From Ed Student Council • Do you have a passion or interest that you want to share with the Penn State community? Do you care about the state of Penn State? Is there something that you always rant about to your roommates and are on the tipping point of actually doing something about it? Then apply to speak at State of State 2014! • Featuring a range of unique, challenging talks on the future of Penn State, State of State is designed to foster a moderated dialogue in the University community. Not only will you hear from inspiring individuals, you'll develop and advocate your own views. • Please visit us at www.psustateofstate.com and apply to speak today!
Apply by Friday, January 24thOne day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education. • REGISTER to learn more and be contacted by a TFA representative.All majors and career backgrounds. Full salary and benefits. Federal student loans deferred.Email David Peters at david.peters@teachforamerica.org to learn more!
BRAZIL VISIT • College of Education Community: You are invited to attend a panel presentation on Friday, January 31st from 12:30-2pm in 102 Chambers. Refreshments provided. Students from Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (IESB) and Penn State College of Education students who visited IESB in May 2013 will discuss higher education in the United States and Brazil.
VIPS • Hello Volunteers,You are receiving this email because you volunteered with the Volunteers in Public Schools Program during the 2012-2013 school year. If you have already received an invitation and have either signed up or are no longer available, please disregard this email. • The Volunteers in Public Schools Program has expanded is greatly in need of volunteers to work with our various homework help and tutoring centers. If you are interested in returning, please visit the link below, which will take you to our new online application. Once your application is complete, we will work on placing you for the spring semester. • To apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10D_UJWeQdktRAM3yZxdibjYFMXZEd-_IKFCOTmC8ipY/viewform
THON SHIRTS • Pay Lexie if you ordered one. • Tie-Dye Dates?
RELAY FOR LIFE • SARAH! • Sunday April 6th