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Schimbare parola acces modem Huawei MT882 (Change modem access password for Huawei MT882)

Schimbare parola acces modem Huawei MT882 (Change modem access password for Huawei MT882). PAS 1. Accesare program navigare Internet – Ex: Internet Explorer (Access Internet browser – E.g. Internet Explorer).

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Schimbare parola acces modem Huawei MT882 (Change modem access password for Huawei MT882)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Schimbareparolaacces modem Huawei MT882 (Change modem access password for Huawei MT882)

  2. PAS 1. Accesare program navigare Internet – Ex: Internet Explorer (Access Internet browser – E.g. Internet Explorer)

  3. PAS 2. Golirecontinutbara de adrese(Delete all the text from the Address Bar) • Se stergeceeacescrie in bara de adresa. • (Delete what is written in the address bar)

  4. PAS 3. Tastareadresaaccesinterfata modem: the interface access address: • Se tasteaza in bara de adresasiapoi se apasatasta Enter. • (Type in the address bar and then press Enter)

  5. PAS 4. In ambelecampuri se tasteazacuvantuladmin(Typeadmin in both textboxes) • Se completeazaambelecampuri cu adminsiapoi se da click pe OK. • (Fill both fields with admin and then click OK)

  6. PAS 5. Se da click peTools din meniul din stangapaginiiaparute(ClickTools in the left control menu) • Se apasa din meniupeoptiunea Tools. • (Press in the menu on the Tools option)

  7. PAS 6. Se da click pesubmeniulSystem Management(Click System Management submenu) • Din submeniul Tools se apasape System Management. • (Press in the Tools submenu on the System Management option)

  8. PAS 7. Se da click peiconita “creion” aferentauserului “admin”(Click the edit icon corresponding to user “admin”) • Se da click peiconitaCreion din coloana Action(s). • (Click on the pencil icon in the Action(s) column)

  9. PAS 8. Completarecampuriparola – detaliimaijos (Fill in the Password fields – details below) Pefiecare camp, introduceti: Old Password: admin admin New Password: tastatinouadvs. parola Retype to confirm: retastatiparolanoua de mai sus For each field, please fill in: Old Password: admin New Password: type your new password Retype to confirm: the same new password as above

  10. PAS 9. Se da click pebutonulSubmitpentrufinalizare(Click Submit to complete the modification) • Se da click pebutonul Submit. • (Click on Submit button)

  11. PAS 10. Se vacerereintroducere user siparolanoua(Re-authentication is required – fill in new password) DOAR daca se dorestereaccesareainterfetei, se introduce user adminsinouaparola. User and password are typed only if you wish to re-access the interface. Se da Click pebutonulCancelpentru a FINALIZA PROCEDURA DE SCHIMBARE A PAROLEI. Click Cancel to finish changing the password.

  12. Vamultumescpentruatentiadumneavoastra ! Thank you for your attention !

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