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Positive Ageing Ambassador Program. The aim of the project is to maximise the involvement of older people in generating projects that will make a positive difference to the quality of life, participation, health and well-being of older people. Council recruited 12 ambassadors
Positive Ageing Ambassador Program
The aim of the project • is to maximise the involvement • of older people • in generating projects • that will make a positive difference to the quality of life, • participation, health • and well-being • of older people.
Council recruited 12 ambassadors • from small towns and communities throughout the Colac Otway Shire • to talk with their friends • and community members • on how best to develop projects • to benefit older people.
“This project is important • as it will build • on what the community said when Council developed its Positive Ageing • Strategy”
The Approach • “There are assets and gifts • in communities • and our job as good servants • and as good leaders • is having the ability • to recognise those gifts in others • and help them put those into action.” • Michele Obama
“leadership is about helping people find their voice”
We are trained to ask; • “What’s wrong and how do we fix it?” • Instead start by asking • “What works, what have we got, • what’s possible and who cares?” • Peter Kenyon
The Ambassadors are as diverse as the communities and landscapes of the Colac Otway Shire. A key learning when working with such a diverse group is that any workshops or learning process must allow for flexibility and a huge range of skills and experiences at the table. Allowing a flexible process removes barriers to participation and ensures an accessible process.
“Citizenship is the choice to make a difference to the place where you belong” Charles Handy
“My heart is in Forrest and I have recently built a new house in the town. My interests are gardening, woodwork, fishing and hunting. I have recently become my father’s carer.” Geoff Speirs Ambassador
“I look forward to the consultation process looking at ways to make life better for older people and hope this process will have benefits for me personally as well as for people in my local communities.” Jenny Lang Ambassador
The Overnight Retreat Although some of the Ambassadors • I already vaguely knew, learning what skills, strengths and attributes they would bring to the project and how we would fare in mutual support was very much an unknown at that point.
The Workshop Series “Further workshops were held after the retreat where we developed techniques for interviews, information collection and exchange of ideas … …this further strengthened the resolve and commitment of the volunteers..”
“.. it is interesting to note that there is such a high rate of support for the success of this project among participants. “ Tony Grogan Ambassador
The Consultation Ambassadors facilitated a series of workshops, conversations and interviews in the smaller townships to generate community based ideas.
“What most people need is a good listening to” Mary Lou Casey
What makes your community a great place to live in? What would make life better? Positive Ageing...the Age to be... • Valued • Involved • Productive • Active • Consumer Wise • Cared For • Colac Otway Shire Positive Ageing Ambassador Program • Please add your thoughts to the reverse of this card to assist us in • developing our local Ambassador Projects.
“In the past few weeks I have interviewed over 300 people and explained what ILOP and we are on about. • My reflection is that about 70% of people were happy as things are. • Of course these are the people that are out and about. • What about the people who are confined to their home or don’t go out? People lose confidence.” • Betty Harris • Ambassador
The Priorities • Seating / Pathways / Lighting • Transport • Social Connections • Information • Succession planning in • community organisations • Links and networks between • community and service providers • Managing change in small rural communities
The Projects Ambassadors, each in partnership with a community organisation, are working within their communities to develop local projects.
Decision Making • “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. • Indeed it is the only thing that everhas” • Margaret Mead A key part of the process developed was the agreement that Ambassadors should endorse each other’s projects through a group process. It is important to note that this is a cornerstone of ensuring that the overall project is based upon participant ownership of the decision making process.
Ambassador Projects • Women’s Art Studio Proposal • SHARPS Program • (Socially, Healthy, Active, Resilient, Productive Seniors) • Multi Use Recreation Facility at Wye River • Access, Mobility and Infrastructure • Supporting local historical events • Intergenerational schools program • Seating in Colac and Apollo Bay • First Aid Training • Transport Working Group • Contributing to existing • Information and Social Inclusion programs
The SHARPS Project • Social • Healthy • Active • Resilient • Productive • Seniors Ambassador Jan Healey has chosen to allocate $2000 of her project money towards the development of this project. ILOP Ambassadors endorsed this choice. She has been working on her own plan for positive ageing. At 64 she believes she still has much to contribute. Jan has submitted an application for funding to the PAtCE Program so that she can develop a program that can be replicated in other rural communities. Participants will explore opportunities within their local area and online and match with their own skills and aspirations to develop a plan for active engagement in their local community.
Where to from Here? • Ambassador projects • Community transport • Active transport • Public Health & Wellbeing Plan • Positive Ageing Strategy • Community conversations • Supporting celebrations and festivals • Seeking and Providing community wisdom