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Explore God's relationship with man before sin and the restoration of fellowship post sin. Dive deep into biblical verses highlighting the impact of sin on human existence and the process of restoration toward unity with God. Let's journey through scriptures to comprehend how God's plan revives mankind's connection with Him. Gain insight into the consequences of sin and God's sorrowful response to human corruption. Discover the significance of learning from history to embrace God's systematic plan for our redemption.
Our study is about God’s relationship with man before SIN and the restoration of man back into a relationship with God after we SINNED. There is nothing more important to God than us being restored into this fellowship with Him.
Application: “ As I Go “ GOD GOD me me Genesis 1:26-31Romans 3:23 – all sin everything was very goodIsaiah 59:1-2 – sin Complete fellowship and unityseparates us with Godfrom God BeforeSinAfterSin S I N Our study is to see how God will restore me back into a relationship I had with Him before my sin separated me.
Application: “ As I Go “ Establishing the Need: Sin is man’s common denominator. It’s the one thing that all share in common. Before or after getting the student’s story (how they were saved) the following text below is where I believe our study of God’s word should start. You must establish the need for someone to deliver me from my problem that I’m not capable of doing myself. Luke 19:10
Application: “ As I Go “ The Human Problem Romans 3:23 – “all have sinned” This text along with the others allows for defensive walls to be torn down. It rids me of any arrogance and a self-righteous mindset. Me as teacher and them as student have sinned Sin has caused us to not live up to God’s expectations (come short of the glory of God) Sin allows me to identify with the student because both share this human dilemma Since all have “sinned”, then the question is, What is Sin?
Application: “ As I Go “ I John 3:4 – “sin is transgression / lawlessness” Transgression / lawlessness speaks of boundaries. Sin say’s that I have stepped over the boundaries of God’s words. I’ve broken the law. There are always consequences of stepping over boundaries What are the consequences?
Application: “ As I Go “ Isaiah 59:1-2 – “separation between me and God” My sins brought about broken fellowship / broken unity / broken relationship / a separation between me and God This broken relationship speaks of me now walking in darkness I John 1:5, vs8, vs10 – “I walk in darkness” and if I deny this fact “I’m only deceiving myself and no truth is in me” and my denying of this fact says that I “make God a liar”.
Application: “ As I Go “ Romans 15:4 - Learning from History Let’s go back into time and learn from the word how God put together his plan to restore my relationship with him.
Application: “ As I Go “ God’s Plan to Restore Mankind: (a systematic view of God’s plan) This will be a brief look at God’s plan to restore me back into a favorable relationship with Him. We must walk through this slowly and systematically to understand God’s intent for me to be with him. This systematic look is for my learning (Romans 15:4) and not for me to do. How God established a nation by which He would bring the Savior into the world.
Application: “ As I Go “ God’s Plan to Restore Mankind: (a systematic view of God’s plan) Isaiah 59:1-2 SinSeparates “US”from GOD
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 1:26-31 – Everything was Very Good after everything was created God said “it was very good” since God was well pleased, what happened or what caused this chaos we now live in?
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 3:1-6 – The Fall of Man(sin entered into the world) Point from vs1 – someone / thing is always out to trick you, cause you to doubt - “more subtil / crafty / deceitful” They generally know what’s the correct thing to do Point from vs2 and 3 – when you know right from wrong there are some conversations you should not engage in
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 3:1-6 – The Fall of Man(sin entered into the world) Point from vs4 and 5 – it does not take much poison to destroy you The appeal is to what we see and how we think Point from vs6 – doubting lead to disobeying God. This created a lifelong and sometimes generational or everlasting problems
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 6:5-7, vs11-13, vs8,9 - The Corruption of Mankind Points from vs5-7 – “God Saw” nothing you and I do is hidden from God. Man’s thoughts have become evil all the time. God developed a sorrowful mindset because of my sin and my sin created grief in the very heart of God. Grief is created when you have an intimate relationship with someone.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 6:5-7, vs11-13, vs8,9 - The Corruption of Mankind God is not so far removed from us that our sin doesn’t affect Him. Our mindset can get so far removed from God that even He can’t reach us anymore and his only alternative is to destroy his very on creation (me). Our sin affects everything around me.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 6:5-7, vs11-13, vs8,9 - The Corruption ofMankind Points from vs11-13 – sin caused all violence, manipulation and deceitfulness. God saw everything, every act of evil that takes place upon the earth and between you and me. Doing this time God speaks directly with man, “God said to Noah”. Since we corrupted the entire creation, God used what we corrupted to destroy us.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 6:5-7, vs11-13, vs8,9 - The Corruption ofMankind Points from vs8,9 – Noah didn’t earn his deliverance from destruction it was grace – “unearned favor” God is always looking for those who TRUSTand OBEY Him. Your environment is not an excuse for disobeying God. Noah lived in an environment that was so evil that God’s only alternate was to destroy it. What’s my excuse for letting my environment shape and mold me?
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 12:1-5 – The Call of Abram Points for all 5 verses – God spoke directly to man doing this time. Abram must leave his country, his kin people and his father’s house. He had to leave those things that he was familiar with, found comfort in and placed his security in. All the traditions with his kin people and family would be left behind. Trust and obedience to God are more important than traditions. Traditions have no value when God desires trust and obedience in him.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 12:1-5 – The Call of Abram God makes him a twofold promise: you will be a great nation and your name will be great – point: trust and obedience to God will always bring you more than what you give up! God’s care and protection would be given to Abram upon him trusting and obeying God. With God there is not age discrimination and in this life God’s will / desire for me must be obeyed regardless of age.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 12:1-5 – The Call of Abram Abram life of integrity and influence caused his nephew and wife to follow him even when he didn’t know where he was going. God makes promises and keeps his promises. It’s not important if we know how God is going to work things out. What is important is that WE TRUST and OBEY GOD
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 15:1-6,13 – Abram is Promised a Son Points to be made of these 7 verses – this time God speaks to Abram in a vision. God communicated to man during this time by way of words, dreams and visions (Hebrews 1:1-2) but now speak to us by way of Christ.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 15:1-6,13 – Abram is Promised a Son He reassures Abram of the promise He made to him There are times in which we lose sight of God’s promises to us and this causes us to become fearful of some situations we find ourselves in. This should lead us back to his word for comfort knowing that God will protect us.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 15:1-6,13 – Abram is Promised a Son Wanting to know how God is going to fulfill his promises to us based upon what we see and currently have is only human nature. It will be by way of his word that he will reaffirm the promises he has made to us. The evidence that God uses many times to reassure our faith in Him and confirm His promises to us is the creation he made.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 15:1-6,13 – Abram is Promised a Son Our trust and obedience in God is looked upon by Him as righteousness. (doing what’s right in His sight based upon His word) There are times when suffering is a part of God fulfilling His desires to bless us.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 17:1-5 – Abram Name is Changed toAbraham Points of interest – when God changes your name, your relationship with Him changes also. Twenty-four years have passed since Genesis 12 and the promise has not been fulfilled. God’s timeframe of accomplishing his purpose is not according to my timeframe. Many things can happen in 24 years but regardless of what happens, God expects me to continue to trust and obey him.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 17:1-5 – Abram Name is Changed toAbraham A stronger relationship between God and me is established when I’m obedient to Him (Covenant) This covenant is between God and Abram When God established His covenant with Abram because of Abram’s trust and obedience in God, God changed Abram’s (prince) name to Abraham (father of many nations). As we continue our study, if we put our trust and obedience in God, He will change our name also (to be discussed later.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 18:9-14 – The Birth of Abraham’s Son isPromised Points of interest – three individuals visit Abraham (messengers of God) who know all about him. Nothing escapes the attention of God. God is the giver of life God will do for Abraham and Sarah what they couldn’t possibly do for themselves (produce life) even when Sarah was at the age when she could not bare children.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 18:9-14 – The Birth of Abraham’s Son isPromised Even our inner joy is not hidden from God Can anything be too wonderful for the Lord to bring about joy? This type of joy can only be produced by God.
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 21:1-8 – Abraham and Sarah’s Son is Born God makes promises and keeps his promises at his appointed time The child is named Issac (laughter) because of the circumstances of Abraham and Sarah Circumcision was a part of the covenant that God made with Abraham in chapter 17:9-11. God will continue to expect trust and obedience in Him even after He fulfills His promises
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 21:1-8 – Abraham and Sarah’s Son is Born Twenty-five years have passed before God fulfilled His promise to them. How long will we wait to please God? Can you and I trust God beyond our own abilities? Issac’s birth was a revelation of God’s power. Side note (the removal of SIN is a revelation of God’s power also) Patience in God has it’s reward
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 25:19-26 – The Birth of Jacob Issac prays to God on behalf of his wife – she was well aware of the circumstances surrounding the conditions by which Issac was born and his relationship to God. How often do people have someone who they know ??? pray for them when they see your pursuit of God God hears the prayers of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 25:19-26 – The Birth of Jacob Because of Issac’s faith she established her own authentic relationship with God Each one of us must develop our own authentic relationship with God by trusting his word and becoming obedient to his instructions
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 35:9-12 – Jacob name is changed to Israel God continues to speak to man during this period of time God changed Jacob’s name from deceiver to Israel (thy shall rule as God)
Application: “ As I Go “ Genesis 35:9-12 – Jacob name is changed to Israel God reinforces the promises that He had made to Jacob’s (Israel) grandfather (Abraham) and father (Issac) – God does not forget His promises and He fulfills His promises Israel must continue with the instructions that God gave his father and grandfather to receive God’s blessings Notice verses 23-26 for Israel’s 12 sons
Application: “ As I Go “ Exodus 19:1-6 – Israel and the Covenant with God God is speaking to those who had come out of Egyptian bondage and only to them God told Israel exactly where he wanted them to camp God chooses Moses to be mediator between Him and Israel – Moses mouth will becomes God’s mouth This message is to the Family of Jacob, the children of Israel – this message is to no one else – this message is not written to You and Me.
Application: “ As I Go “ Exodus 19:1-6 – Israel and the Covenant with God When God blesses us it’s important to realize that you and I were / are incapable to deliver ourselves Always remember what God has brought us through and you’re never forget to exalt Him in all we do Trust and obedience in God are always requirements of Faithfulness in God’s sight This covenant is built upon pre-conditions – Faith & Obedience
Application: “ As I Go “ Exodus chapters 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:1-3 – Israel Agrees to God’s Covenant, Testament, Will, Desires for Them, God’s Contract to Israel The Law of Moses contained more than just the 10 Commandments God is speaking only to those that He brought out of the house of bondage (Egypt) Chapter 20 contains the 10 Commandments and several other laws also
Application: “ As I Go “ Exodus chapters 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:1-3 – Israel Agrees to God’s Covenant, Testament, Will, Desires for Them, God’s Contract to Israel Chapter 21 are primary laws that speaks to Personal Injuries (relationships between each Jew) – notice vs12, vs15, vs16 and vs17 Chapter 22 primary speaks to Property Rights Chapter 23 has a variety of laws within it – notice the 3 national feasts the Israel had to keep (vs14,15 and 16) – Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Harvest and the Feast of Ingathering
Application: “ As I Go “ Exodus chapters 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:1-3 – Israel Agrees to God’s Covenant, Testament, Will, Desires for Them, God’s Contract to Israel Chapter 24:1-3 is where Israel agrees to the Covenant – notice vs3 emphasizes the words, “all the words of the Lord” and not just the 10 Commandments Covenants, Contracts, Agreements are ratified at the end of the agreement and not before
Application: “ As I Go “ Exodus chapters 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:1-3 – Israel Agrees to God’s Covenant, Testament, Will, Desires for Them, God’s Contract to Israel Your Lease / Mortgage / Car Note etc., are all signed at the end of the document and not at the beginning. This signifies that you are familiar with and agree with all the conditions.
Application: “ As I Go “ Deuteronomy (a repeat of the Law) 4:1-2 – Israel Agrees not to Add, Subtract or Change the Law of Moses (God’s Law) God is speaking to Israel and Israel only Trust and Obedience is God’s expectations of Israel Israel was not to add or subtract from God’s Law
Application: “ As I Go “ Deuteronomy 5:1-6 – This Covenant, Testament, Agreement, Contract was written to those who stood before Moses that Day Obedience is emphasized to Israel in vs1 Vs2 says the Covenant was made with THEM and no one else Vs3 says that their fathers (Abraham, Issac and Jacob) were never under this Covenant and only those that were alive that day – this totally excludes you and I Vs4 says that God talked to Them Face to Face and not us or anyone else
Application: “ As I Go “ Deuteronomy 5:1-6 – This Covenant, Testament, Agreement, Contract was written to those who stood before Moses that Day Vs5 says that Moses stood between God and Israel as mediator when God gave Israel this Covenant – the people were fearful (respectful of God) – do we fear (respect) God today to follow what we will later study in order that we may be restored to a relationship He wants for us? Vs6 again speaks to the fact that it was Israel that this covenant was given to and no one else
Application: “ As I Go “ Deuteronomy 5:1-6 – This Covenant, Testament, Agreement, Contract was written to those who stood before Moses that Day Since the Law of Moses was not given to us we are not under obligation to follow it. I’m not under obligation to follow your Lease Agreement / House Mortgage, Car note or any contract you have agreed to This covenant was given to Israel and not us Gentiles