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Discover the benefits and resources of Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) at Hedenkamp Elementary School. Learn about student identification, differentiation in the classroom, GATE enrichment programs, quarterly sessions, possible class offerings, and helpful resources for parents.
Hedenkamp Elementary SchoolParent Information MeetingGifted and Talented EducationAugust 2, 2017
What is Gifted and Talented Education? • A student’s giftedness creates specific learning needs. The purpose of identification is to find those students who require educational modifications to meet those needs. • All third grade students are screened in the fall. • Identification is based on multiple criteria, including standardized and non-standardized instruments. • Students are identified GATE. Teachers and parents are notified. • Students are provided opportunities for differentiated instruction within the context of the classroom.
What is Differentiation? Modifications can be made in any of the following areas: • Content- Curricular Design • Process- Higher Level Thinking Strategies • Product- Varied Assignment Options
Enrichment for Gifted Learners in the Classroom • Leveled literature books designed to utilize higher level reasoning skills in small group discussions • Classroom specific content projects • Enrichment learning groupings
GATE Enrichment Program • Quarterly Sessions • Wednesday Classes • 3:30 – 4:30 • Taught by Teachers, Parents, and Gate Students
GATE 2017 -2018Quarterly Sessions • Quarter 1: August 9– September 6 • Quarter 2: October 11 – November 15 • Quarter 3: January 24 – February 28 • Quarter 4: April 4– May 9
Possible Class Offerings Photography Robotics Advanced Technology iMovie Coding Cooking Makerspace/DIY Leadership Art Percussion Ensemble Math Field Day Improv HKTV Spanish
Communication • Follow our Blog • Follow us on Twitter
End of Year Celebration • Wednesday, May 9that 4:30 • Showcase of Student Work • Celebration of Success
Resources for Parents • http://www.cvesd.org/parents/my_childs_learning/gate_gifted_and_talented_education • http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/ • http://www.cagifted.org/ • http://www.nagc.org/ • http://www.sengifted.org/ • http://hedenkampgate.wordpress.com/