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Building and Enriched Vocabulary. Lesson 18. Lesson 18 Vocabulary. Gape Gratuitous Gruesome Garble Gregarious Gullible Gloat Grimace Haggard Goad Grope Harangue Graphic Grueling Harbinger . Gape. Verb Definition: To stare openmouthed in amazement; to open wide.
Building and Enriched Vocabulary Lesson 18
Lesson 18 Vocabulary Gape Gratuitous Gruesome Garble Gregarious Gullible Gloat Grimace Haggard Goad Grope Harangue Graphic Grueling Harbinger
Gape Verb Definition: To stare openmouthed in amazement; to open wide. Survivors gaped in disbelief at the destruction so quickly wrought by the tornado. Synonyms: gawk at, goggle at Antonyms: pucker the mouth, furrow the brow
Garble Verb Definition: To distort in such a way as to make unintelligible. The message was so badly garbled that I didn’t even know who had called Synonyms: scramble, jumble, confuse, mangle, butcher
Gloat Verb Definition: To regard with excessive or malicious satisfaction. A good winner doesn’t gloat over victory, just as a good loser doesn’t sulk over defeat. Synonyms: revel in, delight in, relish
Goad Noun & Verb Definition (noun): A long pointed stick used for driving animals; anything that spurs a person on. Simple financial necessity is often the goad that prompts a composer or painter to produce new material. Definition (verb): To drive or urge on. Try as he might, he could not goad me into doing something that I Knew in my heart was foolish. Synonyms: (noun) prod, spur, stimulus (verb) propel, hound, incite Antonyms: (noun) restraint, curb, check (verb) deter, impede
Graphic Adjective Definition: • Relating to a drawn or pictorial representation; visual Messages posted on our refrigerator door have become quite eye-catching since my sister began majoring in graphic arts. (b) Giving a clear and effective picture; vivid. The book contains a graphic and hair-raising account of the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Iran. Synonyms: pictorial, striking, lively, lifelike Antonyms: sketchy, vague, colorless, bland
Gratuitous Adjective Definition: • Freely given; done with recompense She gives people a great deal of gratuitous service, simply because she likes them. (b) Uncalled-for; unjustified After treating them so well, we were deeply offended by their gratuitous insults. Synonyms: free, complimentary, voluntary, unwarranted, unfounded
Gregarious Adjective Definition: • Tending to form or move in a herd or other group; social. Many kinds of animals-sheep, for example-are naturally gregarious. (b) Enjoying the company of others; sociable. Whether or not a person is gregarious is usually the result of how she or he was brought up. Synonyms: outgoing, extroverted, friendly Antonyms: antisocial, unfriendly, withdrawn, introverted
Grimace Noun and Verb Definition: (noun) A twisted facial expression indicating pain, disgust, or disapproval. The grimace on her face told me more eloquently than words could have that she disapproved of my decision Definition: (verb) To contort of the features of the face in order to indicate pain, disgust, or disapproval. When the doctor jabbed me with the long needle, I involuntarily grimaced in pain. Synonyms: (nouns and verbs) frown, scowl, glare Antonyms: (nouns and verbs) smile, grin
Grope Verb Definition: To feel around uncertainly for. When the lights went out, I groped my way down the stairs with the aid of a pocket lighter. There was a momentary pause in the conversation as I groped for an answer to her unexpected question. Synonyms: fumble for, poke around, look for
Grueling Adjective Definition: Extremely demanding and exhausting. With four minutes left to play, a glorious but grueling eighty-yard drive put the winning points on the board for the Rams. Synonyms: taxing, draining, tiring, intense Antonyms: easy, simple, enjoyable, relaxing
Gruesome Adjective Definition: Causing great shock, horror, and repugnance. The gruesome sight of maimed and burned bodies was enough to disillusion me forever about the so-called glories of war. Synonyms: horrifying, horrible, hideous, ghastly Antonyms: pleasant, lovely, delightful, agreeable
Gullible Adjective Definition: Easily cheated or deceived. No matter how much protective legislation we pass, there will probably always be gullible consumers for swindlers and con artist to prey on. Synonyms: naïve, unsuspecting, exploitable, trusting Antonyms: skeptical, dubious, wary cautious
Haggard Adjective Definition: Worn and exhausted from anxiety, disease, hunger, or fatigue. As soon as I saw how haggard his face looked, I began to realize just how much he had been through recently. Synonyms: drawn, gaunt, wasted, drained Antonyms: rosy, radiant, glowing, ruddy
Harangue Noun and Verb Definition: (noun) A long, emotional public address designed to arouse strong feelings or spur the audience on to action; a similar piece of writing. Suddenly a young man rushed onto the stage and began to deliver one of the most intemperate harangues I have ever heard. Definition: (verb) To deliver a harangue It’s is truly frightening experience to watch old film clips of Adolf Hitler haranguing his followers at the Nuremberg rallies of the 1930s. Synonyms: (nouns) tirade, denunciation, diatribe (verb) rant, hold forth, pontificate
Harbinger Noun and Verb Definition: (noun) A forerunner Wild geese flying south from Canada are harbingers of winter. Definition: (verb) To herald the approach of . I hope tonight’s easy victory over Elk Grove harbingers success in our bid for the state basketball championship. Synonyms: (noun) precursor, herald; omen sign (verbs) forshadow, signal, usher in