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World Congress on Communication for Development

World Congress on Communication for Development. Rome, Italy October 25-27, 2006. Objectives.

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World Congress on Communication for Development

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  1. World Congress on Communication for Development Rome, Italy October 25-27, 2006

  2. Objectives To bring together senior policy- and decisionmakers, experienced practitioners, leading academics and representatives from organizations supporting and/or carrying out communication programs Showcase the wealth of experience from around the world in the field of C4D and its value-added to development Demonstrate to the broader development community and policy-makers the effectiveness of C4D in helping them meet today’s most pressing development challenges

  3. Objectives cont... Build a set of recommendations on how to incorporate Communication into development policy and practice Develop an advocacy strategy for mainstreaming communication in development policy/practice Provide participants with a set of advocacy tools they can use to make a compelling case for C4D to influence their constituencies of management, policy makers, funders Promote partnerships, networks and alliances for systematic support, debate and dialogue to promote more effective C4D practice

  4. WCCD Session Themes [working titles] Health in a Time of Poverty Communication for Good Governance Communication for Sustainable Development New Frontiers in Communication *Six sessions per theme + 12 Special Events/Hot Topics

  5. Health in a Time of Poverty HIV/AIDS, Sexuality & Gender: Message and Voice Immunisation: Success & Stagnation Maternal, Child, & Reproductive Health: Entitlement and Obligation Tobacco: Smoke & Advertising

  6. Communication for Good Governance Public Sector Governance The Role of Media in Governance Anti-Corruption & Institutional Transparency Voice & Accountability – The Demand Side

  7. Communication for Sustainable Development Food Security, Rural Development & Livelihood Strategies Natural Resources Management & the Environment Poverty Reduction & Equity Issues

  8. WCCD Organization Host Secretariat Steering Committee Scientific Committee Advisory Body

  9. Host Secretariat

  10. Steering Committee • AMARC • Asian Media Information and Communication Center (AMIC) • Calandria • CECIP • Communication for Social Change Consortium • DFID • Europan Commission, DG Development • Exchange • Global Communication Research Association (GCRA) • Italian DG for Development Cooperation • SADC-Center of Communication for Development • Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) • Soul City IHDC • UNDP • UNESCO • UNICEF • USAID

  11. Silvia Balit (ITALY) Luis Ramiro Beltran (BOLIVIA)Bolivian National Press Association Guy Bessette (CANADA)International Development Research Centre ( IDRC) Maria Celeste H. Cadiz (PHILIPPINES)University of the Philippines Los Baños Nabil H. Dajani (LEBANON)American University of Beirut Cees Hamelink (NETHERLANDS)University of Amsterdam Robert Huesca (BOLIVIA/USA)Trinity University Thomas Jackobson (USA)Temple University Ullamaija Kivijuru (FINLAND)University of Helsinki Rico Lie (NETHERLANDS)Wageningen University Shuang Liu (CHINA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland Eric Louw (SOUTH AFRICA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland John Mayo (USA)Florida State University Francis B. Nyamnjoh (CAMEROON/SENEGAL)CODESRIA Levi Obijiofor (NIGERIA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland Raphael Obregon (USA/COLOMBIA)Ohio University Charles Okigbo (USA)North Dakota State University Ricardo Ramírez, (MEXICO/CANADA)University of Guelph Douglas Storey (USA)Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Pradip Thomas (INDIA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland Thomas Tufte (DENMARK)Roskilde Universitetscenter Robert White (TANZANIA)University of Tanzania Karin Gwinn Wilkins (USA)University of Texas at Austin Scientific Committee Chair: Prof. Jan Servaes (BELGIUM/AUSTRALIA) Silvia Balit (ITALY) Guy Bessette (CANADA) Maria Celeste H. Cadiz (PHILIPPINES) Nabil H. Dajani (LEBANON) Cees Hamelink (NETHERLANDS) Robert Huesca (BOLIVIA/USA) Thomas Jackobson (USA) Ullamaija Kivijuru (FINLAND) Rico Lie (NETHERLANDS) Shuang Liu (CHINA/AUSTRALIA)Eric Louw (SOUTH AFRICA/AUSTRALIA) John Mayo (USA) Francis B. Nyamnjoh (CAMEROON/SENEGAL)Levi Obijiofor (NIGERIA/AUSTRALIA) Raphael Obregon (USA/COLOMBIA)Charles Okigbo (USA) Ricardo Ramírez, (MEXICO/CANADA) Douglas Storey (USA)Pradip Thomas (INDIA/AUSTRALIA) Thomas Tufte (DENMARK) Robert White (TANZANIA) Karin Gwinn Wilkins (USA)

  12. Silvia Balit (ITALY) Luis Ramiro Beltran (BOLIVIA)Bolivian National Press Association Guy Bessette (CANADA)International Development Research Centre ( IDRC) Maria Celeste H. Cadiz (PHILIPPINES)University of the Philippines Los Baños Nabil H. Dajani (LEBANON)American University of Beirut Cees Hamelink (NETHERLANDS)University of Amsterdam Robert Huesca (BOLIVIA/USA)Trinity University Thomas Jackobson (USA)Temple University Ullamaija Kivijuru (FINLAND)University of Helsinki Rico Lie (NETHERLANDS)Wageningen University Shuang Liu (CHINA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland Eric Louw (SOUTH AFRICA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland John Mayo (USA)Florida State University Francis B. Nyamnjoh (CAMEROON/SENEGAL)CODESRIA Levi Obijiofor (NIGERIA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland Raphael Obregon (USA/COLOMBIA)Ohio University Charles Okigbo (USA)North Dakota State University Ricardo Ramírez, (MEXICO/CANADA)University of Guelph Douglas Storey (USA)Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Pradip Thomas (INDIA/AUSTRALIA)The University of Queensland Thomas Tufte (DENMARK)Roskilde Universitetscenter Robert White (TANZANIA)University of Tanzania Karin Gwinn Wilkins (USA)University of Texas at Austin Mainstreaming Communication for Development: Rationale, Evidence and Recommendations An Advocacy Paper for Policy/Decisionmakers Demonstrate the value C4D adds to development initiatives and the evidence for its impact Show them “what’s in it for me” with respect to effectively addressing the development challenges they face Propose a set of policy recommendations on how to mainstream this discipline in development policies across multiple development sectors

  13. Advisory Body [`50 Strategic partners including bilateral and multilateral organizations, universities, NGOs and foundations] Provide Comment/Feedback on Mainstreaming Study Help identify key policymakers to participate in the Congress and in the Policymaker’s Forum Advise on the post-Congress Advocacy Strategy and Mainstreaming Agenda Follow up on the recommendations coming out of the Congress in their respective organizations Form basis of a Global Alliance on Communication for Development [potential medium-term outcome]

  14. Advisory Body [cont...] As of today 27 organizations from five continents: Africa (4), Asia (2), Europe (8), South America (3) and North America (10). AB includes a mix of academia, practitioners and policy and decisionmakers: 1 bilateral, 3 multilaterals, 5 NGOs and CSOs, 6 Universities/academic associations, 2 foundations, 4 UN agencies, 4 networks/alliances, and 2 research centers.

  15. www.devcomm-congress.org

  16. Thanks for listening and we hope you can join us in Rome!

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