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Crisis in Workplace Based Assessment: Understanding the Lenses and Implications

Explore the crisis in Workplace Based Assessment, delving into history, construct-aligned scales, and implications. Analyze lenses like constructs, sampling, and judge alignment. Understand the development through case studies and reflections on professional judgement. Engagement encouraged!

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Crisis in Workplace Based Assessment: Understanding the Lenses and Implications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What are we to do? Jim Crossley for Maastricht 2012

  2. Outline • A crisis in WPBA • A brief history in lenses • Construct-aligned scales • Some implications

  3. Outline • A crisis in WPBA • A brief history in lenses • Construct-aligned scales • Some implications

  4. Crisis UK Academy of Medical Royal Colleges 2010 “The profession has rightly lost all confidence in Workplace Based Assessment”

  5. Outline • A crisis in WPBA • A brief history in lenses • Construct-aligned scales • Some implications

  6. Getting a clear picture

  7. First lens - constructs ?

  8. Getting a clear picture

  9. Getting a clear picture

  10. Test Sample Test Sample Sampling Domain of Interest  

  11. Second lens - sampling ?

  12. Getting a clear picture

  13. Outline • A crisis in WPBA • A brief history in lenses • Construct-aligned scales • Some implications

  14. 3 instruments 1635 assessments 437 cases 15 index procedures 5 specialities 85 surgical trainees 155 judges Modelled reliability with 3 cases & 2 observers PBA, G=0.81 NOTTS, G=0.59 OSATS, G=0.65 Surgical skills study

  15. Level 1 Unable to perform the procedure, or part observed, under supervision Level 2 Able to perform the procedure, or part observed, under supervision Level 3 Able to perform the procedure with minimum supervision (needed occasional help) Level 4 Competent to perform the procedure unsupervised (could deal with complications that arose) Very Poor Poor Good Very good PBA response scale

  16. It generalises

  17. Getting a clear picture

  18. Third lens – judge alignment ?

  19. Outline • A crisis in WPBA • A brief history in lenses • Construct-aligned scales • Some implications

  20. Understanding development Please join in!

  21. judgement and obscurity Now we see as through a glass darkly; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

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