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2009 STAR How To Open and Read Your STAR Data CD-ROM

2009 STAR How To Open and Read Your STAR Data CD-ROM. Webcast May 27, 2009 Start time: 9:00 a.m. Objectives. The benefits of using the STAR CD-ROM as an information tool How to use the STAR Student Data Layout to look up student results for the CSTs, CMA, CAPA, and STS

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2009 STAR How To Open and Read Your STAR Data CD-ROM

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  1. 2009 STARHow To Open and Read Your STAR Data CD-ROM Webcast May 27, 2009 Start time: 9:00 a.m. STAR Student Data CD

  2. Objectives • The benefits of using the STAR CD-ROM as an information tool • How to use the STAR Student Data Layout to look up student results for the CSTs, CMA, CAPA, and STS • How to define a .TXT file • How to define an .XML file • What tools can be used to look at the STAR CD-ROM • How to find data on the STAR CD-ROM District STAR coordinators will know the following: STAR Student Data CD

  3. Agenda • What’s new for 2009 • Defining types of files that are available • Overview of .TXT and .XML • How to specify which is required • Identifying the default format • Defining the Student Data Layout • Break • CD-ROM contents • File One—Student identification data, test information, demographic data, subscore data • File Two—Student identification data, accommodations and modifications, test variations, irregularity data • Best tools to view data • Viewing the STAR CD-ROM—Software and text editor demonstration STAR Student Data CD

  4. What’s New? • Two distinct student files on each CD-ROM • File 1— Results for CST/CMA, CAPA, or STS and student demographic data, results, and subscore data. Demographic data are included for students who were enrolled on the first day of testing but were not tested. • File 2—Student names and other identifying data as well as any accommodations, modifications, special conditions for each student, English learner test variation data, and irregularity data. • The UIN File Linking Number • Unique identifier to link both data records • CAPA level for students taking CAPA STAR Student Data CD

  5. What’s New (Cont.) • 13 fields of File 1 are repeated in File 2 for identification purposes • Record Type • UIN - File Linking Number • Student Name • Student ID Number • Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) • Date of Birth Month • Date of Birth Day • Date of Birth Year • Gender • County/District Code • School Code • Grade • CAPA Level STAR Student Data CD

  6. What’s New (Cont.) • California Modified Assessment (CMA) scores: • Students in grades three to eight who took a CMA • Scale scores and Performance Levels for grades three to five only • Raw scores by reporting cluster and content area for grades three to five • Raw scores by content area for grades six to eight • Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) scores: • Students in grades two to eleven who took an STS (additional record) • Scale scores and performance Levels for grades two to four only • Raw scores by reporting cluster and content area for grades two to seven. • Raw scores by content area for grades eight to eleven. • California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Science performance levels STAR Student Data CD

  7. What Types of Files Are Available? STAR Student Data CD

  8. What Types of Files Are Available? • STAR produces two types of data files: • .TXT: A fixed-length file that is structured as a sequence of lines. The end of a text file is denoted by placing one or more special characters, known as an end-of-file marker, after the last line. • .XML: Extensible Markup Language; a general-purpose file layout designed for portability and system interoperability. Companion files to convert to MS Access will be available on www.startest.org. • XSL – Instructions for transform the XML file • XSD – Schema for creating Access tables STAR Student Data CD

  9. What Types of Files Are Available? (Cont.) • Requested by using the 2009 STAR Request for Student Data File and Additional Reports form (Appendix H in the Coordinator Manual; also available on startest.org). • Filled out by the district STAR coordinator • Sent back in Box 1 of your scorable STAR materials • Requested as ASCII .TXT file or an .XML file for PC or Mac; if neither selected, default is .TXT file • STAR does not provide student results in CSV or tab-delimited format STAR Student Data CD

  10. What Types of Files Are Available? (Cont.) STAR Student Data CD

  11. What Types of Files Are Available? (Cont.) STAR Student Data CD

  12. What Is the STAR 2008Student Data Layout? STAR Student Data CD

  13. What Is the STAR 2008Student Data Layout? • The STAR 2009 Student Data Layout is the map to access all STAR data. • When looking at data in a raw format, the Student Data Layout tells users what position and what line number they are viewing. STAR Student Data CD

  14. What Is the STAR 2008Student Data Layout? STAR Student Data CD

  15. Break STAR Student Data CD

  16. I Received My STAR CD-ROM, What’s On It? STAR Student Data CD

  17. I Received My STAR CD-ROM, What’s On It? (Cont.) • Student identification, demographic, and test information • Accommodation, modification, test variation, and subscore data • Can be used with a text editor or SIS system to find any data from STAR without resorting to paper documents • Can be used to find detail summarized in paper reports • Your CD-ROM does not contain .PDF files of your paper reports STAR Student Data CD

  18. File One STAR Student Data CD

  19. File One Student Identification Data • Student identification (13 fields) • Record Type • UIN File Linking Number • Student Name • Student (Local) ID Number • SSID Number • Date of Birth Month • Date of Birth Day • Date of Birth Year • Gender • County/District Code • School Code • Grade • CAPA Level STAR Student Data CD

  20. File One Student Identification Data STAR Student Data CD

  21. File One Student Identification Data STAR Student Data CD

  22. File OneTest Information and Demographic Data • Testing Start Date (from School and Grade Identification [SGID] sheet) • Test Information • Special Testing Conditions: • (A) Absent • (C) Student Observed Cheating • (E) Not Tested due to Significant Medical Emergency • (F) Test not Completed Due to Student Illness • (L) Enrolled After First Day and Was Tested • (M) Took some Tests but Moved Before this Test Was Administered • (P) Not Tested by Parent/Guardian Request • (T) Enrolled On First Day of Testing and Tested at Previous School • (X) Student Refused Accommodations / Modifications • (Y) Document Replaces a Lost or Destroyed Answer Document • (Z) Tested but Marked No Answers STAR Student Data CD

  23. File OneTest Information and Demographic Data STAR Student Data CD

  24. File OneTest Information and Demographic Data STAR Student Data CD

  25. File OneTest Information and Demographic Data • Includes but is not limited to: • English Proficiency • EL Date First Enrolled in U.S. School • R-FEP Date Reclassified • Student Scored Proficient or Advanced 3 years on ELA CST • Program Participation • Receiving Title I Services is deleted • Migrant Education • Indian Education • Gifted and Talented • EL Programs • EL in U.S schools < 12 months • NSLP • Primary Disability • Primary Ethnicity STAR Student Data CD

  26. File One Student Demographic Information STAR Student Data CD

  27. File OneSubscore Data STAR Student Data CD

  28. File One Student Demographic Information STAR Student Data CD

  29. File OneSubscore Data • CST, CMA ELA (3-5), STS RLA (2-7) Subscore Raw Score • CST, CMA (3-5), STS (2-7) Mathematics Subscore Raw Score • CST (Grades 5, 8), CMA Science (Grade 5), Life Science (Grade 10) Subscore Raw Score • CST History-Social Science (Grade 8), U.S. History (Grade 11) Subscore Raw Score • CST World History (Grades 9-11) Subscore Raw Score • CST EOC Science (Grades 9-11) Subscore Raw Score • CST ELA (Grades 4 or 7) Subscore Raw Score for Writing for Students taking CMA ELA or CMA ELA (Grades 4 or 7) Subscore Raw Score for Writing for Students taking CST ELA • EAP ELA status • EAP Mathematics status • EAP ELA—Student authorized ETS to release results to the California State University (CSU) • EAP Mathematics—Student authorized ETS to release results to CSU STAR Student Data CD

  30. File One – Reference Tables • CST, CMA, CAPA, STS Include Indicator (See Reference Table) • Alpha • Y = Include in Num Tested and Valid Scores • R = Include in Num Tested; CST FBB Perf. Level (CST only) • T = Include in Num Tested (CST only) • N = Not tested • Blank = Not Applicable STAR Student Data CD

  31. File Two STAR Student Data CD

  32. File Two Student Identification Data • Student identification • Record Type • UIN File Linking Number • Student Name • Student (Local) ID Number • SSID Number • Date of Birth Month • Date of Birth Day • Date of Birth Year • Gender • County/District Code • School Code • Grade • CAPA Level STAR Student Data CD

  33. File Two Student Identification Data STAR Student Data CD

  34. File Two Student Identification Data STAR Student Data CD

  35. File TwoAccommodations and Modifications • Accommodation or modification in section 504 plan or in Individualized Education Program (IEP) • There are 23 Accommodation and Modification designations possible. • List includes but is not limited to: • (B) Student marked in test book and responses were transferred • (C) Student dictated response to a scribe • (H) Used Large Print • (I) Used Additional Time • (P) Student used Audio CD STAR Student Data CD

  36. File TwoAccommodations and Modifications STAR Student Data CD

  37. File TwoAccommodations and Modifications STAR Student Data CD

  38. File TwoAccommodations and Modifications Note: Accommodations and modifications are listed for each component of STAR STAR Student Data CD

  39. File TwoEnglish Learner Test Variation Data • English learner test variations • (A) Student heard the test directions printed in the DFA “SAY” boxes translated into the student’s primary language • (B) Student had additional supervised breaks • (C) Student was tested separately with other English learners • (D) Student had access to translation glossary STAR Student Data CD

  40. File Two English Learner Test Variation Data STAR Student Data CD

  41. File Two English Learner Test Variation Data STAR Student Data CD

  42. File TwoIrregularity Data • Box A-1, row 1—There was an adult testing irregularity • Box A-1, row 2—There was inappropriate test preparation STAR Student Data CD

  43. File TwoIrregularity Data STAR Student Data CD

  44. What’s the Best Tool to View my STAR Student Data? STAR Student Data CD

  45. What’s the Best Tool to View my STAR Student Data? • Your district’s SIS • Eagle/Aeries • Ready Reports • PowerSchool • SASI • Edusoft • IDMS *ETS STAR/TAC DOES NOT ENDORSE OR OFFER DESKTOP SUPPORT FOR ANY SPECIFIC STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM STAR Student Data CD

  46. What’s the Best Tool to View my STAR Student Data? (Cont.) • Use your SIS to its fullest • Make it the keeper of all your student identification, demographic, and test result information • Always back up your data and check with your (SIS) vendor for any new updates, training, and importing procedures for your STAR data to your SIS system • Always spot check your data for accuracy • Restrict access to your student information system to authorized personnel STAR Student Data CD

  47. What’s the Best Tool to View my STAR Student Data? (Cont.) • Our district does not have an SIS what can we use? • Access • Excel • Text editor STAR Student Data CD

  48. What’s the Best Tool to View my STAR Student Data? (Cont.) • Text editors such as WordPad and EditPad Pro allow you to look up data on your CD-ROM by following the line number and position number on the data file STAR Student Data CD

  49. What’s the Best Tool to View my STAR Student Data (Cont.) STAR Student Data CD

  50. What’s the Best Tool to View my STAR Student Data (Cont.) STAR Student Data CD

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