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Comprehensive Guide to Framing Plans for Building Construction

Learn about creating and interpreting framing plans, wall reinforcement, roof framing, and floor framing plans. Understand seismic and wind resistance, lateral loads, and effective construction methods.

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Comprehensive Guide to Framing Plans for Building Construction

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  1. Chapter 30 Drawing Framing Plans

  2. Links for Chapter 30 Framing Members Lateral Loads Wall Reinforcement Roof Framing Plans Floor Framing Plans

  3. Framing Plans • Used to show location of all walls, and openings, header sizes, and structural components • Drawn looking down on the first floor plan and up at the second floor plan • Roofing plan shows rafters and other roof members

  4. Framing Members • Headers are located over every opening in a wall and referenced by a note • Beams are represented by dashed lines • Posts and columns in a room match wall lines and size specified on a 45° angle • Joists, rafters, and trusses are shown by a thing line with an arrow at each end

  5. FramingMembers

  6. FramingMembers

  7. Seismic and Wind Resistance • Local or general notes are used to indicate which walls are to be reinforced • Metal straps are shown with a line and note to specify its characteristics • Include the manufactures, size, and required nailing/blocking for all straps

  8. Seismic andWindSpecifications

  9. Lateral Loads • Prescriptive design methods are supplied by building codes • Intended for simple buildings and less design • Walls are limited to 10 feet high • Written for wind speeds less than 130 mph

  10. Lateral Loads • Braced wall lines are considered the exterior of a residence • Braced wall panels (BWP) are used if the panel is less than 48” long • Alternative braced wall panel (ABWP) are at least 2’-8” long • Portal frame uses panels 22 1/2” wide

  11. Lateral Loads

  12. Braced Wall Construction • Nominal 1 X 4 between 45°and 60° let-in brace into the top and bottom plates • Diagonal boards with net thickness of 5/8” • Wood sheathing at least 5/16” thick over studs 16” o.c. or 3/8” over studs 24” o.c. • Gypsum board 1/2” thick over 24” o.c. studs

  13. Braced Wall Construction • Particle board wall sheathing panels • Portland cement plaster on studs 16” o.c. • Hardboard panel siding • See Tables 30-12A, B, and C for more detail

  14. Representing Wall Reinforcement

  15. Representing Wall Reinforcement • Example of the placement of braced wall and alternative braced wall

  16. Representing Wall Reinforcement • Example of the placement of portal frames to resist lateral loads

  17. Representing Wall Reinforcement • Example of the placement of braced walls using prescriptive design methods

  18. Representing Wall Reinforcement • Dimensions for framing plans are done using the same technique for floor plans • Notes are used to ensure compliance with codes • Section references show where cross sections are cut

  19. Roof Framing Plans • Draw outline of exterior walls • Draw posts and headers for porches • Draw overhang limits (24” at eaves and 12” at gable ends) • Locate all ridges • Locate all hips or valleys formed by roof intersections

  20. Roof Framing Plans • Locate all roof openings, such as skylights and chimneys • Complete all lines to finished quality • Follow steps outlined in the book for gable, hip, Dutch hip, for both truss and rafter framing

  21. Gable Roofwith Trusses

  22. Hip Roofwith Rafters

  23. DutchHip Roofwith Trusses

  24. Floor Framing Plans • Complete all dimensioning for the floor plan • Specify door and window symbols • Draw any vaulted boundaries • Draw and label the arrows to indicate framing members • Draw and specify all beams, headers, and posts

  25. Floor Framing Plans • Provide local notes to specify any materials • Provide local notes for necessary straps and metal connectors • Provide general notes for framing material

  26. UpperFramingPlan

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