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SEMINAR ON NONCOMPARTMENTAL PHARMACOKINETICS. Presented by: Ch. Karthik Siva Chaitanya M.Pharm (1 st sem ),Pharmaceutics UCPSc,KU . Contents:. Introduction to noncompartmental pharmacokinetic approach D ifferences between compartment and noncompartment models

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  1. SEMINAR ON NONCOMPARTMENTAL PHARMACOKINETICS Presentedby: Ch. Karthik Siva Chaitanya M.Pharm (1stsem),Pharmaceutics UCPSc,KU.

  2. Contents: • Introduction to noncompartmentalpharmacokinetic approach • Differences between compartment and noncompartmentmodels • Concepts of noncompartmental model Statistical moments theory-Mean residence time • Different pharmacokinetic parameters in noncompartment model Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  3. Noncompartment pharmacokinetics is a new approach devised to study the time course of drug in the body with out assuming any compartment model. Based on the statistical moment theory. • Model independent method Overcomes some of the drawbacks associated with classical compartment modeling. Basic assumption is that drug or metabolite follows first-order kinetics. Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  4. Noncompartment and Compartment models – Comparison Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  5. Advantages: • Derivation of PK parameters is easy, because of simple algebraic equations • Mathematical treatment remains same, for drug or metabolite, provided elimination follows first order kinetics • Drug disposition kinetics need not be described in detail Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  6. Disadvantages: • Information regarding plasma drug concentration-time profile is expressed as an average • Generally not useful for describing the time course of drug in the blood • It is applicable only for linear pharmacokinetics Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  7. Statistical Moment Theory • Statistical moment: A mathematical description of a discrete distribution of data. • Statistical moments calculated from a set of concentration-time data represent an estimate of the true moment (or the true probability density function (PDF)that describes the true relationship between concentration and time). • Statistical moment theory provides a unique way to study time-related changes in macroscopic events. • Assume the drug molecules are eliminated according to a kinetic function, f(t) = C 0e – kt Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  8. Eq.1 2 [AUC]0 = C dt 1 3 [AUMC]0 =  t x C. dt Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  9. I.V. bolus injection – Calculation of AUC and AUMC Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  10. Mean residence time(MRT): • The term mean residence time (MRT) describes the average time for all the drug molecules to reside in the body. Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  11. MRT represents the time for 63.2% of drug eliminated when given i.v. bolus injection.It is analogous to plasma elimination half life, t1/2, i.e., 50% elimination.Like half life, MRT is a function of both distribution and eliminationFor i.v bolus dose Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  12. In noncompartmental terms, • k is constant equal to ratio of clearance to Vss • Vss is volume of distribution at steady state t1/2 = 0.693MRT MRTiv is used for comparison. For eg: following constant rate of infusion Where T = duration of infusion 0.693 Plasma elimination half life : t1/2= k10 Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  13. DRUG ABSORPTION: • MAT(Mean absorption time) is defined as the differences in mean residence time (MRT) after different modesof administration. MAT = MRTni – MRTiv • MRTni = mean residence time of drug by non- instantaneous route, h • MRTiv = mean residence time of drug by i.v. bolus injection Same equation is used for i.m. injection Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  14. When absorption follows zero order T = time over which absorption takes place, h MAT can be used for comparision of dosage forms Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  15. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF MRT • Mean Dissolution Time(MDT) MDT=MRTtest-MRTsoln • In oral administration, MRToral=MRTiv+1/Ka • For evaluation of absorption data, MAT=MRTtest-MRTiv MAT=1/Ka Ka is first order absorption rate constant Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  16. Drug Clearance: • After iv bolus administration, • At steady state after constant rate iv infusion Ko is rate of infusion ; Css is steady state concentration • By using extraction ratio Cl=Q(ER) Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  17. APPARENTVOLUME OF DISTRIBUTION: • Vss is volume of distribution at steady state independent of elimination • Vss =i.v dose(AUMC)/(AUC) • If drug is given by constant rate i.v infusion Where Ko is infusion rate; is duration of infusion Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  18. Steady State Plasma Drug Concentration: • The Css is a function of the effective rateof dosing and total body clearance of thedrug in a patient Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  19. AUCss is AUC from t=0 to t= during a dosinginterval at steady state F is fraction bioavailable • Method of superposition is used for predicting steady state • concentration on repetitive dosing from data obtained • after a single dose. Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  20. Predicting the Time to Steady State: • Time required for the drug to reach steady state, i.e., 99%, takes 6.65 half lives. • In extravascular route (or prolongedrelease drug products), the time requiredto attain ss takes longer than predicted bybiological half life • In multicompartment disposition, timerequired to attain to ss is shorter than that predicted by terminal half life Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  21. In noncompartmentmodels, when the drug isadministered repetitive dosing, fss AUC = area under the curve in single dose Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  22. Bioavailability: • Bioavailability refers to the fractional dose of a dosage form reaches systemic circulation. For i.v. bolus injection, bioavailability is referred as unity (=1) • Bioavailability (F) of a dosage form Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  23. Fraction metabolised: AUCx1 Fraction metabolized, Fm = AUC1 • AUCx1 is area under the curve of metabolite concentrationin plasma versus time from zero to infinity • AUC1 is the total area under the metabolite concentration –time curve after a equimolar intravenous dose of a metabolite Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU 23

  24. CONCLUSION: • The noncompartmental pharmacokinetic methods permit a comprehensive pharmacokinetic analysis with out resort to curve fitting,sophisticated computers or tedious mathematical equations. • Although these methods cannot be applied to all pharmacokinetic problems,they are useful for most problems and are particularly useful for the clinical application of pharmacokinetics. Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  25. References: • Milo Gibaldi , Biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacokinetics, 4th edition ,pg no 17-26 • D.Perrier,M.Gibaldi Pharmacokinetics, 2nd edition , pg no 409-417 • Leon Shargel ,Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics,5th edition,pg no 717-753 • V.Venkateshwarlu,Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics, pg no 309-330 • www.pharainfo.net Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

  26. THANK YOU Ch.Karthik SivaChaitanya,M.Pharm 1st Sem,UCPSc,KU

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