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The Spanish Days of the Week and examples of use. “What day is it today?” – “¿ Qué dia es hoy?”. “Today is Saturday” = “Hoy es sábado ”. lunes - LOOH-ness martes – MAHR-tess miércoles – mee – EHR – coll-ess jueves – hw-EV-ess viernes – bee-EHR-ness sábado – SAH-ba-doh
The Spanish Days of the Week and examples of use “What day is it today?” – “¿Quédiaes hoy?” “Today is Saturday” = “Hoy essábado” lunes - LOOH-ness martes – MAHR-tess miércoles – mee – EHR – coll-ess jueves – hw-EV-ess viernes – bee-EHR-ness sábado – SAH-ba-doh domingo- doh-MEEN-goh Note that the Spanish days of the week (and the months) are NOT capitalised unlike in English “¿Qué dia es hoy?” “Hoy es……….”
So – what sort of things do you do on certain days?, well for most of us it’s work between Monday and Friday: “Los lunesempiezo el trabajo a lasocho” – On Mondays I start work at eight o’clock “¿Cuálestudíapreferido? – What is your favourite day?......................... Mi día preferido es el sábado porque estoy libre Mi día preferido no es el lunes porque tengo que ir al trabajo (….y martes, y miércoles, y jueves………..!!!)
Let’s try some basic words…..(note these are just at random) Click the mouse until a spanish word appears, try to answer it before clicking again………. Ejemplo……..”los deberes = “ Homework Ahorausted : (con turatón) Mi hermano My brother Mujer Woman Descansar To rest El recreo Break Ayer Yesterday Anteayer Day before yesterday Caro Expensive Borracho/a Drunk La asignatura Subject/Course
So you like Spanish – ¿tegustaespañol? Let’s have a look at how we say whether or not we like something, or whether or not “it pleases us”. The verb GUSTAR followed by the NOUN expresses likes and dislikes…. Ejemplo – “Me gustanavegarpor internet” – I like surfing the internet (lit. it pleases me) Ahorausted : (con turatón) Me gusta hacer parapente (pero es muy peligroso) I like paragliding (but it is very dangerous) Me gusta la paella pero no me gustan los vinos I like the paella but I do not like wine Me gusta el teatro (pero es aburrido a veces) I like the theatre (but it is boring sometimes) Nos gusta jugar al fútbol We like playing football A Enrique le gusta ver la televisión Enrique likes watching television NB: thelastoneliterallymeans : To Enrique itispleasingtowatchthetelevision