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A Simple Guide to Weight Loss Surgery, Weight-loss surgery or bariatric surgery mainly helps in losing weight and lowering your risk of medical problems that is associated with obesity. <br>
CUSP Surgeons Practicing Excellence & Building Trust Home Contact A Simple Guide to Weight Loss Surgery | CUSP Surgeons cuspsurgeons Obesity, Surgeons, Surgery March 28, 2018 2 Minutes Weight-loss surgery or bariatric surgery mainly helps in losing weight and lowering your risk of medical problems that is associated with obesity. There are four common types of weight-loss surgery and these are mentioned below: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Laparoscopic adjustable Sleeve gastrectomy Biliopancreatic diversion
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is one type of weight loss surgery, where the surgeon creates a small pouch at the top of the stomach. Here the pouch is used as a part of the stomach that receives Follow food. This would limit the amount that you can comfortably eat and drink at one time. After this, the small intestine is then cut at a short distance below the main stomach and then connected to the new pouch. As a result food flows directly from the pouch and then into this part of the intestine. This can restrict excessive amount to food to reach to your stomach. Laparoscopic Adjustable Under this kind of surgery, inflatable balloon is placed around the upper part of the stomach and then fixed in place. This would create a small stomach pouch above the band by a very narrow opening to the rest of the stomach. The port is then placed under the skin of the abdomen, where a tube is then connects the port to the band. In this concern by injecting or removing the fluid, the balloon can be made inflated or deflated in order to adjust the size of the band. Sleeve Gastrectomy Talking about the sleeve gastrectomy, a part of the stomach is separated and removed from the body. Here the remaining section of the stomach is formed into a tube and this makes the smaller stomach hold very little food. It is also produces to lessen the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin resulting weight loss. Biliopancreatic Diversion This is another procedure that begins with removing a large part of the stomach. Here the valve releases food to the small intestine along with the first part of the small intestine that is called as duodenum. After this procedure the surgeon closes off the middle section of the intestine and then attaches the last part directly to the duodenum.
These are few types of weight loss surgeries that can be done by the surgeon result better impact. But before you go for any surgery, it is very important that you ask your doctor to have stringent test so that after the surgery it does not negatively affect your body. Relevant Service Keywords: best gastro surgeon, hysterectomy, best hysterectomy surgeon, weight loss surgery, best cancer surgeon, laparoscopic gynaecology surgery, laparoscopy training program, bariatric surgery doctors, bariatric surgery for weight loss, oncology surgeons in delhi, oncology treatment centre, top oncology surgeons in delhi, oncology specialist in delhi, minimal access surgery gynaecology Advertisements Report this ad Report this ad Share this: Twitter Facebook Google Like Be the first to like this. Tagged: Best Cancer Surgeon, laparoscopic gynaecology surgery, oncology surgeons in delhi, Weight Loss Surgery
Published by cuspsurgeons CUSP is a group of Qualified and Highly Skilled Surgeons for Bariatric, Weight Loss, Cancer, Laparoscopic Training Courses, Laparoscopic Hysterectomy. View all posts by cuspsurgeons Obesity: Know About Causes and Risk Factors Leave a Reply Enter your comment here... Enter your comment here... Recent Posts A Simple Guide to Weight Loss Surgery | CUSP Surgeons Obesity: Know About Causes and Risk Factors Tips to Find the Best Cancer Surgeon, Oncology Hospital in Delhi Find the Best Oncology Specialist in Delhi to Treat Cancer Patients What to Look for in Laparoscopy Training Program? Categories Health Obesity Surgeons Surgery Category Cloud
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