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Society and cultures of Pakistan

Society and cultures of Pakistan. 9.2.1 Culture Total life style and overall behavior of society which includes language, dress, living, habits, customs, beliefs, and traditions etc Diversity = acceptance of positive variations, variety in all aspects of life

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Society and cultures of Pakistan

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  1. Society and cultures of Pakistan • 9.2.1 Culture • Total life style and overall behavior of society which includes language, dress, living, habits, customs, beliefs, and traditions etc • Diversity = acceptance of positive variations, variety in all aspects of life • Unity = condition of brotherhood of respecting each other, Urdu language, religion • National cohesion = Urdu an instrument, common script of all languages • Integration = coordination of mental processes, Urdu a national solidarity, common heritage and struggle of freedom

  2. 9.1.1. basic features of Pakistani society • Religious uniformity and diversity • Mixed culture (Muslim, Hindu, British) • Dowry system • English an official language • Male-oriented society • Simplicity • Simple dress and diet • Easy languages Dowry system • English an official language • Literature • Handicrafts • Sports • Ulema, Mashaikh and Sufi poets

  3. Elements influence unity, national cohesion, integrity, • Language • Diversity • Values / beliefs • Shared resources • Government structure

  4. Class difference and social inequalities • Intolerance • Terrorism • Rich and poor • Multiple standard of education, food, housing • Posh and poor localities • Elite • Cantonment ? Civil line and Garibabad • Master and servant • Hindu caste system • Muslim Hidden caste and class difference

  5. Diversity • 9.1.3. Regional disparity • Cultural dress (Provinces) • Languages • Cultural Festivals • Cultural heritages / customs • dress w.r.t climate & social occasions • Fine Art • Handicraft

  6. Role and status of woman • Important part of family manages all affairs with the limits, household keeping, upbringing of children • Right of education • Right of business • Right of property • Right in heritage • Right to rule the country

  7. 9. 3.1. Major features of \Pakistani culture • History and ideology • Attraction forces • Dynamics of culture due to influence of other culture • Strong religious values • Mixed dress • Multiple languages • Rich literature • Rich heritages • Religious unity

  8. 9.3.2. Festivals

  9. 9.3.4 Role of mass media in culture • New technologies; camera, phonograph, radio, TV, dramas source of culture • culture became more democratic as modern technology and mass media allowed it to reach more people. • Holloywood, Bollywood cultural dominance through mass media • Foods, dresses, hair style, language etc modified due to mass media • Media brings diverse voice, ideas, critique of government, trade,

  10. 9.4.1. Origin and Evolution of Urdu • 300 years old • Arabic, Persian and Turkish gave birth to Hindi, Hindustani, Shahjahani and finally in Urdu • Amir Khursro, Sir Syed, Maulanai Shibli, Allama Iqbal flourished Urdu • Urdu reached in whole subcontinent 16th century • 1947 Urdu national language of Pakistan

  11. Significance of Urdu • Vehicle of communication • National cohesion or binding force of various parts of Pakistan • Source of rich historical literature • Quranic translation in Urdu • National Language of country • Medium of instructions in institutions

  12. 9.4.4. • Popular poets: Amir Khusro, Allama Iqbal, Ghalib • Popular writers: Allama Iqba, Sir Syed, Deputy Nazir Ahmed, Maulanai Hali, Maulana Shibli, • Popular folklores: Arif Lohar, Noor Jehan, Lata,

  13. 9.4.5. Role of English Language as an official language • Official communitarian at local, national and international level • Source of information • Medium of instruction in many institutions • Source of international trade • Its international passport • Important for globalization

  14. 9.5 Art and architectural heritages • Taxila • Kot Dijian settlement • Mohenjodaro • Indus valley • Harapa • Taxila • Mansura, Bhambore • Gandhra civilization

  15. 9.5.2. name and significance Archaeological and historical sites of Pakistan • Bambhore • Taxila • Harapa • Lahore • Thatta • Moenjo daro • Kot Diji • Hyderabad • Makil • Karachi

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