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How to keep your teeth white and bright?

Teeth play an important role in enhancing your beauty. Thus, you should take regular consultations from dentist Surrey like Cusp Dental Family Dentistry. They are experts in providing the best dental care to you by eliminating all your dental problems. Here we are going to discuss the simple ways to keep your teeth white.

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How to keep your teeth white and bright?

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  1. How to keep your teeth white and bright?

  2. Should practice oil pulling When plague gets accumulated in your teeth then they will look yellowish. Therefore, you should start practising oil pulling to keep them white and shiny. Use baking soda while brushing You can easily make use of baking soda sometimes to brush your teeth. This is because it has whitened properties that will help to make your teeth shine like a new ones. It will scrub all tooth stains away.

  3. Use hydrogen peroxide If you want to disinfect your teeth, then you can use this chemical by consulting dentist Surrey. Do not make it useful in high concentration. Eat fruits and vegetables regularly You should keep yourself high with a good diet to protect your teeth.

  4. Contact Us: Address: #101, 7170 188 St. Surrey BC, V4N 3G6 Phone No: 604-757-8991 Website: https://cuspdental.ca/

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