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Feudalism / Feudal system. By: Daniela Lacouture History class project 7.4. Introduction .
Feudalism / Feudal system By: Daniela Lacouture History classproject 7.4
Introduction • In the middle ages feudalism was the law of each place in Europe. This system was based were upper nobility class had control against lower class. After the fall of Rome, feudalism was a political, economical and military system, which provided defense against attacks, safety from wars and local conflicts.
Timeline c. 725 The Frankish ruler Charles Martel, granting tracts of land to his nobles, lays the foundation for European feudalism c. 1000 The feudal knight of northern Europe, wearing armour of chain mail on a sturdy horse, becomes the fighting machine of the Middle Ages c. 1200 The samurai provide military support for the shogun, in a system similar to feudalism at this same period in Europe (http://www.historyworld.net/timesearch/default.asp?keywords=feudalism+in+europe&sort2=&bottomsort=&topsort=&direction=&timelineid=&getyear=&viewtext=extended&conid=timeline&event_number=20&date=)
Whatwasfeudalism? • Feudalismwas a type of govermentbasedoncontractsbetweenlords and vassals. Wasalsoway of exchanginglandformilitaryservice. Startedduringthemiddleages and lastedfor 200 years. Feudalismwasbornto be theway of protectionforpeople and lands of themonarchy.
Peasants can be seen here fulfilling their end of the serf-lord bargain. They are hard at working picking berries for their lord on his land.
Feudalism majoraccomplishments • Feudalismaccomplishmentswere: at that time therewas no strong central govermentneithersmallsecurity, butwhenfuedalismcame, broughtthebasicneedforjustice and protection. William theconquer introduce feudalism in Englandafterdefeated Harold at thebattle of hastings.
Feudalism difficulties • Peopledidn’ttreatotherpeoplethesame • Therewere a diseasecalledepidemic • The hardwork of a peasant • the peasantcouldnotleav the landwithoutpermision of the lord. • If the peasanthaddedchildrentheywouldalsoneed to work as a peasanttoo. • Serfescouldnotmarrywithoutlordspermision • Everyone in theirfamilyneededtowork.
Feudalism social importance • Theowner of thelandiscalledfief and theworker of thelandiscalledvassal. • in themomentthatwas a badunderstandingtherewasanaccuser and anaccused. Thewaytodetermiftheaccusedwasguiltytheaccusedneedstosurvivesomeproves. • Theserfneededto be loyaltytothe noble or lord and neededtobringmilitaryprotection
Impact of feudalism • Afterthedead of Charlemagne, hisgrandsonsfounded over land. • Theconsequences for dividing the empire in 3 parts was to becameweak and eventually to the fall.
Conclusion • Forthistopicwas a little bit difficulttofindalltheinformationbecause of allthenameswerementionedthere. Somemaintopics of feudalismis more abouthowitwouldprovide safety. Butifyouthinkabout back thenyouwouldsaytheconsequencespeoplehadwere horrible becausefor a littlereasonyouorget in bigtrubleorgetkilled. All of thewarsthatwere in that time. Theyneededtoinventsonethingthatwould control allthoseconflicts.
Citatons • Themiddleages page.119 • The new feudalismbyNiholson- Lord, David • Google (www.historylearningsite.co.uk/feudalism .htm) • Theworldbook enciclopedia (f) page.62,63,64 • Google (www.middle-ages.org.uk/european-feudalism.htm) • Holtworldhistorychapter 13 section 2 feudalism and monoralism • Google (http://library.thinkquest.org/10949/fief/hifeudal.html) • Google (http://www.portalplanetasedna.com.ar/crisis_feudal.htm) • Google(http://www.writework.com/essay/impact-feudalism) • Google(http://westernreservepublicmedia.org/middleages/feud_feudallw.htm) • Google( http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/plaintexthistories.asp?paragraphid=eoa)