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IP Quality of Service. Motivation. Internet currently provides only single class of “best-effort” service. No admission control and no assurances about delivery Existing applications are elastic. Tolerate delays and losses Can adapt to congestion
Motivation • Internet currently provides only single class of “best-effort” service. • No admission control and no assurances about delivery • Existing applications are elastic. • Tolerate delays and losses • Can adapt to congestion • Future “real-time” applications may be inelastic. • Should we modify these applications to be more adaptive or should we modify the Internet to support inelastic behavior?
Application Types • Elastic applications. • Wide range of acceptable rates, although faster is better • E.g., data transfers such as FTP • Continuous media applications. • Lower and upper limit on acceptable performance • Sometimes called “tolerant real-time” since they can adapt to the performance of the network • E.g., changing frame rate of video stream • “Network-aware” applications • Hard real-time applications. • Require hard limits on performance – “intolerant real-time” • E.g., control applications
QoS Defined • The goal : Provide some level of predictability and control beyond the current IP “best-effort” service • Fundamental principle Leave complexity at the “edges” and keep network “core” simple
QoS Metrics • Performance attributes • Service availability • Delay • Delay variation (jitter) • Throughput • Packet loss rate Vary according to Service Level Agreement (SLA)
What is the problem? • Different applications have different delay, bandwidth, and jitter needs • Some applications are very sensitive to changing network conditions: the packet arrival time distribution is important • Solutions • Make applications adaptive • Build more flexibility into network
QoS’s Quest The Holy Grail of computer networking is to design a network that has the flexibility and low cost of the Internet, yet offers the end-to-end quality-of-service guarantees of the telephone network. --S. Keshav
Improving QOS in IP Networks • IETF groups are working on proposals to provide better QOS control in IP networks, i.e., going beyond best effort to provide some assurance for QOS. • Work includes RSVP, Differentiated Services, and Integrated Services.
Overview • Principles for QoS • Integrated Services (Intserv) • Differentiated Services (Diffserv)
Principles for QOS Guarantees • Simple model for sharing and congestion studies (“dumbell topology”):
Principles for QOS Guarantees (more) • Consider a phone application at 1Mbps and an FTP application sharing a 1.5 Mbps link. • Bursts of FTP can congest the router and cause audio packets to be dropped. • Want to give priority to audio over FTP. • PRINCIPLE 1: Marking of packets is needed for router to distinguish between different classes; and new router policy to treat packets accordingly.
Principles for QOS Guarantees (more) • Applications misbehave (audio sends packets at a rate higher than 1Mbps assumed above). • PRINCIPLE 2: provide protection (isolation) for one class from other classes. • Require Policing Mechanisms to ensure sources adhere to bandwidth requirements; Marking and Policing need to be done at the edges:
Principles for QOS Guarantees (more) • Alternative to Marking and Policing: allocate a set portion of bandwidth to each application flow; can lead to inefficient use of bandwidth if one of the flows does not use its allocation. • PRINCIPLE 3: While providing isolation, it is desirable to use resources as efficiently as possible.
Principles for QOS Guarantees (more) • Cannot support traffic beyond link capacity. • PRINCIPLE 4: Need a Call Admission Process; application flow declares its needs, network may block call if it cannot satisfy the needs .
Overview • Motivation for QoS • Integrated Services (Intserv) • Differentiated Services (Diffserv)
IETF Intserv • Focus on per-flow QoS. • Support specific applications such as video streaming. • What is a flow? • Equivalent packets by some classification • RSVP: Set of packets traversing a network element that are all covered by the same QoS request • Packet classifier determines which packets belong to which flows • IPv6 includes a flow label to ease classification • ISP usage (UUNET) • Microflow: TCP or similar bandwidth connection • Macroflow: Large aggregates of packets flowing between two superhubs
Because the Intserv model provides per-flow reservations, each flow is assigned a flow descriptor. • The flow descriptor defines the traffic and QoS characteristics for a specific flow of data packets. • The flow descriptor consists of a filter specification (filterspec) and a flow specification (flowspec)
The filterspec identifies the packets that belong to a specific flow with the sender IP address and source port. • The information from the filterspec is used in the packet classifier • Simplest filter: Source, Dest address/port pair • Data filter: classifies packets according to contents • The flowspec contains a set of parameters that are called the invocation information. • The invocation information divides into two groups: • Traffic Specification (Tspec) • Service Request Specification (Rspec)
Components of Integrated Services • Type of service model • What does the network promise? • Service interface • How does the application describe what it wants? • Packet scheduling • How does the network meet promises? • Establishing the guarantee • How is the promise communicated to/from the network? • How is admission of new applications controlled?
Service Models • Network can support traffic streams with different “quality of service”. • Best effort • Predictive or differentiated services • Strong guarantees on the level of service (real-time) • Service: contract between network and communication client • Three common services • Best-effort (“elastic” applications) • Hard real-time (“real-time” applications) • Soft real-time (“tolerant” applications)
Worse-case : Guaranteed Services • Guaranteed service • Targets hard real-time applications. • User specifies traffic characteristics and a service requirement. • Requires admission control at each of the routers. • Can guarantee bandwidth, delay, and jitter. • Service contract • Network to client: guarantee a deterministic upper bound on delay for each packet in a session • Client to network: the session does not send more than it specifies • Algorithm support • Admission control based on worst-case analysis • Per flow classification/scheduling at routers
Average-case: Controlled Load Service • Targets applications that can adapt to network conditions within a certain performance window. • User specifies traffic characteristics and bandwidth. • Requires admission control at each of the routers. • Guarantee not as strong as with the guaranteed service. • e.g., measurement-based admission control. • Service contract: • Network to client: Average delay, jitter, bandwidth, e.g., makes network appear as an unloaded, best effort network with bandwidth and delay • Client to network: the session does not send more than it specifies • Algorithm Support • Admission control based on measurement of aggregates • Scheduling for aggregate possible
Service Interface • Session must first declare its QoS requirement and characterize the traffic it will send through the network • R-spec: defines the QoS being requested by receiver (e.g., rate r) • T-spec: defines the traffic characteristics of sender (e.g., leaky bucket with rate r and buffer size b). • A signaling protocol is needed to carry the R-spec and T-spec to the routers where reservation is required; RSVP is a leading candidate for such signaling protocol.
Once a connection is accepted, the host must use only the amount of resources reserved. It may not use more than that. • What if the host is malicious and attempts to use more network resources than it reserved? • It where Leaky Bucket comes to play
Leaky Bucket • Used in conjunction with resource reservation to police the host’s reservation • At the host-network interface, allow packets into the network at a constant rate • Packets may be generated in a bursty manner, but after they pass through the leaky bucket, they enter the network evenly spaced
The leaky bucket is a “traffic shaper”: It changes the characteristics of packet stream • Traffic shaping makes more manageable and more predictable • Usually the network tells the leaky bucket the rate at which it may send packets when the connection begins • Polices the average rate
Leaky Bucket doesn’t allow burstytransmissions • In some cases, we may want to allow short bursts of packets to enter the network without smoothing them out • For this purpose we use a token bucket, which is a modified leaky bucket
Token Bucket • The bucket holds tokens instead of packets • Tokens are generated and placed into the token bucket at a constant rate • When a packet arrives at the token bucket, it is transmitted if there is a token available. Otherwise it is buffered until a token becomes available. • The token bucket has a fixed size, so when it becomes full, subsequently generated tokens are discarded
Token Bucket vs. Leaky Bucket Case 1: Short burst arrivals
Flow Specification: Token Bucket • Characterized by two parameters (r, b) • r – average rate • b – token depth • Assume flow arrival rate <= R bps (e.g., R link capacity) • A bit is transmitted only when there is an available token • Arrival curve – maximum amount of bits transmitted by time t
Packet Scheduling • Implemented in hosts/routers to control link allocation • Queuing algorithms • Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) • Class Based Queuing (CBQ) • Queue management • Random Early Detection (RED)
Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) • Traffic placed into queues according to flow specification, flow filter • Fair queuing • Implements fairness of bit by bit scheduling on a per packet basis • Gives queues a fair share of total bandwidth • Weighted • Queue are not weighted evenly for scheduling • Proven: adequate for Guaranteed Service
Class Based Queuing (CBQ) • Combines scheduling and link sharing • Hierarchical link sharing • Hierarchical queues • Enables protocol, organization isolation • Scheduling • Does not define a particular scheduling algorithm • General scheduler for low latency when no congestion • Link-sharing policing scheduler when congested • Scheduling per hierarchy
Random Early Detection (RED) • Queue management algorithm for congestion control • This is a proactive approach in which the router discards one or more packets before the buffer becomes completely full. • Each time a packet arrives, the RED algorithm computes the average queue length, avg. • If avg is lower than some lower threshold, congestion is assumed to be minimal or non-existent and the packet is queued
If avg is greater than some upper threshold, congestion is assumed to be serious and the packet is discarded. • If avg is between the two thresholds, this might indicate the onset of congestion. The probability of congestion is then calculated.
Call Admission • Call Admission: routers will admit calls based on their R-spec and T-spec and base on the current resource allocated at the routers to other calls.
The Integrated Service model • Integrated Services use the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) for the signallingof the reservation messages
Resource Reservation Model • Senders advertise using flowspecs • RSVP daemons forward advertisements to receivers, update available bandwidth, minimum delay • Receivers reservations use flowspec, filterspec combination (flow descriptor) • Sender/receiver notified of changes • Reservations are merged in multicast case
Role of RSVP • Signaling protocol for establishing per flow state • Carry resource requests from hosts to routers • Collect needed information from routers to hosts • At each hop • Consult admission control and policy module • Set up admission state or informs the requester of failure
Integrated Services Example: Data Path • Per-flow classification Receiver Sender 47
Integrated Services Example: Data Path • Per-flow buffer management Receiver Sender 48
Integrated Services Example • Per-flow scheduling Receiver Sender 49