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Establishing a partnership between home and school, providing an overview of the P1 curriculum, and information on general organization. Active learning, reading program, phonics, maths, religious studies, science, ICT, expressive arts, and general organization.
Aims • Establish a home-school partnership • Provide an overview of the P1 curriculum • Provide information on general organisation • Brief introduction to the reading programme
Active Learning • Active learning is learning which engages and challenges children’s thinking using real-life and imaginary situations. It takes full advantage of the opportunities for learning presented by: • spontaneous play • planned, purposeful play • investigating and exploring • events and life experiences • focused learning and teaching A Curriculum for Excellence: Building the Curriculum 2
Language/Literacy • Oxford Reading Tree (ORT) reading scheme is used • Key words at each stage but not a vocabulary controlled scheme. Emphasis on the enjoyment of reading • Library Visit • Stage 1 has a different format as it introduces pre-reading skills (introduction of characters etc)
Stages 2 – 5 introduce specific reading skills which are continually developed • Various resources available to assist: big books, story tapes, workbooks, matching games etc. • Reading homework – follow plan in reading record. Please sign as appropriate • Language Homework: Monday, Wednesday • Maths Homework: Tuesday, Thursday
Stage 2 Reading Record Title:______________________ Date: ________ Please sign when homework has been completed. Monday: pages 1 - 7 ___________________ Tuesday: pages 8 – 16 __________________ Wednesday: pages 1 – 16 ________________ Thursday: pages 1 – 16 __________________ Please revise key words throughout the week. Thank you. Title:______________________ Date: ________ Please sign when homework has been completed. Monday: pages 1 - 7 ___________________ Tuesday: pages 8 – 16 __________________ Wednesday: pages 1 – 16 ________________ Thursday: pages 1 – 16 __________________ Please revise key words throughout the week. Thank you.
Phonics • Introduced the ‘jolly phonics’ scheme • Multi-sensory approach to teaching phonics • Sounds tin • Reading workshop is planned for later in the year to provide more information on how children learn to read and offer advice on how parents can encourage reading
Maths • Colours, sorting, matching, working within 10 • Problem Solving • Shape, handling data, measure • Number rhymes • Active Learning • Rooms to be shared
Religious Studies • Alive – O programme • Making friends, feeling secure in school, feeling special, families • Prayers • Mass
Science, Social Subjects, Technology • Birthdays (getting to know you) • Seasons (ongoing throughout the year) • Technology – making place mats, fruit salad etc. • Active Learning Zone with Mrs Henderson (photos on school website)
ICT • Children will visit the ICT room on a weekly basis • Two computers in each classroom • Children will develop mouse control, logging on and strive towards greater independence when using the computers • Digital photographs will be used for assessment purposes
Expressive Arts • Drama, art, music, P.E • Art, music and P.E specialist teachers • Music permeates P1 curriculum. Clapping games etc builds phonological awareness • 2 hours of P.E per week. One slot every Thursday morning with Mrs Jack • P1A have an additional slot on a Tuesday afternoon and P1B have an additional slot on a Monday afternoon
P.E Kit - Children should wear a polo shirt to school on gym days (no ties) and bring shorts or leggings and trainers • P.E kit can be kept in school until Friday and sent home for washing over the weekend • No jewellery • Please label every item of clothing including jackets
General organisation • Playtime 1 thing to eat, one thing to drink • P7 buddies have been provided until the October week to assist children in settling in • Children will be encouraged to visit the toilet during playtime and lunch time. This minimises disruption to their learning
Please check your child’s bag every night for letters and homework • Please provide a note to communicate with the teacher on a day to day basis e.g. lunches, after school care etc • If the matter is more serious, please make an appointment to see the teacher via the office • School security • Please collect children on time
Attendance is vital. Please provide a note to explain absences • Please avoid holidays during term time. Please provide a letter in advance of any extended holidays so that your child can be marked appropriately on the register • Timekeeping