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Planning Together Local Strategic Partnerships and Spatial Planning:

Planning Together Local Strategic Partnerships and Spatial Planning:. Progress Through Partnership Place Shaping event Mary Sumner House - London 11 May 2007. By Louise Waring – Royal Town Planning Institute Gemma Fitzpatrick – Planning Aid. Setting the scene.

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Planning Together Local Strategic Partnerships and Spatial Planning:

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  1. Planning TogetherLocal Strategic Partnerships and Spatial Planning: Progress Through Partnership Place Shaping event Mary Sumner House - London 11 May 2007 By Louise Waring – Royal Town Planning Institute Gemma Fitzpatrick – Planning Aid

  2. Setting the scene • Local Government /Governance reform • Planning Reform • Lyon’s Report • Energy Review • Lyons /Eddington • Gershon/plan rationalisation • Sustainable development • Stern Report

  3. Setting the scene: LSPs • Local Government Act 2000 placed a duty on local authorities to produce community strategies and introduced the concept of LSP. • LSP exist at the local level (unitary or district AND county) • They are a partnership of partnerships containing thematic and area based sub groups. • Involve service deliverers, business, CVS • Aim to improve service delivery and quality of life and contribute to UK government's sustainable community objectives • What do the do? • Provide strategic co-ordination • Produce a (Sustainable) Community Strategy which informs LDF and LAA • Agree an action plan www.urbanform.org.uk

  4. Setting the scene: Spatial planning • Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (land use to spatial planning ‘planning has a key role to play in the creation of sustainable communities’) • Undertaken by Local Planning Authority (unitary or district and county etc) and Regional Planning Body • Aim to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development through preparationof Local Development Frameworks (and mineral and waste, RSS, etc) and decision making on applications www.urbanforum.org.uk

  5. Existing Links “1.10 The local development framework should be a key component in the delivery of the community strategy setting out its spatial aspects where appropriate and providing a long term spatial vision. Local development documents should express those elements of the community strategy that relate to the development and use of land. “ Planning Policy Statement 12: LDFs 2004 Test of Soundness (v) (DPD) “has had regard to the authorities community strategy” PPS12 Relationship between SCS and LDF (and LAAs) is a key commitment of the UK Sustainable Development Strategy 2005 • Planning green paper (2001) • Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Sec 19Preparation of local development documents(2) In preparing a local development document the local planning authority must have regard to-   • (f) the community strategy prepared by the authority; • (g) the community strategy for any other authority whose area comprises any part of the area of the local planning authority; (District and County Authorities have a duty to prepare community strategies under the Local Government Act 2000)

  6. Sustainable Communities ‘embody principles of sustainable development…meet the needs of future generations’ Sustainable development (UK) Social progress for all Protection of the environment Prudent use of resources High levels of growth Securing the Future, 2005 Spatial planning ‘Spatial planning goes beyond traditional land use planning to bring together and integrate policies for the development of land with other policies and programmes which influence the nature of places and how they can function’ PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development 2005 Shared concepts

  7. Common themes • The local authority! • Sustainable communities • Preparation of plans/strategies • Evolving systems • Inclusive process • ‘Integration’ • Improving places • Outcomes

  8. Why Plan Together? • Address challenges in a coordinated way • Explain opportunities available • Poor understanding of the new systems • Marriage in need of guidance! Aim • Improved outcomes • Better places • Increased effective involvement of stakeholders and CVS

  9. Improve the relationship

  10. Improve the outcomes

  11. Suggestions for joint working • Corporate leadership • Integrating Core Strategy and SCS * • Sharing evidence and spatial understanding • Joint monitoring (LAA/SCS/LDF) • Interlinking time scales • Consultation and involvement* • Parish and neighbourhood planning • Sustainability appraisal

  12. Integrating Core Strategy and SCS Local Government White paper Nov 2006

  13. Consultation and Involvement Local Government White Paper Nov 2006

  14. Examples of joint working Seven Oaks DC Joint approach to involvement in SCS and core strategy Chelmsford BC Innovative approaches to involvement/consultation and priorities Barking and Dagenham Keen for their SCI to be a corporate document Hambleton DC In 2003 reviewed SCS (with consideration to LDF) and identified issues spatial element eg • Access to services • Reducing waste • Increasing renewable energy • Retaining young people in the area LB of Greenwich Using planning gain and section 106 agreements to secure commitments to their local labour project LB Tower Hamlets Delivering LSP health objectives through the LDF….

  15. Useful information @ • Planning Together http://www.rtpi.org.uk/item/435/23/5/3 • Planning Advisory Service regional LSP/LDF seminars pas@idea.gov.uk • Handy guide to the planning system • Planning Pack http://www.planningaid.rtpi.org.uk • Aims and Objectives of the planning system http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1143805 • The Planning System: General principles http://www.communities.gov.uk/pub/816/ThePlanningSystemGeneralPrinciples_id1143816.pdf • Local Government White Paper http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1503999 • UK Sustainable Development Strategy http://www.sustainable-development.gov.uk/publications/uk-strategy/index.htm • Lyons Inquiry http://www.lyonsinquiry.org.uk/ • Local area agreements http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1161635 • Handy Guide to LSPs http://www.urbanforum.org.uk/pubs/index.html • LSP: Shaping their Future http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1162320

  16. Comments, thoughts, ideas, chat Tel  +44(0)20 7929 9485 Louise.waring@rtpi.org.uk

  17. Benefits of joint working Barriers to joint working Over to you…. • Suggestions for PTP 15 min post- it frenzy! (including splitting in to three groups to cluster comments 15 min Group discussion 5 min to agree priorities

  18. ‘Sound’ DPD ‘Frontloading’ Contribute to SCS assisting with evidence and analysis Effectively DELIVER SCS policies Provide planners with a broader understanding of community issues Effective neighbourhood renewal PlannersBenefits LSPs Effective involvement Economies of scale Shared skills Planning policy integrated with service delivery Spatial policies to tackle deprivation

  19. Barriers • Weak corporate role • Weak skills • Attitude and perceptions • Lack of planners’ involvement with LSPs • weak LSPs and vision • Place-anonymous CSs • Weak economic development, housing and environment focus of LSPs • LAAs -if seen as only role for LSPs • 2 tier areas • Statutory issues • Timing issues

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