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Commonly called the “portal” and created through a legislative act pairing AETN with the Arkansas Department of Education, Arkansas IDEAS is an online professional development tool for licensed educators in the state of Arkansas. As of September 2010, 21,008 educators have registered and
Commonly called the “portal” and created through a legislative act pairing AETN with the Arkansas Department of Education, Arkansas IDEAS is an online professional development tool for licensed educators in the state of Arkansas. As of September 2010, 21,008 educators have registered and 277,309 hours of professional development credit has been awarded!
State Teacher Identification Number (STIN) If you are in a public K-12 school, you will be able to get your number from the Technology Director/Representative or APSCN representative in your district. It is generated and located in the TRIAND and APSCN systems. If you are unable to get your ID from your district, please contact AETN at 1-800-488-6689 or ideas@aetn.org This is not your license # or your SS#
AR IDEAS Home Page
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Create your own User ID and Password Click “Find” to get your LEA# (Local Education Agency)
Write down your Username and Password Click on “Register”
You must indicate your acceptance of these terms in order to take courses in the Arkansas IDEAS Learn Now! system.
Complete both of the Training and Testing Guides located in this pop-up window
Green Checkmarks signify that each lesson was completed The "Finish" Button is only available after both User Guides are completed.
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PROFILE If you have changed jobs/school districts, you will make changes in “Profile.”
Click on “My Courses” to begin working on your PD!
The IDEAS System Layout Library Grouped by subject area Section Leads to courses Course Leads to lessons Lesson Actual course content
You will only see this button at the COURSE level (after all lessons are completed)
In order to print the certificate, you must click on the folder icon beside the completed course.
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On-line Providers: As a school effectiveness company, Teachscape is dedicated to improving student outcomes in every classroom in every school. Using proven methodology and online multimedia resources, Teachscape designs professional learning experiences to help instructional leaders boost achievement. PD 360 is education's most comprehensive online professional development tool. Educators and administrators can use PD 360 to access 46 digitized Video Journal of Education programs-broken into hundreds of fully indexed and searchable segments. Free of charge to Arkansas educators, the Professional Development Series offers approximately 30 hours per week of professional development programs on the Scholar digital channel and more than 850 hours of Web-based training courses within AETN's professional development library. The Arkansas Department of Education has approved all of the PBS TeacherLine courses for Professional Development. There are a limited number of ADE prioritized course seats available at no charge for Educators who are teaching in selected School Improvement locations. Once the Educators in the selected schools are provided the opportunity to enroll, any remaining seats will be available to all Educators until filled. AETN Scholar is Arkansas's first and only fulltime channel devoted to educators. Scholar provides programs educators can use in the classroom, as well as programs that can be used for professional development.
Well known faces in education that you will see in the IDEAS Portal! Glen Singleton Michael Fullan Todd Whitaker Robert J. Marzano
PBS TeacherLine… COURSES RUN FOUR TIMES PER YEAR: January, March, June, & October ENROLLING IN A PBS TEACHERLINE COURSE: Log into the IDEAS Portal. Click on "Home" Tab. Click on "Available" Tab. FREE COURSES: The Arkansas Department of Education and Arkansas Educational Television Network will pay for one free course per term. Since we offer four (4) terms, a learner can take four (4) free courses per year. TO SEE A LIST OF COURSES AVAILABLE: http://ideas.aetn.org/teacherline/courses/catalog CEU CREDIT: To insure that your district will approve a PBS TeacherLine course for PD credit before you take a course, you may want to ask your supervisor or district for a preliminary review. You can print a letter from this link, http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/for-teachers/, and the course description syllabus to provide for approval.
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Need help with finding new PD? Try “Build a Workshop!” Curriculum, content and learning strategies onsite workshops designed for your school's needs are now available to you. Call the Education Division at 1-800-488-6689 or email: ideas@aetn.org to set up your own workshop.
Contact us: Technical support, administrative privileges, onsite workshop scheduling Arkansas IDEAS help desk Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30pm 1-800-488-6689 email: ideas@aetn.org www.arkansasideas.org