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Senate Bill 16 Overview October 2014. ISBE Funding Principles. Adequacy —provides a level of funding sufficient for a high quality education. Simplicity —provides districts a predictable, understandable revenue stream that is used to maximize student outcomes.
Senate Bill 16 Overview October 2014
ISBE Funding Principles • Adequacy—provides a level of funding sufficient for a high quality education. • Simplicity—provides districts a predictable, understandable revenue stream that is used to maximize student outcomes. • Transparency—is easily accessed and understood by all citizens. • Equity—begins with everyone contributing a minimum tax rate and adjusts for student need by weighting the formula to allow for additional resources to address impediments to student achievement. • Outcome-focused –encourages student growth in learning.
Senate Bill 16 An education funding formula that provides additional weights for pupils with defined characteristics to arrive at a district budget from which available local resources are deducted. (Foundation Level (FL) x Combined Student Weight) x District ADA ) – Available Local Resources = Primary State Aid Primary State Aid is the greater of District Budget – Available Resources or a Flat Grant Amount (3.5% of FL). Hold Harmless Provisions: “Phase-In Period” Year 1 – A district will realize 25% of the Gain or Loss compared to the base year Year 2 – A district will realize 50% of the Gain or Loss compared to the base year Year 3 – A district will realize 75% of the Gain or Loss compared to the base year $1,000 Per Pupil Loss Cap No district will lose more than $1,000 per pupil as compared to the base year. This provision is indefinite. The model for Senate Bill 16 is based upon data from the 2011-2012 School Year and Fiscal Year 2013 Distributions.
What are the Characteristics of the Winners and Losers? Districts that Win • Average Low Income Concentration of 53% • Average Available Local Resource Per Pupil $3,309 Districts that Lose • Average Low Income Concentration of 28% • Average Available Local Resources Per Pupil $8,952
Districts with Higher Student Need have less Available Local Resources
PTELL Adjustment Why does the PTELL Adjustment Increase So Much even with an 80% PTELL EAV Floor? FY13 Gross GSA Claim PTELL Adjustment $502m SB 16 PTELL Adjustment $762m Increase $260m The GSA Foundation Formula Claim has three different funding levels: • Foundation Method 0% to <93% of the FL in ALR • Alternate Method 93% to <175% of the FL in ALR (5% to 7% of FL) • Flat Grant Method 175% and above of the FL in ALR ($218) SB16 Eliminates the 2nd funding level and the PTELL Adjustment is now: (Real EAV – PTELL EAV) x Assumed Rate
Senate Bill 16 Oversight & Accountability • ISBE Support: Dedicated funding for ISBE staff & contractual services for ELL and Special Education oversight and support • Reporting: For each district, reporting of weights and funding attributable to those weights • District Plans: For districts required to complete a District Improvement Plan, budget submitted with the plan must demonstrate budgeting for strategies giving priorities to low-income, ELL, and special education students consistent with weighting • CPS School Allocations: Maintain the current SGSA requirement for $261M to be distributed to schools pursuant to an ISBE-approved plan • School Based Budgeting: Beginning in the second year of the law’s implementation, ISBE institutes a system for accounting for revenues and expenditures at the individual school level, which would highlight inequities that may exist within a school district.
Senate Bill 16Review Committee & Adequacy Study • Primary State Aid Review Committee: Recommendations by January 31, 2017 addressing: • Relating funding to district accountability or accreditation status • Whether to include State CTE and special education transportation in the formula • Whether to account for municipal impact fees, TIF distributions, available fund balances, etc. in ALR calculation • Whether regionalization factors should be incorporated • Methods for reducing PTELL adjustments • Adequacy Study: Subject to funding, by no later than 1/31/19 ISBE is to contract for a study of the adequacy of education funding in the State.
Senate Bill 16ISBE Identified Opportunities for Improvements Measurement of Available Local Resources • Assumed Rates • Tax Increment Financing Districts Distributions • Personal Property Replacement Tax Distributions • Elimination of the PTELL Adjustment High Cost Special Education Reimbursement • The original language in SB 16 placed reimbursement for private special education facilities at the same level as placements within district-run programs $1,000 Per Pupil Loss Cap • A phase out of the provision for a $1,000 Per Pupil Loss Cap Incentives • Creation of more unit districts as opposed to dual districts • Regional High Schools for rural areas of the state