resulting from P’s execution will satisfy à .”.
Semantics of Hoare Logic Aquinas Hobor and Martin Henz
What does a Hoare tuple mean? {Á} P {Ã} Informal meaning (already given): “If the program P is run in a state that satisfies Á and P terminates, then the state resulting from P’s execution will satisfy Ã.”
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} Informal meaning (already given): “If the program P is run in a state that satisfies Á and P terminates, then the state resulting from P’s execution will satisfy Ã.”
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} Need to define: • Running a program P • P terminates • State satisfies Á • Resulting state satisfies Ã.
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} For better clarity and “fun”, we will do it in Coq.
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} For better clarity and “fun”, we will do it in Coq. (And by “we”, I mean I will do part of it in class and you will do the rest at home…)
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} Need to define: • Running a program P • P terminates • State satisfies Á • Resulting state satisfies Ã.
Operational Semantics • Numeric Expressions E: • n | x | (−E) | (E + E) | (E − E) | (E ∗ E) • Boolean Expressions B: • true | false | (!B) | (B&B) | (B||B) | (E < E) • Commands C: • x = E | C;C | if B {C} else {C} | while B {C}
We have to specify exactlyhow each evaluates • Numeric Expressions E: • n | x | (−E) | (E + E) | (E − E) | (E ∗ E) First problem: what are our variables “x”? We will use our usual trick of letting variables be natural numbers: Definition var : Type := nat.
We have to specify exactlyhow each evaluates • Numeric Expressions E: • n | x | (−E) | (E + E) | (E − E) | (E ∗ E) Next: how do we define our expressions? Definition num : Type := Z. Inductive nExpr : Type := | Num: forall n : num, nExpr | Var: forall v : var, nExpr | Neg: forall ne : nExpr, nExpr | Plus: forall ne1 ne2 : nExpr, nExpr | Minus: forall ne1 ne2 : nExpr, nExpr | Times: forall ne1 ne2 : nExpr, nExpr.
We have to specify exactlyhow each evaluates • Numeric Expressions E: • n | x | (−E) | (E + E) | (E − E) | (E ∗ E) Now, what does evaluation of an E mean? We want to write E n to mean “the expression E evaluates to the numeric n” But what about E = x? By itself, we don’t know what to do...
We have to specify exactlyhow each evaluates • Numeric Expressions E: • n | x | (−E) | (E + E) | (E − E) | (E ∗ E) Define a context ° to be a function from variables to numbers. Definition ctx := var -> num.
We have to specify exactlyhow each evaluates • Numeric Expressions E: • n | x | (−E) | (E + E) | (E − E) | (E ∗ E) Now define °` E n to mean “in context °, the expression E evaluates to the numeric n.”
Numeric Evaluation in Coq FixpointneEval (g : ctx) (ne : nExpr) : num := match ne with | Num n => n | Var x => g x | Neg ne => 0 - (neEval g ne) | Plus ne1 ne2 => neEval g ne1) + (neEval g ne2) | Minus ne1 ne2 => (neEval g ne1) - (neEval g ne2) | Times ne1 ne2 => (neEval g ne1) * (neEval g ne2) end.
Boolean Expressions • Boolean Expressions B: • true | false | (!B) | (B&B) | (B||B) | (E < E) Inductive bExpr : Type := | T : bExpr | F : bExpr | bNeg : forall be : bExpr, bExpr | And : forall be1 be2 : bExpr, bExpr | Or : forall be1 be2 : bExpr, bExpr | LT : forall ne1 ne2 : nExpr, bExpr.
Boolean Evaluation • Boolean Expressions B: • true | false | (!B) | (B&B) | (B||B) | (E < E) Since B includes E, we will need contexts to evaluate Bs. What do we evaluate to? How about Prop. So define °` B P to mean “in context °, the expression B evaluates to the proposition P.”
Boolean Evaluation FixpointbeEval (g : ctx) (be : bExpr) : Prop := match be with | T => True | F => False | bNeg be => ~(beEval g be) | And be1 be2 => (beEval g be1) /\ (beEval g be2) | Or be1 be2 => (beEval g be1) \/ (beEval g be2) | LT ne1 ne2 => (neEval g ne1) < (neEval g ne2) end.
Commands • Commands C: • x = E | C;C | if B {C} else {C} | while B {C} Inductive Coms : Type := | Assign : forall (x : var) (e: nExpr), Coms | Seq : forall c1 c2 : Coms, Coms | If : forall (b : bExpr) (c1 c2 : Coms), Coms | While : forall (b : bExpr) (c : Coms), Coms.
Command Evaluation • Idea: executing command C for one step moves the machine from one state to the next • What is a state ¾? • Pair of context ° (data) and control k (code) • Control k is either kStop (we are done) or kSeq C k • We can write C ² k for kSeq if that is easier • We can also write ¥ for kHalt
Controls and states in Coq Inductive ctl : Type := | kStop : ctl | kSeq : forall (c : Coms) (k : ctl), ctl. Definition state : Type := ctx * ctl.
Step relation, assign(a) We now define the step relation, written ¾1¾2 that is, “state ¾1 steps to state ¾2”, in parts: °` E n °’ = [x ! n] ° (°, (x = E) ² k) (°’, k)
Step relation, assign(b) °` E n °’ = [x ! n] ° (°, (x = E) ² k) (°’, k) | stepA: forall g x e n k g', n = neEval g e -> g' = upd_ctx g x n -> step (g, kSeq (Assign x e) k) (g', k)
Step relation, seq (°, (C1 ; C2) ² k) (°, C1² (C2² k)) | stepS: forall g c1 c2 k, step (g, kSeq (Seq c1 c2) k) (g, kSeq c1 (kSeq c2 k))
Step relation, if (a) °` B True (°, (if B then {C1} else {C2}) ² k) (°, C1² k) | stepI1: forall g b c1 c2 k, beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (If b c1 c2) k) (g, kSeq c1 k)
Step relation, if (b) °` B False (°, (if B then {C1} else {C2}) ² k) (°, C2² k) | stepI2: forall g b c1 c2 k, ~beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (If b c1 c2) k) (g, kSeq c2 k)
Step relation, while (a) °` B True (°, (while B {C}) ² k) (°, C ² (while B {C} ² k)) | stepW1: forall g b c k, beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (While b c) k) (g, kSeq c (kSeq (While b c) k))
Step relation, while (b) °` B False (°, (while B {C}) ² k) (°, k)) | stepW2: forall g b c k, ~beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (While b c) k) (g, k)
Entire step relation °` E n °’ = [x ! n] ° (°, (x = E) ² k) (°’, k) (°, (C1 ; C2) ² k) (°, C1² (C2² k)) °` B True (°, (if B then {C1} else {C2}) ² k) (°, C1² k) °` B False (°, (if B then {C1} else {C2}) ² k) (°, C2² k) °` B True (°, (while B {C}) ² k) (°, C ² (while B {C} ² k)) °` B False (°, (while B {C}) ² k) (°, k))
Inductive step : state -> state -> Prop := | stepA: forall g x e k g', g' = upd_ctx g x (neEval g e) -> step (g, kSeq (Assign x e) k) (g', k) | stepS: forall g c1 c2 k, step (g, kSeq (Seq c1 c2) k) (g, kSeq c1 (kSeq c2 k)) | stepI1: forall g b c1 c2 k, beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (If b c1 c2) k) (g, kSeq c1 k) | stepI2: forall g b c1 c2 k, ~beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (If b c1 c2) k) (g, kSeq c2 k) | stepW1: forall g b c k, beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (While b c) k) (g, kSeq c (kSeq (While b c) k)) | stepW2: forall g b c k, ~beEval g b -> step (g, kSeq (While b c) k) (g, k).
From step to step* • Usually we want to run our program for more than one step. • We write ¾*¾’ to mean that the state ¾ steps to the state ¾’ in some number of steps.
From step to step* ¾*¾ ¾¾’ ¾’ *¾’’ ¾*¾’’ Inductive stepstar : state -> state -> Prop := | stepsZ: forall s, stepstar s s | stepsS: forall s s' s'', step s s' -> stepstar s' s'' -> stepstar s s''.
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} Need to define: • Running a program P • P terminates • State satisfies Á • Resulting state satisfies Ã.
Halted;Terminates means eventually halted • We say a state (°, k) is halted when k = ¥ (* 20 points *) Lemma only_stuck_when_at_kStop: forall g k, (~ exists st', step (g, k) st') -> k = kStop. Proof. admit. Qed. • ¾ terminates if 9 s’ such that ¾*¾’ and ¾’ is halted.
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} Need to define: • Running a program P • P terminates • State satisfies Á • Resulting state satisfies Ã.
What is an assertion? We can do what we did for modal logic: Definition assertion : Type := ctx -> Prop. We can even write °²Ã as shorthand for Ã(°) Thus, we can use the rules of our Coq metalogic to easily reason about our Hoare assertions.
Lifting Assertions to Metalogic 1 °²ÁÆô (°²Ã) Æ (°²Á) Definition assertAnd (P Q : assertion) : assertion := fun g => P g /\ Q g. Notation "P && Q" := (assertAnd P Q). °² B ´°` B True Definition assertbEval (b : bExpr) : assertion := fun g => beEval g b. Notation "[ b ]" := (assertbEval b).
Lifting Assertions to Metalogic 2 °² [x ! e] ô [x ! n] °²Ã (where °` e n) Definition assertReplace (x : var) (e : nExpr) (psi : assertion) : assertion := fun g => psi (upd_ctx g x (neEval g e)). Notation "[ x => e @ psi ]" := (assertReplace x e psi). `ARÁ!ô8°, (°²Á) ) (°²Ã) Definition Implies (P Q: assertion) : Prop := forall g, P g -> Q g. Notation "P |-- Q" := (Implies P Q) (at level 30).
We would like to formalize {Á} P {Ã} Need to define: • Running a program P • P terminates • State satisfies Á • Resulting state satisfies Ã.
Putting it all together {Ã} C {Á} ´8°. °²Ã) 8°’. (°, C ²¥) * (°’, ¥) ) °’ ²Á Definition HTuple (pre : assertion) (c : Coms) (post : assertion) : Prop := forall g, pre g -> forall g', stepstar (g, kSeq c kStop) (g', kStop) -> post g'.
Now what? • Prove the Hoare rules as lemmas from definitions! {Ã} c1 {Â} {Â} c2 {Á} {Ã} c1 ; c2 {Á} Lemma HT_Seq: forall a1 c1 a2 c2 a3, HTuple a1 c1 a2 -> HTuple a2 c2 a3 -> HTuple a1 (Seq c1 c2) a3.
Assignment Rule {[x ! E] Ã} x = E {Ã} Lemma HT_Asgn: forall x e psi, HTuple [x => e @ psi] (Assign x e) psi.
If Rule {ÁÆ B} C1 {Ã} {ÁÆ: B} C2 {Ã} {Á} if B {C1} else {C2} {Ã} Lemma HT_If: forall phi b c1 psi c2, HTuple (phi && [b]) c1 psi -> HTuple (phi && [bNeg b]) c2 psi -> HTuple phi (If b c1 c2) psi.
While Rule {ÃÆ B} C {Ã} {Ã} while B {C} {ÃÆ: B} Lemma HT_While: forall psi b c, HTuple (psi && [b]) c psi -> HTuple psi (While b c) (psi && [bNeg b]).
Implied Rule `ARÁ’!Á {Á} C {Ã} `ARÃ!Ã’ {Á’} C {Ã’} Lemma HT_Implied: forall phi phi' psi psi' c, phi' |-- phi -> HTuple phi c psi -> psi |-- psi' -> HTuple phi' c psi'.
Your task: Prove these lemmas HT_Seq : 10 points (with 20 extra credit if you solve the supporting lemma) HT_Asgn : 10 points HT_If : 10 points HT_Implied : 5 points HT_While : 40 points extra credit (good luck!)
Finally Definition x : var := 0. Definition y : var := 1. Definition z : var := 2. Open Local Scope Z_scope. Definition neq (ne1 ne2 : nExpr) : bExpr := Or (LT ne1 ne2) (LT ne2 ne1). Definition factorial_prog : Coms := Seq (Assign y (Num 1)) (* y := 1 *) (Seq (Assign z (Num 0)) (* z := 0 *) (While (neq (Var z) (Var x)) (* while z <> x { *) (Seq (Assign z (Plus (Var z) (Num 1))) (* z := z + 1 *) (Assign y (Times (Var y) (Var z)))(* y := y * z *) ) (* } *) ) ).
Statement of Theorem Definition Top : assertion := fun _ => True. Open Local Scope nat_scope. Fixpoint factorial (n : nat) := match n with | O => 1 | S n' => n * (factorial n') end. Open Local Scope Z_scope. Lemma factorial_good: HTuple Top factorial_prog (fun g => g y = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g x)))).
Casts Definition Top : assertion := fun _ => True. Open Local Scope nat_scope. Fixpoint factorial (n : nat) := match n with | O => 1 | S n' => n * (factorial n') end. Open Local Scope Z_scope. Lemma factorial_good: HTuple Top factorial_prog (fun g => g y = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g x)))).
Proof of Theorem Lemma factorial_good: HTuple Top factorial_prog (fun g => g y = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g x)))). Proof. apply HT_Seq with (fun g => g y = 1). replace Top with ([y => (Num 1) @ (fun g : ctx => g y = 1)]). apply HT_Asgn. extensionality g. unfold assertReplace, Top, upd_ctx. simpl. apply prop_ext. firstorder. apply HT_Seq with (fun g :ctx => g z = 0 /\ g y = 1). replace (fun g : var -> Z => g y = 1) with ([z => (Num 0) @ (fun g :ctx => g z = 0 /\ g y = 1)]). apply HT_Asgn. extensionality g. unfold assertReplace, Top, upd_ctx. simpl. apply prop_ext. firstorder. apply HT_Implied with (fun g => g z >= 0 /\ g y = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z)))) ((fun g => g z >= 0 /\ g y = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z)))) && [bNeg (neq (Var z) (Var x))]). repeat intro. destruct H. rewrite H, H0. simpl. firstorder. apply HT_While. apply HT_Implied with (fun g => g z >=0 /\ (g y) * ((g z) + 1) = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat ((g z) + 1)))) (fun g : ctx => g z - 1 >= 0 /\ g y = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z)))). repeat intro. destruct H. destruct H. clear H0. rewrite H1. split; auto. remember (g z) as n. clear -H. destruct n; auto. simpl. rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r. rewrite nat_of_P_succ_morphism. simpl. remember (factorial (nat_of_P p)). clear. rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism. rewrite inj_plus. rewrite inj_mult. rewrite <- Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P. ring. elimtype False. auto with zarith. apply HT_Seq with (fun g => g z - 1 >= 0 /\ g y * g z = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z)))). replace (fun g : var -> Z => g z >= 0 /\ g y * (g z + 1) = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z + 1)))) with [z => (Plus (Var z) (Num 1)) @ (fun g : var -> Z => g z - 1 >= 0 /\ g y * g z = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z))))]. apply HT_Asgn. extensionality g. apply prop_ext. firstorder. unfold upd_ctx in H. simpl in H. auto with zarith. simpl. unfold upd_ctx. simpl. auto with zarith. replace (fun g : var -> Z => g z - 1 >= 0 /\ g y * g z = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z)))) with [y => (Times (Var y) (Var z)) @ (fun g : var -> Z => g z - 1>= 0 /\ g y = Z_of_nat (factorial (Zabs_nat (g z))))]. apply HT_Asgn. extensionality g. apply prop_ext. firstorder. repeat intro; firstorder. repeat intro. destruct H. destruct H. rewrite H1. simpl in H0. destruct (Ztrichotomy (g z) (g x)). contradiction H0; auto. destruct H2. rewrite <- H2. trivial. contradiction H0. right. apply Zgt_lt . trivial. Qed.
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