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Synthesis and optimization of electrolyte of Li-air cells

Synthesis and optimization of electrolyte of Li-air cells. STABLE WP3 organization January, 2013. David Amantia Christophe Aucher LEITAT. Overview Information available from page 6 to 51 of Annex I. Start date or starting event: M1

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Synthesis and optimization of electrolyte of Li-air cells

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  1. Synthesis and optimization of electrolyte of Li-air cells STABLEWP3 organization January, 2013 David Amantia Christophe Aucher LEITAT

  2. Overview Information available from page 6 to 51 of Annex I Start date or starting event: M1 End date: M32

  3. Overall goals Information available from page 6 to 51 of Annex I Objectives • - Synthesis and characterization of stable electrolyte with low viscosity and high oxygen solubility to increase the discharge current density. • - Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of the performance of the electrolyte with different additives in terms of their effect to volatility, viscosity and conductivity of electrolyte. • - Determination of the most suitable lithium air battery materials and technology for the use in EVs.

  4. Objective Work will be focused on: • the preparation/characterization of IL/solvent/additives/salt melts • studies on SEI • Optimization of PC/EC/DEC/DMC melts • Build new ILs by ions exchange from conventional RTILs or other precursors. • Additives for by-products and oxygen solubility Challenge = reach the best ratio between: • Conductivity (& viscosity, temperature) ↑ • Solvent evaporation ↓ • Electrolyte quantity • Oxygen & by-product solubility ↑ • Water content ↓, Hydrophobicity ↑ • Electrochemical windows ↑ • Stability (cycling) ↑ • Safety ↑

  5. Objective Commercial solution New Electrolyte By- product solubility Oxygen solubility Solvent Evaporation Filling amount E Viscosity Safety Stability Watercontent Conductivity Price Bibliographic survey Most of these parameters could be evaluated by a simple survey of the previous works or by comparison of the technical data sheets for the commercial products. Willwebeabletoupscalethequantity? yes yes Physical and chemical characterization There is an interest to not use a commercial solution ? Candidates Candidates Electrochemical characterization Final confrontation between commercial and innovative solution (performances) No No

  6. WorkplanInformation available from page 6 to 51 of Annex I • Task 3.1: Synthesis and optimization of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) or combinations solvents properties for the aim of obtaining good performance electrolyte solvents (Month 1- Month 32, POLITO (14 MM), LEITAT (12 MM) and CEG (6 MM)). • Task 3.2: Investigation on influence of aprotic additives to RTILs on properties and oxygen solubility etc. (Month1- Month 32, 8MM, SAU). • Task 3.3: Investigation and evaluation of physical properties of RTILs and the optimum filling amount of electrolyte. Material and production techniques analysis including LCA (Month 1- Month 32, LEITAT (8MM), LUREDERRA (6MM), Elaphe (2MM)) Milestones (M7, M8, M9) Deliverables (D3.1, D3.2, D3.3)

  7. Organization (proposition) Melts Preparation. To complete a database by studying always the same parameters. Exchange between partners to lead to the complete evaluation of the samples depending of the skill/equipment availabilities. (dry/glove box, potentiostat, karl fisher, ionic chromatography, reference cell, cell pack…) Synthese & Physical/ChemicalCharacterizations Database Battery M24 Labscale EV PC/DEC/EC Task 3.1 M24 Cegasa, Polito, Leitat RTILs(melts preparation) ? ? Labscale M7 M7 M12 M12 M12 Additives1) electrolyte2) LISICON modification Task 3.2 Additives RTILs (characterization) M7 M7 Task 3.3 Samplestransfert Input(Material, production, Power&Energyneeds…) Feedback Repport (template proposed: (1)State of the art SoA, (2) Beyond SoA, (3) Table comparative) All technical data (numbers), Price, Safety, Other… SamplesUp scaling Electrochemical windows, Capacity, EIS, rate of charge/discharge, energy & power density, Stability (cycling), By-product solubility, Filling amount, gas (nature, flow), Price, SEI, Other… Samples water content, purity (ions contents), conductivity, thermal properties (volatility, degradation, Mp, Bp…), O2 solubility, viscosity, Other…

  8. DeliverablesInformation available from page 6 to 51 of Annex I D3.1) Electrolyte solvent synthesis and optimization (I): Report on description of preparation and characterization of lithium air battery electrolytes: 1) Preparation and characterization of salt and different compositions of ionic liquids with physical and chemical specifications; 2) Preparation and characterization of suitable additives or fillers to RTILs; 3) Investigation of suitable conditions for electrolyte such as filling amount and environment impact specifications such as temperature and pressure etc. [month 12] D3.2) Electrolyte solvent synthesis and optimization (II): Report on description of improvement on performance of produced lithium air battery electrolytes: 1) Optimization of the physical properties and electrochemical performance of the produced electrolytes such as viscosity and ion conductivity through adding suitable additives. Electrolyte will be analyzed by Raman spectroscopy after subjecting the anode to the electrolyte with different times, oxygen solubility will also be tested; 2) Optimization of the salt and different compositions for ionic liquids; 3) Determination of suitable conditions for electrolyte such as filling amount and environment impact specifications such as temperature and pressure etc. [month 24] D3.3) Conclusion on electrolyte solvent synthesis and optimization: Report on description of assessment on the prepared electrolytes in terms of physical and electrochemical performances: 1) Selection of optimum additives for electrolyte; 2) Selection of optimum electrolyte compositions with good physical specification (i.e. conductivity versus temperature, electrochemical windows, viscosity versus temperature); 3) Obtaining the optimum physical conditions for electrolyte. [month 32]

  9. DeliverablesInformation available from page 6 to 51 of Annex I

  10. Proposed deadlines M7 – April 2013: Reports (SaO, specifications, parameters...) First synthesis or melts preparation First characterizations (chemical, physical) M12 – September 2013: First complete experimental specifications (e.g. All: chemical, physical and electrochemical tests) M24 – septembre 2014: First pack cells

  11. Thank you for your attention

  12. Synthesis and optimization of electrolyte of Li-air cells • Leitat Toolbox

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