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CAPS Information 2012 – 2014 and beyond

CAPS Information 2012 – 2014 and beyond. CAPS. National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement Grades R-12. CAPS Info day, 20 May 2011. Introduction : To change or not to change: That is not the question .

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CAPS Information 2012 – 2014 and beyond

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  1. CAPSInformation2012 – 2014 and beyond

  2. CAPS NationalCurriculum and Assessment Policy Statement Grades R-12 CAPS Info day, 20 May 2011

  3. Introduction: To change or not to change: That is not the question. The decisions have been made, the changes have been proclaimed, but not yet gazetted and the documents still have to be printed.

  4. The Question is: What are we going to do with the changes? We know that any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by possible drawbacks and discomforts, but we also know that change brings opportunity.

  5. However I would urge you, if we/you really don’t understand, then, maybe … “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”(Alan Watts).

  6. Acronyms: GET General Education and Training (Grades R – 9: 10 years, each year separately) FET Further Education and Training (Grades 10 – 12: 3 years) • NCS National Curriculum Statement • SBA School-based assessment (also known as CASS – Continuous assessment)

  7. CAPS Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement NPPPPR National Policy Pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 LOLT Language of Learning and Teaching

  8. Implementation dates: • 2012: Grades R – 3 and Gr10 • 2013: Grades 4 – 9 and Gr11 • 2014: Grade 12

  9. Previously (many documents): Subject and Learning Area Statements (NCS, RNCS), Learning Programme Guidelines (LPG), Subject Assessment Guidelines (SAG), Teachers Guides (TG), etc, etc. National policy on assessment and qualifications (Protocol on assessment)

  10. Now (only 2 documents): National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements Grades R-12 (CAPS) National Policy Pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 (NPPPPR)

  11. Previously Learning Areas Outcomes Learning Outcomes Assessment Standards Now Subjects Topics; Skills Content Areas; Knowledge areas General Content Area; Concepts Specific Content focus

  12. GET: Grades R – 3 Previously Learning Areas: Literacy Numeracy Life Skills Now Subjects: Home Language First Additional Language Mathematics Life Skills Beginning knowledgeArts & CraftPhysical EducationHealth Education

  13. GET: Grades 4 – 6 Previously Learning Areas: Languages (2) Mathematics Natural Sciences Social Sciences Technology Economic and Management Sciences Life Orientation Arts and Culture

  14. GET: Grades 4 – 6 (continuous) Now Subjects: Home Language First Additional Language Mathematics Natural Sciences and Technology Social Sciences Life Skills Creative ArtsPhysical EducationReligion Studies Non-official language?

  15. GET: Grades 7 – 9 Previously Learning Areas: Language HL (1) Language FAL (2) Mathematics Natural Sciences Life Orientation Social Sciences Technology Arts & Culture Economic and Management Sciences

  16. GET: Grades 7 – 9 (continuous) Now Subjects: Home Language First Additional Language Mathematics Natural Sciences Life Orientation Social Sciences Technology Creative Arts (Gr 7: 4 art forms, Gr 8 – 9: 2 Art forms) Economic and Management Sciences Non-official language?

  17. FET: Grades 10 – 12 Previously Learning Areas: Language HL (1) Language FAL (2) Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy Life Orientation Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3

  18. FET: Grades 10 – 12 (continuous) Now Subjects: Home Language First Additional Language Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy Life Orientation Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3

  19. Scale of Achievement • Previously: Grades R - 6 (Different)

  20. Scale of Achievement • Now: Grades R - 12

  21. Time on task:

  22. Structure of Documents Section 1: General information (All documents are the same) Section 2: Content overview (Defining the subject) Section 3: Content outline (What is to be taught?) Skills, Content and strategies Section 4: Assessment

  23. SBA vs Final Exam

  24. Minimum requirements for SBA:

  25. Minimum requirements for SBA:

  26. Minimum requirements for SBA:

  27. Minimum requirements for SBA:

  28. Remarks: Mid-year exams weighting is different (e.g. Math: 25%, NS: 14% and SS: 20%)It makes Report cards difficult and complex.

  29. Minimum requirements for SBA: Mini-PAT: A short Practical Assessment Task

  30. Remarks:Mid-year exams only in HL, FAL, Maths, NS and SS.Weighting is different (e.g. Math: 25% and NS: 13%) - It makes Report cards difficult and complex End-of-the-year exam: Creative Arts (Gr 7): No written exam; Practical exam = 60% Creative Arts (Gr 8 & 9): Written exam = 20%; Practical exam = 40% Life Orientation: Exam = 80 marks out of 400.

  31. Minimum requirements for SBA:

  32. Minimum requirements for SBA:

  33. Minimum requirements for SBA:

  34. Programme of Assessment: Teacher: Annual formal Programme of Assessment School Management Team (SMT): School assessment plan in each grade

  35. Mathematics (Gr 4 – 6), weighting:

  36. Cognitive levels:

  37. Draft Promotion Policy • Report with achievement descriptors

  38. Draft Promotion Policy • Report with achievement descriptors

  39. Draft Promotion Policy • Report with percentages

  40. Draft Promotion Policy • Report with percentages

  41. Draft Promotion Policy • Report with percentages

  42. See also (In booklet): Typical Time-tables Spiritual formation/Christian values (ACSI) Where to get help E-mail

  43. Be creative, make it fun and remember:“plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”ENJOY!!

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