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Explore Maxwell's Equations in complex notation for plane waves, linear media, wave velocity, energy density, polarization, Stokes parameters, and refraction. Learn theories and practical applications.
7. Electromagnetic Waves 7A. Plane Waves Complex Notation • Consider Maxwell’s Equations with no sources • We are going to search for waves of the form • To make things as general as possible, we write • To save ourselves work, we will simply keep track of • Just remember to take the real part at the end • Space derivatives of expressions like this become ik • Time derivatives of expressions like this become –i • Maxwell equations are now
Linear Media • The reaction of the medium will generally have the samefrequency as the fields only if the material is linear • We therefore assume the medium is linear • In general, and will depend on frequency • It is possible for there to be a phase shift between D and E or B and H • Similar to a phase shift for a damped, driven harmonic oscillator • This can be show up as complex and • We will (for now) assume they are both real • Most common situation is = 0 and > 0 • With these assumptions, our equations become
Finding the Wave Velocity • Multiply second equation by • Substitute third equation • Use kB = 0 • We therefore have • We define the phase velocity v and the index of refraction n as • We therefore have • Recall that c200 = 1, so • What does phase velocity mean? • It’s the speed at which the peaks, valleys, and nodes move
The Electric Field and Magnetic Flux Density • Electric field will take the form • E0 is a constant vector • From the first equation, we see that E0 k • The magnetic field can befound from second equation • Magnetic field is also transverse • Given k, the index of refraction n, and the constant transverse vector E0, we have completely described the wave
Time-Averaged Energy Density • First rewrite B • Energy density is • The last terms oscillate at frequency 2 - too fast to measure • If we do a time average, these terms go away, so
Time-Averaged Poynting Vector • The Poynting vector is • If we time average, we get • We note that: • Energy moves in direction of k at phase velocity v
7B. Polarization and Stokes Parameters The Polarization Vectors • The electric field is transverse • We define two polarization vectors • They are chosen to be orthogonal to k and to each other: • If we use real polarization vector 1, typically define the other to be • For example, if k is in z-direction,then we could pick • An arbitrary wave is then described by two complex numbers • That means four real parameters • The magnetic field is then given by • The intensity (magnitude oftime-averaged Poynting vector) is
Linear, Circular, Elliptical Polarization Electric field Magnetic Field • If E1 and E2 are proportional with a real proportionalityconstant, then we say we have linear polarization E1 = E2 circular E1 only elliptical E2 only • If we let E2 = iE1 we get circular polarization • Most general case is called elliptical polarization
Polarization and Stokes Parameters • Instead of using real polarization vectors,we could use complex ones • These are also called positive and negative helicity polarizations • Then we would write • Any way you look at it, there are four real numbers describing E0 • One of these is the overall phase, corresponding to • These correspond to tiny time shifts • The remaining parameters are sometimesdescribed in terms of Stokes Parameters • Since there are only three independentparameters, these must be somehow related
Measuring Polarization and Stokes Parameters • There are a variety of ways of measuring polarization, but one of the easiest is to put it through a polarizer • Blocks all the light of one polarization, lets much of the other polarization through • Easiest to only allow through one linear polarization, but you can also make them to only allow through one circular polarization
Sample Problem 7.1 A pure wave moving in the z-direction is put through a variety of polarizers, and its intensity measured. The types of polarizers and the resulting intensities measured are x-polarization: Ixy-polarization: Iy; plus circular polarization: I+ Predict the intensity if you only allowed minus circular polarization I- • Recall the intensity is themagnitude of the Poynting vector: • For our threemeasurements,we have • We want to know • The Stokes parameter s0 is given by • From which we can easily see • Therefore
7C. Refraction and Reflection Boundary Conditions and Waves • What happens if our linear medium is not uniform? • We will consider only the case of a planar barrier at z = 0 • To simplify, we will assume = ' = 0 • We therefore have • In each region, we will have waves • We have to match boundary condition at z = 0 • These must match at all t, x, and y • Since = ' = 0, last two conditions simplify to
Setting Up the Waves • We will consider a wave coming in from the +z direction in the xz-plane, reflecting in the xz-plane, and refracting in the xz-plane • Call the wave number for the incoming, refracted,and reflected wave k, k', and k", respectively • Call their constant vector E0, E'0, and E"0 respectively • Then we have • To make them match on the boundary, we need • These must be valid at all x and all t • The only way to make this work is to have • Then we have
Snell’s Law and Law of Reflection • Recall we also have • Combining these,we see that • And therefore • Define the angles as , ', and " • Then we have • We also have • It is then easy to see that • We also have
Reflection Amplitudes: Perpendicular Case • We still have to find the magnitudes of the reflected and refracted waves • Case I: electric fieldperpendicular to the xz-plane: • One boundary condition: • Another boundary condition: • Rewrite using our expressions for k'z
Reflection Amplitudes: Parallel Case • Case II: electric fieldparallel to the xz-plane: • One boundary condition: • Another boundary condition: • First equation times n, plus second times cos: • So we have • Solve for E" • Rewrite using our expressions for cos'
Brewster’s Angle and Polarization Perpendicular Parallel • Are there any cases where nothing is reflected? • For perpendicular, only if index of refraction matches • For parallel: • Consider light reflected at Brewster’s Angle, defined by • At this angle, the reflected light is completely polarized • Evan at other angles, reflected light is partially polarized
Total Internal Reflection • Suppose we are going from high index to low index • Snell’s Law • If n sin > n', this would yield sin ' > 1 • What do we make of this? • We previously found • This implies k'zispure imaginary • Substituting this in, we find • Wave falls off exponentially in the disallowed region • The evanescent wave • The reflection amplitude in each case is • These numbers are both complex numbers of magnitude one
Sample Problem 7.2 (1) Light of frequency is normally incident from a region of index n to a region of index n"..In order to avoid reflection, a coating of index n' of thickness d is placed between them. Show that this works for appropriate choice of n' and d. • Start by writing down electric field in each region • Let’s pick polarization in the x-direction • Fields going both directions in the middle region • We also need magnetic fields from • Have to match E||, D and B at the boundaries • Eliminate E"and E
Sample Problem 7.2 (2) Light of frequency is normally incident from a region of index n to a region of index n"..In order to avoid reflection, a coating of index n' of thickness d is placed between them. Show that this works for appropriate choice of n' and d. • Gather E1 and E2 on either side of the equations • Solvefor E2/E1 • Cross multiply • We note that assuming n n", we can conclude • But it must be real, so • We therefore have
7D. Wave Packets and Group Velocity Wave Packets • No wave is truly monochromatic • If it were, then the plane wave would go for all time and all space • To simplify our understanding, let’s work in one dimension • We’ll combine a number of waves of the form • Assume (k) is a known function • We then make a wavefunction by superposing these: • If you let t = 0, you see that • Or reversing the Fourier transform, we have
Uncertainty Relation for Arbitrary Waves • At any given time, we can define the average position or average wave number • We can similarly define the uncertainty in the position or the wave number • There is an uncertainty relation between them • Same relationship as in quantum mechanics • Any wave that is finite in extent has some spread in wave number
Dispersion and Group Velocity • Each mode has a phase velocity given by • Speed of the peaks and valleys of the modes • If this is bigger than c, can we transmit information faster than light? • Assume we have a nearly monochromatic wave, so f is only non-zero for a small region of k near k = k0 • Assume (k) is wellapproximated by Taylor series: • Then we have
Dispersion and Group Velocity (2) • Now substitute • Fundamental theorem of Fourier transforms: • And therefore we have • Define the group velocity as • Then we have
More About Group Velocity • Recall: • We therefore have • Under most circumstances, this is the speed at which signals can travel • Almost always, vg< c • In circumstances where n'() is large and negative, this may be violated • Under such circumstances, Taylor series approximation may be invalid • In situations where n'() is large, usually you get lots of absorption as well • This leads to additional complications