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Explore the intersection of politics and economics, analyzing resource allocation, surplus distribution, and development theories. Learn about economic policies, development strategies, and welfare ideologies. Discover how modernity impacts economic growth.
Ekonomi Politik, Ekonomi Kelembagaan • Ekonomi Politik mempelajari perkembangan politik kemasyarakatan dan ekonomi negara. Jadi Ekonomi Politik mempelajari bagaimana umat manusia memproses sumber ekonomi dan makanisme distribusi hasil ekonomi baik dalam kondisi kekurangan maupun dalam kondisi kelebihan dari proses tersebut. • Political economy is centrally focused on the development of the polity. Political economy, then, studies the mechanism of human activity in organizing material, and the mechanism of distributing the surplus or deficit that is the result of that activity. • Economics studies trade-offs through measurable values, whereas political economy focuses on structural relationships. However, there is no generally accepted distinction between these terms, and they are most often used on a case by case basis.
RuangLingkupEkonomiPolitik Pembangunan • Kebijakan Ekonomi • Strategi pembangunan • Keberpihakan • Ide ide dasar kesejahteraan • Paradigma Pembangunan
PERUBAHAN DefinisiEkonomidan Pembangunan SetelahMunculnyaEkonomiPolitik. Giovanni E. Reyes, 2008 Development with respect to the stage of intended social, economic and political conditions achieved by a nation. Definition of development could be seen in many respects; Economic, Social and Political. KattieWlilis, 2005;3 People look at development largely in economic term. For example The World Bank uses Groos National Product (GNP) to divide the country of the world in to development categories. Low income countries are defined as those with US$ 745 or less, lower – middle income have US$ 746-2,975 and upper-middle income countries are those with GNP 2,976 – 9,205 and high income countries are those with GNP US$ 9, 206 or more Traditional economics, is concerned primarily with the efficient, least cost allocation of scare productive resources and with the optional growth of these resources over time so as to produce an ever-expanding range of good and services
PERUBAHAN DefinisiEkonomidan Pembangunan SetelahMunculnyaEkonomiPolitik. • Ideas of development are linked to concepts of modernity. Modernity in its broader sense means the condition of being modern, new or update, so the idea of modernity situates people in time (Katie Wilis , Theories and Practices of Developmet, 2005) • In economic term modernity encompasses industrialization, urbanization and the increased use of technology within all sectors of economy. (Katie Wilis (Theories and Practices of Developmet, 2005)