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Learn how guaranty agencies promote postsecondary education access through comprehensive services, programs, and initiatives to support students in college planning and financial aid.
College Access Initiative Karen Lanning, NCHELP Linda Shiller, VSAC NASSGAP Conference October 23, 2006
College Access Initiative • Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 • Each guaranty agency shall promote access to postsecondary education by: • Providing a comprehensive listing of postsecondary education opportunities, programs, publications in their designated state • Publicizing information for students and traditionally underrepresented populations on college planning, career preparation, and paying for college
Background • Initiative was recommended by guaranty agencies • Formalizes foundational role of guaranty agencies in in promoting access to postsecondary education
Guaranty Agencies Promote Access Guaranty agencies: • Reach out to millions of students and families to inform them about how to • Prepare for college • Plan for their career • Pay for their postsecondary education • Manage their finances
Guaranty Agencies Promote Access • Provide an extensive range of services and programs that increase awareness of the importance of higher education, opportunities available and the financial support offered • Work with partners to identify schools and communities with low college-going rates and target specialized services and scholarships to improve those rates
Guaranty Agencies Promote Access Last year, guaranty agencies: • Provided more than six million pieces of college awareness, financial aid and financial literacy materials • Participated in more than 8,400 financial aid workshops and events that reached more than 900,000 students and families and more than 7,800 school guidance counselors
Guaranty Agencies Promote Access • 17 agencies actively participate in College Goal Sunday • 12 agencies operate or support college resource centers • 7 agencies involved in federal TRIO programs • 14 agencies directly involved in a state GEAR UP Program
Examples of Access Programs “College Pathways Events” – free for all high school juniors and their parents • Held at two college campuses in the state • Provides extensive information and assistance on the college planning, application and financial aid process • 1,351 high school juniors and parents attended in 2005
Examples of Access Programs Trailblazer Program • One high school junior is nominated by each public and non-public high school in the state • Attend a comprehensive three-day training workshop presented on a college campus by guaranty agency staff and other financial aid professionals • Learn about the college admissions process and financial aid • Each Trailblazer shares knowledge of financial aid procedures with peers throughout their senior year of high school
Examples of Access Programs • Program for High Schools with large number of low-income students • School selects students with potential who may not have sufficient motivation or resources to pursue college • Students receive additional tutoring and grant incentives • Up to 100 students a year are eligible to earn $6,000 each in scholarships for their postsecondary education
Examples of Access Programs Guaranty agencies partner with a range of organizations (TRIO, GEAR UP, College Goal Sunday, Schools, Community Organizations, Libraries, State Agencies, Churches, YMCAs) to • Leverage services • Reach more schools, students and families
Examples of Access Programs • Example—Tax Assistance Program (TAP) is provided by a non-profit organization • Guaranty agency provides intensive training for 1600 TAP tax assistance volunteers • Volunteers can also assist with FAFSA completion questions • In 2005, TAP volunteers helped more than 1,100 individuals complete a FAFSA. • Average TAP client is a single mother with an annual income below $15,000
College Access Initiative - Implementation • NCHELP—facilitating a work group of guaranty agency representatives • College Access Initiative Work Group • Chaired by Steven Brooks, Executive Director of the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority • Meeting regularly since February to develop implementation plans • Met with representatives from the Office of Postsecondary Education and Federal Student Aid to share ideas and receive feedback
College Access Initiative - Mission • Link students and families, especially those from groups underrepresented in higher education, to information and resources that enhance access to higher education programs • So they can learn about • the college planning process, and • the help available to succeed • Promote the economic health and well-being of states’ residents and communities
College Access Initiative – Promote Access • College Access Initiative Work Group • Sharing information and developing best practices • Working with an advisory committee of college access experts • Working with the access community to learn more about existing programs and to increase awareness about guaranty agency materials and programs • Developing resources and forums to help agencies expand their outreach activities to reach a broader number of students, families and organizations
College Access Initiative – Comprehensive Listing • College Access Initiative Work Group(continued) • Create a central location for students, families and educators to visit • Worked with Mapping Your Future to develop a portal • Going2college.org • each agency has developed the state-based section for their designated states
Going2college.org Features • Each State section includes: • College resources centers in the state • College information and financial aid awareness events • Assistance provided to low-income, and first-generation college students through programs including Upward Bound, Talent Search, GEAR UP and Project Grad
Going2college.org Features Next Steps • NCHELP and the work group are promoting the site in conjunction with Federal Student Aid, schools, education associations, state organizations, national/local media and access program providers • Help us get the word out