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Post-School Data: Make it Count

Post-School Data: Make it Count. Type the name, email, and zip code of all team members participating today in the ‘Chat Box’ on the left. CCTS will conduct a sound check at 2:50 and 2:55 . We’ll begin at 3:00 and end by 4:00.

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Post-School Data: Make it Count

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Post-School Data: Make it Count • Type the name, email, and zip code of all team members participating today in the ‘Chat Box’ on the left. • CCTS will conduct a sound check at 2:50 and 2:55 . We’ll begin at 3:00 and end by 4:00. • After the webinar, you will receive a follow-up email requesting that you complete a quick survey. Thank you for joining us today!

  2. Post-school Data: Make it Count Center for Change in Transition Services Improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington state Seattle University OSPI State Needs Project October 10, 2012 Presenters: Sue Ann Bube and Beth Charles Website: www.seattleu.edu/ccts Email: CCTS@seattleu.edu Phone: 206.296.6494

  3. Center for Change In Transition Servicesimproving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington stateSeattle UniversityOSPI State Needs Project WELCOME to CCTS! cc This webinar is closed-captioned. To see the captioning click on the cc icon just above the video.

  4. Website: www.seattleu.edu/ccts Email: CCTS@seattleu.edu Phone: 206.296.6494 Center for Change In Transition Servicesimproving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington stateSeattle UniversityOSPI State Needs Project WELCOME to CCTS!

  5. Webinar Norms If you have a microphone, please keep it turned off until called on. You may ask questions by typing in the chat box or by raising your hand (if you have a microphone). Raise your hand and wait to be called on by moderator

  6. Agenda History of Post-school Data Collection Looking at the Data Transition Systemic Framework Progress on the 2010-2011 Leavers Make it Count! 1 2 3 4 5

  7. CCTS – Our Mission Improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington State

  8. Definitions In 2009, Washington adopted OSEP’s new measurable categories of postsecondary engagement Higher Education Competitively Employed Other Education or Training Other Employment

  9. Definitions 1. Higher Education Enrolled on a full- or part-time basis in a community college (2-year program), or college/university (4- or more year program) for at least one complete term, at any time in the year since leaving high school. 2. Competitive Employment Worked for pay at or above the minimum wage in a setting with others who are nondisabled for a period of 20 hours a week for at least 90 days at any time in the year since leaving high school (including military employment).

  10. Definitions 3. Other Postsecondary Education or Training Enrolled on a full- or part-time basis for at least one complete term at any time in the year since leaving high school in an education or training program. 4. Some Other Employment Worked for pay or been self-employed for a period of at least 90 days at any time in the year since leaving high school. This includes working in a family business.

  11. What does the data say? n = 1102 n = 932 n = 235 n = 593 n = 1465

  12. Post-SchoolOutcomes

  13. ESD-LevelReport

  14. TSF Review: Login

  15. TSF Review: Reset Password

  16. Transition Systemic Framework

  17. Post-School Data Reports

  18. Accessing2010Reports

  19. Graduates vs. Non-Graduates

  20. Reports by Disability Category

  21. Make it Count! …because our kids count

  22. Progress on the 2010-2011 Leavers

  23. Timeline

  24. Top 5 Contact Rate Tips • Have someone who personally knows the students make the phone call • Explain the survey before the student leaves school • Collect student information before they leave high school • Use online resources • Use your community

  25. Make it Count? Who could you share your data with? • Special Education Teachers? • General Education Teachers? • Principals? • School Board? • Community Organizations?

  26. Make it Count! • What are one or two first steps you will take to use local post-school outcomes to improve your building or district-level transition programming practices? • List one or two barriers you may face in this new effort. • How will you find and use supports to overcome these barriers?

  27. What’s next? You have looked at the data, so NOW WHAT?

  28. Future Webinars Tune in on Wednesdays from 3 to 4 pm.

  29. Time for Feedback 1) Using the Chat Box, type in at least one tool or support CCTS provided that you found helpful and would like to use again. 2) Let us know at least one way CCTS can better support your team this year. 3) After the webinar, please fill out the five minute survey that is emailed to you. We need this data for continued program improvement. Thank you! Thank you for joining us today!

  30. CCTSContact www.seattleu.edu/ccts Email: ccts@seattleu.edu Phone: (206) 296-6494

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