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Enhancing EAP-LDAP for Challenge-based Authentication

Explore the EAP-LDAP protocol for secure challenge-based authentication in LDAP directories without exposing cleartext passwords. Recommendations for encryption methods and usage in conjunction with tunneling EAP methods.

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Enhancing EAP-LDAP for Challenge-based Authentication

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  1. EAP-LDAPdraft-mancini-pppext-eap-ldap-00.txt IETF 57 Avi Lior & Helena Mancini Bridgewater Systems

  2. Background • Challenge-based authentication methods require the back-end server to hold the user’s password either in clear text or reversible encryption • Major drawback in particular for LDAP directories where the user password may be stored in SHA or CRYPT, for example • Need a means for supporting EAP challenge-based methods when the EAP server has no knowledge of, or access to, the user’s cleartext password

  3. Goals & Objectives • Allow for LDAP directories to maintain and continue provisioning one-way encrypted passwords • Allow for validation of the LDAP user without passing the cleartext password or the value stored in the LDAP directory • EAP-LDAPis a challenge-based authentication using MD5, in conjunction with the encryption algorithm used to store the password within the LDAP identity store • Recommend using EAP-LDAP in conjunction with tunneling EAP methods such as PEAP

  4. How it works • During EAP negotiation, upon receipt of user’s identity, EAP Server responds with EAP-LDAP request which specifies primary encryption type (the method used in the datastore to store passwords) and a challenge • EAP Client applies primary encryption type* to user’s password & replies with a challenge Response generated by applying MD5 on the user’s encrypted password and challenge (secondary encryption type, implicitly MD5) • EAP Server re-computes MD5-Challenge Response using user’s encrypted password and challenge

  5. Moving forward • Data Stores: This could be extended to any data store that is storing one-way encrypted passwords. Should this be generalized beyond LDAP directories? • Primary Encryption Method: Current algorithm, only speaks to unseeded methods (for example, SHA). Should seeded methods be dealt with? Can/Should the seed safely be communicated or known? • Secondary Encryption Method: Beyond using MD5 implicitly, is there a need to provide a means of negotiating other secondary types? • Proposal: We’d like to have the draft taken on as an EAP WG item

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