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Ergonomics Extravaganza. Drs. Matthew and Michelle Mix. Computer Usage. 75 percent of Americans use the Internet and spend an average three hours a day online." Brad Stone, "Hi-Tech's New Day", Newsweek, April 11, 2005, p. 62
Ergonomics Extravaganza Drs. Matthew and Michelle Mix
Computer Usage • 75 percent of Americans use the Internet and spend an average three hours a day online." • Brad Stone, "Hi-Tech's New Day", Newsweek, April 11, 2005, p. 62 • 80 percent of children between the ages of eight and 18 regularly use computers • International Ergonomics Association’s (IEA) Ergonomics for Children and Educational Environments Technical Committee
Taking Breaks • Almost all ergonomics professionals agree that taking breaks during typing is essential for preventing and recovering from RSI. There are 3 types of breaks a typist should take.
Eye breaks: Looking at a computer screen causes your eyes to blink less often which exposes your eye surface to air for more time. This can cause changes in how your eyes normally function. Every 15 minutes or so you should look at a distant object or scene more than 20 feet away for a 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your eye strain. Every 30 minutes you should also blink your eyes rapidly for 10 seconds. This refreshes the tear film and clears dust from the eye surface.
Micro-breaks: Occupational studies reveal that typing occurs mostly in short bursts of activity, not as a continuous activity. Between these typing bursts you should do something to break the repetitive nature of the typing activity. Performing a brief stretch, standing up or moving around can all do this. A micro-break is not a break from your usual activities but rather a break from the repetitive nature of your activities. Micro-breaks are vital for RSI prevention.
Rest-breaks: Every 60 - 90 minutes a brief rest break should be taken. These breaks usually span between 2 to 5 minutes or even longer depending on the strain. During these breaks it is recommended that you stand up and move around. Get a glass of water for example. It is also important to do some small exercise to relieve muscle fatigue. Rest breaks give other muscles a chance to work, which helps relieve fatigue and increase stamina. If you already experience RSI pain, then timing these breaks is extremely important. See how long you can type without experiencing pain, tingling or numbness then subtract 10 minutes from that. This period should be the amount of time you type before taking a break.
Arm Across Chest • This will stretch out your shoulders, upper arms and upper back and improve your posture whilst you work on your computer. • Place your right arm across your chest, and your left hand just above your elbow. • Pull your arm across chest and hold for 10 seconds. • Relax, then repeat on other arm. www.rsiwarrior.com/ergonomics.html
Backwards Lean • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands on lower back. • Looking straight ahead, slowly lean back, keeping legs straight.
Neck Tilt • This exercise will stretch the upper shoulder and neck muscles. This will allow easier head movements and improve blood circulation. • Sitting straight in your chair, tilt head towards one shoulder as far as you can without straining.
Calf Stretch • Prolonged sitting can lead to poor blood circulation in the lower limbs. This exercise will help move stale blood out of the lower limbs and will help to keep the calf muscles flexible. • Raise a leg so that it is straight. • Point your toes towards you. • Hold for few seconds. • Point away, hold for few seconds. • Repeat
Mouse Movement • When using a mouse the following techniques significantly lessen the strain:When clicking, moving the cursor around the screen in circles a few times after the click provides a tiny exercise. This helps relieve strain from the click itself. • Avoid resting your wrist and forearms when moving the mouse. • Move the mouse from your shoulder. • Avoid gripping the mouse tightly, instead hold the mouse gently with all your fingers. • Avoid lifting your smallest finger when using the mouse. • Click the mouse buttons gently and patiently.
Lifting/Carrying • Keep your chin up while lifting and setting objects down. This helps to engage your legs and spares your back! Also, never keep your knees locked straight while forward bending - this places too much stress on the low back and can cause "locking" of the sacroiliac joints (this hurts!). Therefore, always try to partially bend at least one knee while bending - you'll notice the difference. • Carry objects as close to your chest as possible to decrease the forces placed upon the spine. • Don't twist while carrying. The lower back (lumbar spine) is not designed for twisting. Pivot, if you must turn. • If given the choice, it's better to push a heavy load than to pull it. Simple physics dictate this, so why mess with Mother Nature?
Garden Tools • The right tool starts with the grip…a pliable, non-slip grip is best. • A pliable, soft grip will protect your joints and help keep your hand from cramping. • A non-slip handle means you don't have to waste energy hanging onto the tool. • Note the bicycle grips added to some of the tool handles. • Next, look for a tool with the right size grip. To find the right fit, make a circle with your index finger and thumb. That's how big the grip of your tool should be. When buying a new tool, look for tools with a depression or ridge on the handle. This will keep your hand lined up with the tool in a neutral position - with the thumb up and the wrist straight. This will keep you from straining your hand, arm and shoulder and encourage you to use the tool in a smooth, gliding motion. • Tools with longer handles will make it easier to garden by saving you from bending over or overextending your reach in the garden. A long handle will also give you some leverage and help you in using the tool. • Check the weight of any tool you're going to buy and any tool you already use. The tool should be heavy enough to be durable but not so heavy it is fatiguing to use. A lightweight tool means more energy to garden.
Kneeling • Use knee pads/kneeling pad
Ergonomic Sleeping Positions • Never sleep on your stomach. Sleeping on the stomach increases the normal curves in the neck and the low back resulting in additional nerve compression and stress to the guiding joints or facets of the vertebrae. • Sleep on your side with the knees slightly bent and one pillow between the knees. • Side sleeping — Pull your pillow down into the shoulder to support the neck. • For sleep on your back, place two pillows under the knees to reduce stress to the low back, neck and mid back. • Back sleeping - In order to support the neck, the pillow must accept the weight of the back of the head.
Standing • Rubber mat — If you stand behind a counter or at a cash register can cushion the feet reducing stress on the legs and spine. • One foot up — When standing it's best to spread the feet at shoulder width and put equal weight on each foot. However, with extended standing if there is a cabinet bottom or ledge behind the counter where you stand, you can temporarily put one foot up on the ledge, switching feet from time to time and also standing on both feet evenly, to reduce stress to the low back. • Rise on toes — With your feet at shoulder width and your weight placed evenly on each foot, slowly rise on your toes lifting your heels from the floor. This will contract the muscles of the leg which will not only exercise the muscles but will facilitate the return of the blood to your heart. • Flat footed squat- If struck by a back pain or spasm in the low back with extended standing, put your feet at shoulder width, bend your knees, squat down to the floor rocking back on your heels and find the center of gravity. You should experience relief.
Phone vs. Headset • Headsets allow for a neutral spine position
Video Gaming • “If you see the kids using [portable] games, their necks are forward flexed, they’re not holding the game with their arms next to their body, they have awkward postures. There’s repetition and duration,” • Karen Jacobson Ed.D., CPE, OTR/L, FAOTA, Clinical Professor of Occupational Therapy at Boston University • orthopedic and rehabilitation specialists are reporting record numbers of children with hand and upper-extremity injuries, mostly the results of playing video games. • Inland Southern California Press-Enterprise
That’s why we check children. Let’s give our children every opportunity for a healthier life.